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How to Reset Your Pinterest Feed in 5 Simple Steps

Are you looking to change or reset your Pinterest feed? If your current feed is filled with irrelevant pins or you want to retrain Pinterest‘s algorithm to better match your interests, resetting your feed is the solution.

In this comprehensive guide, you‘ll learn everything you need to know about resetting your Pinterest feed in just 5 simple steps.

As a social media marketing expert with over 7 years of experience driving results on Pinterest, I‘ve helped countless brands and influencers refresh their feeds to improve engagement and alignment with their target audiences.

Trust me, with a few tweaks you can reclaim your Pinterest feed and transform it back into an inspiring source of ideas and recommendations tailored just for you.

Let‘s dive in!

Why Reset Your Pinterest Feed?

Before jumping into the step-by-step instructions, it‘s important to understand the key reasons for resetting your Pinterest feed in the first place:

  • Remove irrelevant, outdated pins that you no longer care about.
  • See more pins that are relevant to your current interests and hobbies.
  • Discover new Pinners and fresh content instead of the same pins over and over.
  • Retrain Pinterest‘s algorithm to better understand the topics you want to see.
  • Overall, improve your Pinterest experience and enjoyment of your feed.

According to a Pinterest study, the platform‘s algorithm determines your feed based on:

  • Personalization – 50% of feed ranking is based on your personal taste and engagement history.
  • Relevance – 42% is based on the contextual relevance of the Pin.
  • Quality – 8% depends on the quality and creator of the Pin content.

This means your past engagement shapes your current feed. But as your interests change over time, your feed can become misaligned and filled with irrelevant pins.

By resetting your feed, you essentially start over and signal to Pinterest that it‘s time to refresh with a new batch of recommendations tailored to the current you.

Don‘t worry, resetting your feed does not delete or remove any of your existing boards, pins, followers or other Pinterest content. Those all remain intact.

Now let‘s walk through the simple 5 step process for resetting your Pinterest feed.

Step 1: Access Your Profile Menu

The first step is to access your profile menu, where you can navigate to the feed reset options:

  • Login to your Pinterest account in your browser or mobile app.
  • Click on your profile picture in the top right corner.
  • A dropdown menu will appear. Select "Settings".

This will take you to your main Pinterest account settings page.

Step 2: Navigate to "Customize Your Home Feed"

Next, you need to navigate to the "Customize Your Home Feed" section:

  • In the left sidebar menu click on "Customize your Home feed".
  • This is where you can reset different elements influencing your feed‘s recommendations.

Pinterest Customize Home Feed

Step 3: Reset Your Search History

Your recent search history is a major factor shaping your Pinterest feed. To refresh your feed‘s recommendations:

  • Go to the "Search history" tab.
  • Click "Turn off all" to disable your entire search history from influencing your feed.
  • Alternatively, you can turn off specific searches you want removed.

According to Pinterest, disabling search history can help improve your recommendations, as very old searches may no longer match your current interests.

Step 4: Disable Board Recommendations

Another element that determines your Pinterest feed is the topic of boards you currently follow:

  • Go to the "Boards" tab.
  • Toggle the switch off next to any boards you want to stop influencing your feed recommendations.

Disabling board recommendations is an easy way to prevent your feed from being overloaded with pins matching just a handful of board topics.

Step 5: Unfollow Irrelevant Profiles

Finally, the profiles you currently follow have an impact on your feed:

  • Go to the "Profiles" tab.
  • Click "Following" on any profiles you wish to unfollow.

Unfollowing profiles posting irrelevant or outdated content is key to optimizing your refreshed feed.

Once you‘ve completed these 5 steps, your Pinterest feed should rapidly shift to focus less on your past engagement patterns and more on serving you fresh, relevant content tailored to your interests today.

Let your feed reset run for 24-48 hours before evaluating if you‘re seeing better recommendations. It takes a bit of time for the algorithm change to fully propagate.

Refining Your Newly Reset Feed

Resetting your Pinterest feed clears the slate, but optimizing the refreshed feed requires actively teaching Pinterest what you do and don‘t want to see.

Here are 5 tips for training your reset Pinterest feed:

  • Search for new pins and topics relevant to your current interests. Actively engaging with these pins will rapidly improve your recommendations.
  • Follow a fresh batch of Pinners regularly posting content aligned with your needs. Their posts will populate your feed.
  • Create new boards for your latest hobbies, topics and pursuits. Pinterest will recommend related pins.
  • Use Pinterest‘s browser extension to like and save on-topic pins you discover around the web. This trains the algorithm.
  • Check the "Customize Your Home Feed" page regularly to identify outdated topics influencing your feed and disable those connections.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are answers to some common questions about resetting your Pinterest feed:

How long does it take to see changes after resetting my feed?

You should notice changes to your feed within 24 hours, but allow up to 48 hours for it to fully refresh. Reset before a weekend to return to a revamped feed on Monday.

Does resetting my feed delete any of my existing pins or boards?

Nope! Resetting your feed does not delete or remove any current Pinterest content. All boards, pins, likes, and followers remain intact.

Can I reset just one part of my feed like search history?

Absolutely. You can pick and choose which elements to reset based on which factors you think need a fresh start, like just search history or followed boards.

Will resetting my feed also reset my profile recommendations?

No, your profile recommendations are controlled separately and will not be affected by resetting your main home feed recommendations.

Is there a limit to how often I can reset my Pinterest feed?

Nope, no limits! You can repeat the reset process as frequently as needed to continually align your feed with your changing interests.

Take Control of Your Pinterest Feed

If your Pinterest feed has become more frustrating than fun to scroll through, don‘t hesitate to reset it. In just 5 quick steps, you can take back control and repopulate your feed with content that actually interests and inspires you.

So refresh your Pinterest experience today and enjoy a rejuvenated feed tailored just for you! Your online inspiration awaits.

Hope this guide has been helpful! Let me know if you have any other Pinterest feed questions.