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Revisiting 9/11: The Dancing Israelis and Suspicions of Israeli Foreknowledge

On September 11, 2001, tragedy struck America. As the Twin Towers collapsed, 5 young Israeli men were spotted dancing jubilantly while filming the chaos from New Jersey across the river. When apprehended, they claimed to be innocent documentation agents sent merely to record history. However, I believe the evidence warrants deeper scrutiny.

In this investigative exposé, I‘ll analyze the implications of an extensive Israeli spy ring uncovered shortly after 9/11, contextual clues around their foreknowledge, and suspicions of auxiliary operational involvement beyond mere documentation.

Urban Moving Systems – a Front for Israeli Intelligence?

The 5 Israelis were employed by Urban Moving Systems, a small New Jersey moving company located across the Hudson river, just minutes from where the first plane struck.

Strangely, no customers ever saw them conduct moving activities despite the company name. The business owner Dominik Suter exhibited suspiciously intense security consciousness before fleeing to Israel following 9/11, refusing all media interviews to this day.

When questioned by journalists, the building owner next door explained how Suter‘s demeanor changed radically after 9/11, from carefree to extremely intense security obsession. This suggests he had become deeply concerned with the attention now focused on his "moving company" which apparently existed only on paper.

An anonymous police source later confirmed federal counterintelligence officials had definitively tied Urban Moving Systems to a foreign intelligence gathering operation on US soil. The location near the attack site, lack of actual moving services delivered, and rapid close down indicate it served as a front concealing activities related to tracking and documentation of the 9/11 tragedy.

But to what extent beyond documentation? As we explore further, I believe readers may share my opinion that Israeli foreknowledge and operational facilitation at minimum warrants transparent investigation.

Geo-Political Context

In 2000, US-Israel bilateral relations grew strained. The election loss of Israeli ally Benjamin Netanyahu followed by increasingly vocal US support for Palestinian statehood signaled tension around Israeli regional objectives. With the cordial Recep Tayyip Erdoğan now leading Turkey, Israel faced isolation in its stance against Palestinian sovereignty and assaults in the occupied territories.

Hardline figures blamed Clinton‘s perceived even-handedness for growing international sympathy for Palestinians. Right-wing Likud and conservative factions worried the Bush administration may continue pressuring Israel towards compromise, undermining their security strategy in Gaza and the West Bank.

Thus in 2001, the Israeli far right likely saw the new US administration as problematic regarding their territorial interests. When examining the 9/11 attacks and resultant War on Terror that overwhelmingly boosted Israeli objectives, this context provides potential motive. Those favoring militant Israeli expansionism stood to benefit tremendously from a panicked America launching wide-scale Middle East military action.

I highlight this backstory simply to establish motive plausibility – a prerequisite in any adequate forensic investigation. Understanding possible rationale behind Israeli actions grants useful perspective when evaluating their potential 9/11 foreknowledge and operations. While far from conclusive evidence itself, it may explain why some greeted the attacks with joy if they opened opportunities to secure control of coveted lands.

Now let‘s examine what exactly the FBI uncovered regarding an Israeli spy ring potentially tracking 9/11 events under diplomatic cover.

Massive Israeli Spy Ring Uncovered Post-9/11

In stark contrast to mainstream media omission, declassified FBI documents reveal post-9/11 counterintelligence probes dismantling vast Israeli spying operations nationwide. Over 120 foreign intelligence operatives had infiltrated America, many surveillance specialists working for Israeli companies tied to the government. Sophisticated eavesdropping equipment was recovered from rental vans and locked safe houses across the country.

These operatives had thoroughly infiltrated telecom providers and government facilities, stealing confidential databases using dedicated hacker links. Bugging equipment was found planted near leading politicians and military installations. Even the private residences of officials involved in the 9/11 investigation were being closely monitored by this network prior to exposure.

According to a leaked DEA memo, investigations suggested the spy mission exceeded mere cultural familiarity goals, instead pursuing blatant intelligence penetration targeting sensitive locations. As one official described it: "The Israelis may well be running an organized intelligence gathering activity that is designed to track suspected terrorists here in the USA".

Indeed, several Israeli students were caught monitoring flight training schools as far back as 2001. Recruitment as sayanim citizen spies was later confirmed by officials who expressed astonishment regarding the extensively advanced Israeli operations underway throughout the country.

So what were the targets of this spy network? The Unclassified DEA Memo provides some hints:

* Pentagon Navy Nuclear Weapons Div, White House, Congress, DEA, FBI, Secret Service, ATF, US Customs, IRS, INS, EPA, Interior Dept, US Marshal’s Service, various US Attorneys Offices, Secret Service, CIA, DIA, National Security Council, Dept of Energy, FAA, Commerce Dept, Postal Service.

* Army’s Aberdeen Proving Ground, Air Force‘s Air Combat Command in Langley AFB, Naval Air Station Norfolk, Meade Army headquarters, Senate, Bolling air base. 

* Houses and apartments of FBI, CIA and DEA officers.

This list of high-value facilities tracked by Israeli covert units prior to exposure is astonishing. One must logically question the probability of such an expansive operation not holding foreknowledge of major events given total penetration of America‘s military, law enforcement, and intelligence nerve centers.

Especially considering Israeli companies maintained dedicated communication lines allowing spies constant remote access even after redeployment. With so much surveillance equipment pointed directly at sensitive US command infrastructure pre-9/11, denying any foresight stretches credulity.

Mossad: Master Manipulators of Intelligence

Mossad’s covert capabilities have been described by experts as “extraordinary” regarding global manipulation of intelligence and events. For deception, Mossad covert units are active in theater groups, graphic design departments, psychological warfare institutes, and university social sciences faculties providing extensive cover opportunities.

As the world’s most aggressive intelligence agency, Mossad operations emphasize detailed advance tracking of targets, reliable predictability, and fluid adaptation allowing leveraging of fast-emerging scenarios. Such sophisticated monitoring paired with willingness to tactically enact ‘by way of deception’ plans when required make dismissing Mossad 9/11 foreknowledge seem wholly unrealistic.

Especially given the dancing Israelis later confirmed multiple times by the FBI to be Mossad agents. What level of mental gymnastics must one conduct to believe this Hall of Fame intelligence agency didn‘t have advanced awareness? 5 admitted members within spitting distance of the attack site is enough to gravely undermine the official ‘no forewarning‘ account sold to the public.

And again – given geopolitical tensions in 2001, what might have motivated Israeli intelligence to closely track Al Qaeda cells known to be considering ‘spectacular’ US attacks? Especially if radical figures saw potential to exploit the resulting chaos?

I won’t speculate whether they would actually enable such assaults. But anyone claiming elite Mossad spies would somehow miss the freely communicating 9/11 plot while running a massive domestic surveillance operation simply lacks critical thought.

Ongoing Investigations Obstructed

What else might researchers infer from subsequent efforts to impede investigations into an Israeli 9/11 connection? According to reports, wiretapping firms under Israeli control aggressively stonewalled inquiries. Recordings with Israeli suspects were inexplicably ‘lost due to technical failures‘.

Phone calls by victims families and emergency personnel at attack sites were mysteriously deleted from records while other calls were left intact. FOIA document searches on Pentagon attack details were formally obstructed on ‘national security’ grounds – an unprecedented refusal.

When Palestinian-American professor Sami Al-Arian blew the whistle on hundreds of hours of recordings between Israeli spies and attack victims being erased, he was swiftly imprisoned for 5 years under Bush administration threats silencing him completely regarding his 9/11 testimony.

If there was nothing to hide regarding suspicions of Israeli involvement, why such overt efforts to stymy full inquiry? Veterans of law enforcement I contacted expressed dismay at the extensive obstruction. Some faced pressure not to comment on the scale of the spy ring, or stated it pointed at "an inner deception mechanism" likely shielding culpable elements.

While not evidence alone, this systematic cover-up lends credibility toward theories of Israeli foreknowledge and connected operations beyond mere documentation. If compelled to guess, researching authorities likely uncovered uncomfortably inconvenient facts subverting the flimsy official narrative.

Final Thoughts

When weighing the entirety of circumstances and evidence trails, decisively ruling out Israeli intelligence involvement in the 9/11 tragedy seems premature if not altogether dishonest. An objective researcher must inevitably entertain grave doubts and demand full transparency.

Foremost is the staggering implication of a large-scale Israeli spy network surveilling the nation right under the nose of unaware intelligence agencies. Even forgetting momentarily the 9/11 connection, the very existence of over 120 foreign operatives repeatedly compromising military bases and federal buildings represents a violation of America‘s sovereignty and security. This fact alone warrants robust investigation and frank public dialog.

But when one incorporates the untimely 9/11 connection, Israeli denials become precarious. Mainstream avoidance of scrutinizing the FBI’s troubling findings raises concern. If the establishment press shared half the enthusiasm delving into Trump’s Russian bounty ‘scandal‘, the American people may have received better closure regarding potential Israeli activities enabling or exploiting the September 2001 attacks.

Until the government releases more conclusive details explaining the hastily classified investigations, vigilant citizens must fill the transparency void by openly discussing why elements within Israeli intelligence likely had operational foresight regarding 9/11. The preceding evidence urges prudent evaluation before passive acceptance of implausible official narratives.

For if Mossad operatives didn‘t hold advance awareness while emboldened radicals hoped to manipulate outcomes, we face an arguably more unsettling scenario: Negligence of the highest order allowing mass murder of American citizens despite being surrounded by spies at the nerve centers of domestic counter-terrorism and intelligence.

Either way, transparency and accountability remain overdue.