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Mastering the Art of Sacrifice: Obtaining Ultimate Power in Diablo IV

From cultist fanatics to corrupted goatmen, the Ruins of Eridu dungeon is infested with enemies. But for the ambitious Necromancer, the threats pale compared to the promise of reward – the legendary Sacrificial Aspect amulet. This guide will show you how to brave the shadowy maze and claim the ultimate treasure within.

A Relic of Power Amongst Forgotten Ruins

The entrance to these ruins can be found nestled in southeast Hawezar‘s Toxic Fens, amid eroding walls that have stood since the Sin War. For generations it has remained untouched, but rumors circulate of an ancient evil recently awakening here, drawn by whispers of the amulet‘s presence.

Indeed, the Sacrificial Aspect has a storied history…allegedly fashioned from the fragments of the first Necromancer‘s shattered phylactery. Other tales describe it as a gift from Lilith herself.

All that‘s certain is its wearer gains the strength to reshape reality through sacrifice, tearing at flesh and soul to remake the world. A mere trinket to some, but for a Necromancer, it means apotheosis.

And so to the Ruins of Eridu we must venture. Gird yourself for blood and battle – such power is never lightly gained!

Navigating the Treacherous Depths

The passages below twist maze-like, with peril around each corner…

First awaits the Outer Ruins, domain of the goatmen. Use doorways to obstruct their charges while withering them with curses. In the central chamber, a unique Shaman enchants his kin – slay him first!

Next comes the Flooded Crypts, where monstrosities lurk beneath the surface, waiting to drag you into the depths! Lure them through chokepoints and greet them with Bone Spears.

At last, the Ritual Sanctum, lorded by the unliving Priest of Dumat. Focus his Graveknight escorts before focusing your wrath upon the Priest. And beware his Deafening Shriek!

But those who walk the line between life and death fear no darkness. If you yet stand, the inner sanctum lies before you!

[[Locations image gallery]]

Mastering the Apex of Sacrificial Power

The final chamber holds our prize. But claiming it is just the beginning…

To fully embrace the instrument of our ascendance, one must fathom the nuances of Sacrifice. Target for maximum efficiency. Balance Health costs against Essence returns. Math out secondary effects and synergies.

Here the true beauty of the Necromancer shines – not just mastering death, but understanding it intimately so you can bend it to your will!

Equip your Aspect and replace weakness with dominance! Cull hordes without exertion. Empower armies that blot out the heavens! Become the conductor of the grandest orchestral masterpiece to ever echo through Hell!

Thus is the first step on the road to transcendence fulfilled. When the demons weep in terror and angels dare not interfere, you will know Sacrifice has yielded its full dividends.

The world awaits remaking, O Chosen of the Dead! Go forth and SEIZE it!

[[Sacrificial Aspect equipped screenshot]]