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Rudeus‘s Long Road to Redemption – Battling Orsted and the Death God

Rudeus Greyrat‘s epic journey in Mushoku Tensei has been defined by love, grief, and the desperate struggle against fate to reclaim his humanity. Endowed with prodigious magical talents, early victories swelled Rudeus‘s ambitions to dangerous heights – now, tempered by devastating failures, he seeks redemption through a climactic rematch against the formidable Orsted.

The Long Shadow of Arrogance

"With great power comes great responsibility" – Rudeus would learn this age-old maxim all too bitterly. Prophesized as an epic hero from birth, his innate gifts for magic fueled an arrogance that led him to treat life like a game. Cold, calculating, and ruthlessly pragmatic, Rudeus manipulated even loved ones to advance his standing.

Eris Greyrat, Rudeus‘s first love, once declared she would slay her husband herself before allowing betrayal. Yet Rudeus callously exploited the proud warrior‘s sense of honor for political leverage, driving her to attempted suicide from sheer humiliation.

Sylphiette, the gentle healer, lost her first husband Luke to Rudeus’s short-sighted schemes. Consumed by grief, only her devotion to lifelong friend Ariel enabled Sylphy to regain any sense of purpose.

The free-spirited half-beast Roxy, Rudeus’s magic tutor and surrogate mother figure, tried warning him: “That cold look in your eyes – have you forgotten how to see people as people?" Yet Rudeus arrogantly believed himself above consequences…until Roxy perished in his arms, yet another victim of callow misjudgment.

Even his infant son and daughter – casualties of a brazen coup attempt engineered by Rudeus himself to install his friend Ariel as Asura’s ruler.

The sheer scale of damage wrought by his callousness finally broke through to Rudeus. "Ambition intoxicated me – I trampled over lives in pursuit of power." This painful self-reckoning drove Rudeus into isolation, consumed by anguish over friends lost to the ripple effects of his schemes for greatness.

Rudeus tormented by grief and regret (Mushoku Tensei anime)

The Winding Road to Redemption

A chance encounter with the mysterious warrior Orsted unlocked shocking revelations for Rudeus, kindling new hope from the ashes of despair.

Orsted revealed a vista never imagined by mortal minds – this world‘s true form as a hollow cube! Floating amidst an endless void permeated by invisible “Mana” particles, the very fabric enabling spacetime manipulation. Indeed, Orsted himself demonstrated such mastery, having experienced countless centuries warping back after failed attempts to challenge the sinister Fate Demon, Hitogami!

Rudeus sensed intimate sympathy in the Dragon God’s icy layers – both prodigies bore deep scars from shouldering impossible burdens. Orsted’s slate too held stains; slaying Rudeus effortlessly in their first duel, he now offered cynical mentoring to the humbled mage.

Renewed purpose dispelling his doubts, Rudeus vowed to avert the deaths haunting his conscience and defy the callous machinations of Hitogami for good. Turning to guidance from the displaced Earth native Nanahoshi, he prepared elaborate countermeasures while training fiercely to withstand Orsted’s arcane onslaught.

Meanwhile, Rudeus‘s loyal wife Eris set aside old grudges, re-igniting her warrior spirit under Orsted and the Sword God’s intense tutelage. Transcending mortal limits, Eris‘ dancing blade-arts soon mimicked the Argent Phoenix Goddess herself! Though seemingly immortal, Orsted spurned false virtue; to these battle-scarred veterans, defeating Hitogami justified any sacrifice.

Eris clashes with Orsted (Mushoku Tensei anime)

The Philosopher King

Rudeus‘s newfound maturity shone as Ariel formally assumed Asura‘s throne. Rule required wisdom transcending personal desire – thus Perugius tested the young idealist.

Ariel emphasised selfless continuity of values; PERUGIOUS embodied this principle for centuries. Yet the ancient elf undermined human sovereignty, demanding rulers prove their worth. Ariel‘s convictions swayed the callous Sorcerer King, earning his blessing and underscoring her growth since blindly following Rudeus’ disastrous ploys.

By contrast the exiled nobleman Gallus valued only status, scheming ceaselessly for control. Rudeus astutely recognised this lust cannot be moderated, only destroyed. Assassination would merely birth a martyr, yet Gallus lacked vision beyond petty politics. Thus Rudeus recommended surrendering some authority, allowing this deluded rival to govern a minor province far from influence under strict oversight.

Surprising wisdom for one formerly so arrogant! Rudeus grounded his new philosophy in Orsted‘s teachings – no society perfectly satisfies all, thus seek incremental improvements balancing competing views. Ariel‘s progressive idealism now tempered by realism – fair prosperity cannot outpace development of individual character.

Ariel is crowned Queen of Asura

Death God‘s Revelation

Consolidating Asura’s future, Rudeus accompanied Ariel subduing renegade nobles still beholden to her late father. This bore an unsettling encounter with the legendary regicide "Death God" Randolph.

This eccentric warrior‘s robes hid mutilated flesh from countless battles with Asura‘s mightiest champions. Rudeus knew well the blood-drenched legend – Death builds character, thus I grant fools their final lesson!

Yet clashing with Orsted unlocked Randolph’s deepest secrets – his mission to secure the rightful heir, Benedict‘s orphaned son Bertrand! Maternal love lent fearsome Queen Zenith staunch loyalty even beyond death; thus Randolph upheld her gambit to ensure succession.

Beneath the savage exterior lay profound empathy – Randolph’s own child perished from corruption in Benedict’s court. Slaying the depraved monarch offered cold comfort; instead this paragon of duty found purpose guarding Bertrand’s destiny as Asura’s redeemer.

Rudeus saw himself in Randolph’s story – failed father given one chance at redemption. Together with Orsted, they would topple the wicked and guide this child of hope!

The Long View

With catastrophe narrowly averted, Rudeus focused inward, channeling grief into wisdom. Supporting wives Eris and Sylphy through inner demons, he practiced the patience and empathy once beyond him. Ariel‘s new commitment to just rule saw Rudeus emerge from isolation. He even built bridges with Paul, healing old wounds.

Enduring a miscarriage with Eris proved bitter indeed – yet their tender bond grew stronger. And befriending orphan Tilia despite a traumatic past as a slave showed Rudeus embracing compassion once alien to him.

Rudeus finds joy with his family

Observing ruthless nobles and apathetic merchants, Rudeus felt restored moral purpose. He funded rescue missions delivering trafficking victims to new lives, reminding the jaded that evil prevails when enough good people lose empathy. Even the Ancient Dragon King Perugius, for centuries numb to transient human affairs, warmed to Rudeus’s crusade against injustice.

Perugius stressed civilization spanning eras, outlasting any single lifetime – activators of lasting change think beyond themselves. Thus Rudeus poured passion into mentoring youth shown the same empathy once missing in himself – Lilia, Paul’s abandoned daughter, and the orphan Talhand.

Orsted reinforced the long view – achieving optimal reality requires countless adjustments balancing infinite variables. With allies in the eccentric genius Zanoba, demi-human leader Ruijerd and even former rival Gallus, Rudeus and Orsted discreetly began uniting factions against existential threats looming ahead. For they alone grasped the extent of corruption rooted in Asura’s depths – Benedict, Randolf, even faithful Zenith implicated in sinister research to weaponize the power of Death itself! And notes found scattered amid Benedict’s remains referenced the hellish Land of the Dead – a fiery realm somehow tied to the mysterious Mana particles comprising reality itself…

These troubling clues hinted at the true menace lurking behind Hitogami and the presumed Demon Lord Laplace. Rudeus had narrowly dodged disaster; now duty called for his life‘s purpose – mastering space and time to shield all existence from sinister forces plotting oblivion!

Rudeus prepares for his true battle against fate

Key Takeaways: Rudeus‘s Redemption Arc

  • Trauma from devastating losses checks Rudeus‘s arrogance, instilling empathy
  • Orsted‘s insights expand Rudeus‘s perspective on fate and duty
  • Supporting loved ones‘ personal growth cements Rudeus‘s maturity
  • Thwarting evil nobles ignites Rudeus‘s sense of justice
  • Confronting the Death God Randolph highlights redemption‘s true meaning as selflessness and sacrifice
  • Omens of threats to reality itself shape Rudeus‘s new purpose – mastering space-time to shield existence

Tempered by grief into wisdom, and enlightened by Orsted‘s eternal vision, Rudeus prepares for battles far exceeding his appointed fate – to fulfill the ultimate redemption by becoming a shield against extinction itself.