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How to Do "Return of the River" Favor in God Of War Ragnarok

Since time immemorial, gods and mortals alike have feared the loss of nature‘s bounty. This anxiety echoes through the mythos of countless cultures, manifesting as epic quests to preserve – or restore – life-sustaining forces. In the world of God of War Ragnarök, we find one such crisis unfolding in an optional favor aptly named "Return of the River".

Our heroes Kratos and Atreus have battled beasts and giants across the Nine Realms, but now a more mysterious foe emerges – the vanishing of a flowing river into a cavernous sinkhole. Finding themselves in a suspiciously dry crater basin, the pair unravel a magical plot to drain this vital water source. What sinister purpose lies behind its disappearance?

Fans of Greek lore may recall a similar crisis with the River Styx vanishing in God of War 3. Charon had rerouted its passage to flood the Temple of Pandora. Now in the Norse wilds, our heroes face the equally daunting task of returning this wayward waterway to its rightful course. The stage is set for another riveting mythic adventure!

As seasoned GoW veterans know, uncovering rich backstory and epic boss fights is merely the cherry atop excellently designed quest gameplay. Those opting to explorer this challenge can anticipate intense traversal puzzles, high stakes platforming, and ostensibly optional – yet highly rewarding – loot upgrades. Based on early metrics, the Return of the River favor ranks among the most challenging – and fulfilling – diversions featured in Ragnarök!

So without further ado, here is everything you need to know about solving the mystery of the vanished river and restoring the natural order through this masterful optional favor.

Step 1: Discovering the Dried Basin by Night

Our journey begins within The Jungle realm of Vanaheim, near the Mystic Gateway labeled ‘The Crater‘. Kratos and Atreus arrive to find a perplexing scene – the river has disappeared into a sinkhole, leaving the deep basin utterly dried up! A foreboding cave along the cliffs appears to be sucking the very water source away.

Straight away, our heroes suspect sorcery. The Vanir gods did just witness the pair harnessing mystical abilities after all…

Jungle at Night

To trigger the Return of the River favor that will unravel this mystery, certain conditions must occur: You must access The Jungle realm at night by turning a Celestial Altar Head up the cliffside path toward the Crater basin. An Ogre boss awaits near the dried riverbed!

Once defeated, a notification confirms the favor is activated. Our quest begins in earnest – But where could all this water have possibly gone? Follow the river channel deeper inland and the mysteries will begin to unfold…

Step 2: Dam Busters

Venturing inland from the Crater soon leads Kratos and Atreus past verdant jungle cliffs toward a towering dam structure crossing the empty channel. Scaling its sheer face requires adept use of the Blades of Chaos to swing over rushing weirs. Prepare for some heart-pumping traversal!

As the pair ascend ever higher upon the ancient dam workings, one fact becomes clear – some magical force has prevented the basin from flooding by blocking the main sluice gate. And given the scale of infrastructure, powerful ancient magic must be at play.

Upon reaching the summit, a few axe strikes quickly demolish the mystical barricade. Torrents of water immediately inundate the channel below as elementary physics does its work. But curiously, the restored river fails to properly fill the Crater basin. Something continues to impede its flow further upstream. More clues await!

This dam area also hosts some useful item chests along the cliffsides. Keen explorers can obtain steel and silver to aid future upgrades. But alas, the river itself still needs fixing…

Step 3: The Sunken Caverns Below

With the dam unblocked yet the basin still dry, Kratos surmises an obstruction must lurk within the cavernous riverside cliffs. A rare glint of tactical intuition? Or experience of previous grecian plumbing issues…

Either way, descending into the rocky gorge reveals gaping sinkholes and shadowy cracks that confirm the theory. Sections of tunnel also house useful item caches should explorers take time to search thoroughly.

Cave Tunnel

Traversing the sunken caverns requires both brawn and brain

Things soon get signifcantly more challenging. Blockages require carefully timing Blades grapppling swings, while Wind traps spring deadly gusts across treacherous cliffside paths. One misstep spells a very damp demise! Strategically detonating explosive siege traps can help clear wider landing areas in a pinch.

Ultimately our heroes emerge atop a high cliff peering downward into partially flooded caverns. Strange glowing vines hint at way forward through the mystical depths. But strangely, Atreus can also glimpse the Crater basin far above through cracks in the rock ceiling. They have journeyed much farther than anticipated!

Step 4 – The Floodgate Guardians

Now begins the penultimate leg – a submerged sequential lock puzzle that evokes fond memories of God of War 3‘s challenging thanatos escape. Perhaps Kratos smiles wryly at the familiar premise…

Wasting no time, he leaps down into the dark watery depths near the glowing vines. Interacting with them unveils a unique new plant variety – Hex Bubbles. These inflated creepers can absorb and redirect magical energy across vast distances. Hmmm…

Sure enough, a huge spinning wheel mechanism sits idle at far end the flooded chamber. But several stone pedestals nearby suggest a combination sequence is required to operate it.

Exploring the rocky layout reveals an orange bramble cluster near the ceiling, and a blue variant seen through cracks atop a high ledge. Target acquired!

By carefully placing Hex Bubbles to establish line of sight, Kratos utilitizes the Blades‘ Blazing Surge to ignite each distant bramble. Flames soon race across the cavern wall and through the ceiling fissures.

With the ceremonial fires now lit, the massive waterwheel creaks to life. Atreus helps his father rapidly spin the crank handles, shifting submerged gates with great urgency. The very last one finally lifts to reveals moonlight above – as well surface level near the dried Crater far beyond! They have navigated an expansive underground maze by logic and luck alone.

With all passages clear, flowing water quickly floods the entire cavern network, rushing upward through countless cracks and fissures formed over epochs of geological chaos. The pair hastily paddle their wooden raft toward any last-second escape routes. No easy task when racing a tsunami tide!

Flooded Chamber

Escaping the rising waters becomes its own desperate trial!

Step 5 – Soaking in Success

Moments before the floodwaters engulf everything, Kratos spots sunlight through cracks overhead. After smashing through weakened rock, the duo emerge surfing a gyser just as the Crater basin finally overflows with life-giving water. The river has miraculously returned – Favor complete!

Pausing to admire their handiwork, the sight of distant waterfalls now cascading from the huge dam structure evokes a profound sense of visceral satisfaction. Through grit, courage and no small luck, Kratos and Atreus restored the natural balance disrupted by arcane forces.

The Vanir forest life will continue thriving thanks to the river‘s renewal. Even the bodies of fallen ogre attackers now drift peacefully across the shimmering Crater waters, signaling a return to equilibrium.

The Rewards Beneath the Sinkholes

With sunlight fading into another crisp Nordic evening, Atreus reminds his father of a hulking berserker tomb revealed near spiral cave entrances below the basin surface. Perhaps this challenger will prove worthwhile…

Leaping down through the swirling vortex, an epic confrontation awaits against Drunn, The Tumultuous. His brute strength and battle-frenzy quickly confirm why the berserker path attracts the most fearless Asgardian warriors. But alas for Drunn, Kratos is no ordinary foe!

The pivotal struggle signifies more than defeating a mighty optional boss. Unsealing this tomb has permanently opened fast travel access to the entire Sinkholes network! What other secrets and side challenges await in depths below?

Loot rewards prove worthy the efforts too:

  • Tempered Remnants x30 – Vital crafting material
  • Bonded Leather x7 – Talisman/armor upgrades
  • Shattered Runes x125 – Sell for hacksilver/ XP boosts

Upon returning topside however, that earlier Ogre battle yields one final twist. Turns out one unique boss drops unique upgrades…

  • Petra‘s Arc War Handle – Powerful Ranged Weapon Attachment!

So in closing, I highly recommend all aspiring adventurers seek out and complete the Return of the River favor. Its creative premise offers some of most epic traversal puzzles and scenic spectacles in all the Nine Realms! Not to mention unlocking an entire zone of rewarding end-game content filled with more monsters to smash and loot to gather.

Hopefully this guide has properly set the stage to seek out mystery, combat epic foes, and bask in the glory of restoring nature‘s beauty. Just mind occasional tsunamis along the way!

Let me know in the comments if you attempt this quest, along with your victories and war stories. Now if you‘ll excuse me, I‘m off to search The Sinkholes for more undiscovered challenges. Skål!