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How to Reset Your Snapchat Password Without Email or Phone Number

Locked out of your Snapchat account and don‘t have your password recovery email or phone number? Don‘t panic – you can still regain access with the right steps.

In this comprehensive 2,300 word guide, I‘ll show you how to reset your Snapchat password, even without an associated email address or phone number.

As a social media marketing expert who has helped dozens of clients recover lost accounts, I‘ve picked up plenty of tips and tricks along the way.

Let‘s start by examining why Snapchat passwords are so easily forgotten in the first place.

Why You Probably Forgot Your Snapchat Login Details

With over 90% of 13-24 year olds and 75% of 25-35 year olds active on Snapchat, it‘s one of the most popular social apps today.

But that also means there are a staggering number of passwords floating around. It‘s no wonder they‘re so easy to forget!

Here are the main reasons you may have forgotten your Snapchat credentials:

You Don‘t Use Snapchat Frequently

  • Snapchat has a whopping 332 million daily active users globally.
  • But the average Snapchatter only spends 30-40 minutes on the app per day.
  • With such short, sporadic usage sessions, it‘s tough for your password to stick in long-term memory.
  • Lack of repetition makes passwords fade quickly if you just check Snapchat notifications occasionally.

You Have Too Many Online Accounts

  • The average person has over 100 online accounts today across email, social media, shopping, utilities, and more.
  • That‘s a ton of unique usernames and passwords to keep track of! No wonder it‘s hard to recall specifics.
  • With endless options vying for your attention, Snapchat can easily fall lower on your priority list.
  • Unless Snapchat is your most frequented app, its login details are likely stored in your short-term rather than long-term memory.

You Changed Email Address or Phone Number

  • Snapchat had a 90% retention rate amongst users aged 25-35 in 2020.
  • But astudy by Insightly found adults change email addresses 4+ times through their lives on average.
  • Phone numbers also change frequently with new devices, carriers, relocations.
  • If your Snapchat account uses old credentials, you‘ve probably lost access to them.

You Logged in on a Friend‘s Device

  • 49% of Snapchat users log in on multiple devices.
  • Using Snapchat on a friend‘s phone usually relies on auto-login rather than entering your password.
  • Infrequent manual login makes it easy to forget credentials altogether.
  • Being constantly logged in prevents you from rehearsing your password to commit it to memory.

Your Account Details are Years Outdated

  • Snapchat launched in 2011 and has seen incredible scale since.
  • Many long-time users created accounts 5, 10+ years ago as teenagers.
  • It‘s highly unlikely their credentials are still accurate as adults years later.
  • As contacts change, old emails and phone numbers get left behind.

By understanding the key reasons Snapchat passwords are forgotten, you can be better equipped to avoid this issue in the future. But first, let‘s work on solving your current locked out scenario.

Standard Ways to Reset Your Snapchat Password

Before diving into reset options without an email or phone number, let‘s review the usual password reset flow first.

If you still have access to your Snapchat account‘s associated email address or phone number, the process is quick and painless.

Here are the standard steps to reset your Snapchat password with an email address or mobile number:

Reset Your Snapchat Password Using Your Email Address

  1. In the Snapchat app, tap "Forgot your password?" on the login screen.
  2. Select the "Reset via Email" option when prompted.
  3. Enter the email address associated with your Snapchat account.
  4. Check your email inbox for a password reset link from Snapchat.
  5. Click the password reset link in the email sent by Snapchat.
  6. Create and confirm a new password on Snapchat‘s page.
  7. You‘re done! Log back into Snapchat with your newly created password.

Reset Your Snapchat Password Using Your Phone Number

  1. In the Snapchat app, tap "Forgot your password?" on the login screen.
  2. Select the "Reset via SMS" option when prompted.
  3. Enter your phone number including country code associated with your Snapchat account.
  4. Open the SMS sent by Snapchat containing a password reset link.
  5. Tap the link to be directed to Snapchat‘s page for creating a new password.
  6. Create and confirm your new password.
  7. Log back into Snapchat with the new password you created.

Easy enough, right? As long as you have access to the associated email or phone number, resetting a forgotten Snapchat password takes just minutes.

But what if you‘ve lost access to both the email address and phone number tied to your Snapchat account?

That‘s where things get tricky.

Why the Standard Reset Won‘t Work Without an Email or Phone Number

Snapchat‘s password reset process relies entirely on sending a verification link to your registered email address or mobile number.

This serves as confirmation that you actually own the account and have permission to create a new password.

Without access to either the associated email address or phone number, there is no way to receive Snapchat‘s password reset verification link.

If you try to reset your password through the app, you‘ll eventually hit a dead end:

Snapchat password reset error message

As you can see, Snapchat‘s in-app reset function requires verification through a linked email or phone number.

And if you no longer have access to those pieces of account information, you have zero ways to reset your password within Snapchat.

Your only remaining option is to contact Snapchat support directly for password help. Here‘s how to do it:

Step-by-Step Guide to Contact Snapchat Support for Password Reset Help

Since Snapchat‘s standard reset options won‘t work without an email or phone number, you‘ll need to reach out to their customer support team for help.

Here is the full play-by-play for contacting Snapchat support to recover and reset your password:

Step 1: Navigate to Snapchat‘s Contact Page

First, you‘ll need to access Snapchat‘s customer contact form. Here‘s how:

  • On your phone or computer, visit
  • Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the big orange "Contact Us" button.

This will open up Snapchat‘s contact form where you can explain your password reset issue.

Contact us button on Snapchat support page

Step 2: Select "Reset My Password" as Your Issue

On the contact form, you‘ll need to provide details so your request gets routed properly.

  • For the first question "What can we help you with?" select "My account login" from the dropdown menu.

  • For the second question "Oh no! Tell us more…" choose "I forgot my password" from the options.

This ensures your request reaches the account security team who can specifically help with password resets.

Snapchat contact form selections for forgotten password

Step 3: Provide Details About Your Account

Next, you‘ll be asked:

"Is this happening on the account with the username [username]?"

  • Select "Yes" to confirm you are the account owner.

You‘ll then need to fill in more details:

  • Enter your Snapchat username exactly as displayed on your account.

  • Provide the email address you used to create your Snapchat account, even if you no longer have access to it.

  • Input your phone number that was previously associated with Snapchat if possible.

  • In the additional details, explain that you forgot both the email address and phone number linked to the account but are the legitimate owner.

Submitting as many verifiable details as possible will help Snapchat support quickly validate your identity and process your request faster.

Snapchat contact form details page

Step 4: Complete CAPTCHA and Submit Request

You‘re almost done! Just a couple more steps:

  • Double check all info entered is 100% accurate.

  • Complete the reCAPTCHA challenge to prove you are human.

  • Hit the orange "Send" button to officially submit your password reset request to Snapchat.

And voila – you‘ve successfully contacted Snapchat and explained your issue to their support team directly!

Now it‘s just a waiting game for their response…

Step 5: Wait Patiently for Snapchat‘s Response

Once you‘ve submitted your password reset request through Snapchat‘s contact form, here is what to expect:

  • Allow 1-3 business days for their support team to respond. Understandably slower due to high request volumes.

  • Check your spam folder in case their reply email gets filtered incorrectly.

  • If it has been over 3 business days, you can submit a polite follow up request.

  • Avoid submitting multiple duplicate requests as that will only slow things down further.

  • Check back on the Snapchat contact page for any follow up messages from their team.

  • Remain patient and professional in all communications – remember there are real people on the other end trying their best to help!

With the right expectations set, you‘re now ready to wait for Snapchat‘s response on your locked out account. Hopefully they can reset your password, but if not, you do have one last option…

Creating a Brand New Snapchat Account

In the worst case scenario that Snapchat support is unable to recover your account, you can always start fresh with a brand new Snapchat profile.

Here‘s an overview of what to expect if going the route of creating a completely new account:

  • You will permanently lose access to your Snapstreaks and saved Memories – these can‘t be transferred over from your locked out account.

  • Your friend network will be reset to zero, so you‘ll have to gradually re-add each one manually.

  • Your Snapchat persona, stories, profile, reputation and more will have to be completely rebuilt from scratch.

  • Take extra care to backup the email and phone number associated with your new account. Use a password manager or locked notes app.

As you can see, creating an entirely new Snapchat account has major drawbacks and should be a last resort only after you‘ve exhausted all options with their support team.

However, setting up a new profile does at least allow you to access Snapchat again in the interim after losing your password.

5 Common Troubleshooting Questions around Snapchat Password Resets

Beyond the core process outlined above, here are answers to 5 frequently asked troubleshooting questions:

1. What if I don‘t remember my Snapchat email or phone number?

If you‘ve completely forgotten your old Snapchat credentials, still provide as many verifiable details as possible in the additional info box – birthday, device used, location created, etc. Anything to prove account ownership.

2. How can I reset my Snapchat password if I don‘t have that phone number anymore?

Explain in your request to Snapchat support that your phone number has changed. Provide the newest number in the form and indicate it is different from the one originally tied to your account.

3. What if I think someone hacked my Snapchat?

Notify Snapchat support immediately if you suspect hacking or unauthorized access. They have teams dedicated to investigating account security issues to keep your account safe.

4. How do I prove I‘m the owner if I don‘t have any account details?

Focus on providing contextual details – when the account was created, devices used, locations, birthdate, friends added. Any verifiable background facts about the account and how it was used.

5. What if Snapchat says they can‘t verify I‘m the account owner?

First double check all details provided for accuracy. If they still can‘t confirm your identity, you may need to accept defeat and start fresh with a new account and contact details.

Having trouble getting back into your account even after contacting Snapchat? These troubleshooting tips should help cover common scenarios.

Storing Your Snapchat Account Details Securely

However you end up regaining access – through a password reset or new account – be sure to backup your new login credentials!

Here are 5 best practices for keeping your Snapchat account details securely stored:

  • Save your email address, phone number, and password in a password manager app like LastPass or 1Password. This encrypts your data behind a master password.

  • Alternatively, keep details in the Notes app on your phone, but be sure it‘s locked behind Face ID, Touch ID, or a passcode.

  • Whenever you update any Snapchat account details, immediately update the details in your password manager or notes app too.

  • Avoid reusing the same email, phone number or password across multiple accounts. Keep credentials unique.

  • Enable two-factor authentication through Snapchat for added account security.

Following these tips will ensure you always have backup access to get back into Snapchat if you ever get locked out again!

Key Takeaways: Resetting Snapchat Password Without Email or Phone Number

To wrap up, here are the key takeaways:

  • Forgotten Snapchat passwords are common due to infrequent usage, too many accounts, changed contacts, auto-login, and outdated details.

  • Standard password reset won‘t work without the associated email or phone number for verification.

  • Contact Snapchat support directly through their help site and explain you lost your account credentials.

  • Provide as many verifiable details as possible when submitting your request to prove account ownership.

  • Be patient as it may take 1-3 days to get a response from Snapchat. Follow up politely if needed.

  • Creating a brand new account is a last resort option but allows you to access Snapchat again.

  • Always keep your new account details backed up securely in case you ever get locked out again!

With the right tools and mindset, you can recover access to your Snapchat account even without an email address or phone number to reset your password. Just remain persistent and don‘t hesitate to reach out for any help you need!