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Unearthing Treasure in Ruin A-03‘s Chests

Ruined Tower

Tower of Fantasy‘s abandoned ruins conceal precious chests for intrepid explorers. Among them is the vine-covered Ruin A-03, housing two chests with valuable gear enhancement materials. This guide will lead you directly to their locations while sharing expert tips to overcome A-03‘s dangers.

Introduction to Ruins and Chests

The ancient ruins scattered across Aida hold remnants of past civilizations that met their demise from the Calamity. These derelict towers, laboratories and settlements are now inhabited by wildlife and patrolled by robots.

Despite the dangers, ruins offer chests containing rare materials that make braving them worthwhile:

Chest Type Common Contents Respawn Time
Standard Battery Fragments, Data Packs 3 days
Luxurious Weapon/Equipment Batteries, Matrix Data Packs 7 days
Ruin Weapon/Equipment Batteries, Matrix Data Packs 14 days

Table: Chest contents and respawn times [Source: Official TofWiki]

With rarer crafting materials, gear upgrade components and simulacrum data items, ruin chests are priority targets for resource-hungry wanderers.

Why Visit Ruin Zone A-03

Relative to other ruins, Zone A-03‘s chest rewards provide moderately valuable progression materials:

  • Weapon Battery II – Raises weapon levels, strengthening traits/attributes
  • Matrix Data Pack II – Upgrades simulacrum modules with bonuses

These will help upgrade your capabilities faster than standard chest drops. While A-03‘s contents are not as potent as high-level C and B ruins, it‘s much safer at lower World Levels.

Comparison to Other Ruins

Ruin Enemies Chest 1 Chest 2
A-03 Hyenas, Robots Weapon Battery II, Matrix Data II Weapon Battery II, Matrix Data II
B-02 Dragons, Robots Shield/Booster Battery III Relic Generator, Weapon Battery III
C-01 World Boss SSR Weapon/Matrices Data Pack III, Battery IV

Step-By-Step Guide to A-03‘s Chests

Follow these directions leading directly to both A-03 chest locations:

Chest #1

Vines on Wall

  1. Enter the front A-03 entrance
  2. Jump up the right wall covered in vines
  3. Follow the path upwards onto an overlook platform
  4. Open the chest to receive Weapon Battery II & Matrix Data Pack II

Chest #2

Laser Barrier

  1. Defeat patrolling Hyenas after grabbing first chest
  2. Take the winding side path deeper underground
  3. Enter the laser barrier section
  4. Disable lasers using an Omnium Handcannon below them
  5. Open the chest to receive another set of A-03 rewards

Expert Tips for Conquering Ruin A-03

Here are some pro strategies to safely traverse A-03:

  • Bring electro and physical DPS to counter shielded robots/unshielded beasts
  • Time your evasion skills to bypass barrier lasers when they flicker
  • Use the Handcannon‘s charged shots to paralyze foes
  • Launch enemies into laser barriers to defeat multiple threats
  • Co-op clears rooms faster with synergistic weapons/elements

As a Social Media Marketing expert and avid Tower of Fantasy player, exploring ruins for progression materials aligns with my passion for uncovering hidden treasures. I hope these tips help you safely navigate Ruin A-03 and unlock rewards to upgrade your teams even further on the ascent up Aida!