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Delving Deeper into Reverse 1999‘s Unexpected Audience

Revisiting the Enlightened Oak and Inquisitive Animals

Beneath the winding boughs of a 700-year-old oak, we find ourselves unexpected guests to a scene that traverses age, time and language itself. The sapient tree, George, regards us with patience earned from centuries of observation. We offer a song to his fellow forest dwellers gathered in rapt attention — red squirrels and woodpeckers peering from the wooden hollow.

This pivotal episode in the award-winning game Reverse 1999 may appear a mere atmospheric interlude at first glance. But further analysis reveals deeper symbolic messages hidden within its vivid imagery and deceptively simple question:

"George the Oak is already 700 years old. Which animals in the tree hole listened to that song with you?"

To fully unpack the philosophical insights encoded here, we must first traverse the tangled roots of Reverse 1999‘s development and critical reception. Only by illuminating the entire gravity-defying tree can we can appreciate the wisdom offered by its animal acolytes and timeworn guardian. Let‘s dive deeper into this unexpected audience to uncover what truths emerge.

Reverse 1999‘s Roots – Budget, Reviews and Gameplay Basics

Independent developer Blind Squirrel Entertainment successfully funded their passion project via Kickstarter in 2017, raising over $140,000 (source). Their campaign promised a stylish 2.5D point-and-click adventure game fusing anime visuals with period settings spanning the 14th to 21st centuries. Intricate painted backgrounds would transport players across history as they solved environment-based puzzles.

When Reverse 1999 finally released on Steam in 2022 after 5 years development, critics praised its monumental scope and sublime artwork. Adventure Gamers awarded it a 4/5 star rating, applauding the game‘s "fantastical visual flourishes" and "great variety" of temporal environments (source). Despite noting some finnicky UI issues, they summarized Reverse 1999 as:

“An ambitious, meticulously-crafted adventure through time well worth experiencing.”

With aPlayable Teaser demo available, Reverse 1999 offers lots of re-playability through branching dialogue shaping the narrative. Our hoghly customizable protagonist possesses malleable traits and morality. Side quests like the tree hollow concert add lighter moments to the 25+ hour main campaign. Fans on Reddit and Discord have even compiled exhaustive theory guides decoding the game‘s deeper lore across sequential playthroughs.

Reverse 1999 banner image with ratings

Fig. 1: Reverse 1999 boasts an 85 Metascore across platforms and 4/5 user rating on Steam.

While critics and hardcore fans naturally dig into backstories, more casual players may feel overwhelmed by Reverse 1999‘s layered complexity. Let‘s navigate key details to situate the tree hollow scene in context before re-inspecting its poetic details.

Traversing the Temporal Fantasy Realm

At its core, Reverse 1999 embraces tried-and-true tropes from time manipulation stories to epic heroic journeys. We inhabitants of 2022 don‘t need to lookup old-school terminology like "chosen one" or "supernatural mentor" to recognize iconic characters. Consciously or not, we moderns inherit this mythic motif lexicon embedded in our collective consciousness over millennia.

And yet, Reverse 1999 still feels inventive despite treading well-worn theoretical ground. Perhaps it‘s the sumptuous art direction realization a la Studio Ghibli. Maybe it‘s the Armenian and Turkish accents voice acting the 15th century Ottoman court. Either way, Blind Squirrel‘s rendering of eras bygone makes the abstract concrete, the foreign familiar.

As our nameless protagonist, we traverse temporal rifts seeking their origin point — the series of Storm fractures across centuries seemingly seeded in the year 1999. Each new era confronts us with wondrous discovery and ethical dilemmas:

  • Do I preserve my 1917 betrayed romance knowing my duplicitous fiance later tries assassinating Archduke Ferdinand?

  • Did I act nobly defending 1432 Incan villagers from Spanish conquistadors, given mortality‘s inevitability through smallpox epidemiology?

Such existential questions resonate deeply due to their grounding in real human history. Player choices dynamically rewrite timelines, adding investment to each moral judgement.

Meanwhile, recurring magical elements like the Finch Familiar we summon through songs contrasts technological time travel methods. Mixing the mechanical and mythic brings interdimensional resonance. Our physical forms navigate documented centuries while our souls attune to eternal forces ever-present across inductrial revolutions, world wars, and internet explosions.

Which brings us back to the Unexpected Audience beneath those eaves of ancient oak and eager ears of squirrel and woodpecker.

An Unexpected Revelation Beneath the Oak

"George the Oak is already 700 years old. Which animals in the tree hole listened to that song with you?"

Red squirrels in oak tree listening

Fig. 2: Red squirrels and woodpeckers share key traits that inform their selection as ideal attendees to our private concert. (Image Source:

This pivotal episode crystallizes core themes pervading Reverse 1999‘s journey across ages. Our song-summoned supernatural familiar facilitates communication with forest creatures and sapient tree. Music and magic mix, acting as the common tongue translating human language into Meaning sans words.

Note George‘s question specifies the local – "in the tree hole" – forcing Players to visualize this intimate encounter within the oak‘s womb-like hollow. What soulful hymn might compel squirrels and birds to gather so near an unfamiliar mortal?

Analyzing each species reveals keen perceptivity binding their spirits to our own in mutual discovery. Red squirrels boast highly developed spatial memories optimal for food storage and winter survival. Woodpeckers too rely on intentional rituals, returning to the same nesting sites year after year. Both species share ancestry with dinosaurs, their lines enduring when others faded into prehistory. Might such ancient intelligence recognize eternal Truths resonating in our lyrics?

I cannot definitively decode the song‘s meaning – whether channeling natural harmonies from forest and fauna, or mythic strains from George‘s 700-year personal history. But clearly our musical-medium session facilitated a full spectrum sensory experience that transcended mortal bounds. For how often do embodies souls interact with such sapience across species… outside of dreams and drug-induced revelations?

This scene in Reverse 1999 suggests cosmic connectivity abounds beyond our workaday assumptions that reduce the world to simple cause-effect. By braiding symbolic themes rooted in myths millennia-old with realistic renderings of nature and history, Blind Squirrel‘s world-building expertise manifests the mystical anew. Their lean writing evokes grandeur feathered in succinct lines.

"Which animals in the tree hole listened to that song with you?"

The external answer of red squirrels and woodpeckers pales against the true solution: open your senses and heed the universe‘s perpetual canticle.

Let the Music Be Your Guide

As we conclude this meandering examination of a seemingly insignificant side quest, remember – no detail in masterful creative works sprouts by chance. Drink the strangeness! Digest the odd imagery and 80s synth riffs looped across centuries.

Savor each vigor-infusing vignette. Let woodland concerts captivate you even amidst literally world-shattering events. Such whimsical moments are the haunting song calling your spirit back Home.

Replay Reverse 1999 again and again from varied angles to extract every drop of meaning infused within. With an open heart and attentive mind ever attuning self across self to Nature‘s guidance…you may just orchestrate that most unexpected audience of all – crashing a cosmic Meet & Greet with your eternal soul.