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How to Reset Apple ID Password Without Phone Number

Resetting your Apple ID password without access to your phone number or email address can seem daunting, but with some patience and the right steps, it is possible. As a social media marketing expert, I‘ve helped many clients regain access to their Apple accounts, and I‘m here to guide you through the process.

An Overview of Resetting your Apple ID Password Without a Phone Number

The key to resetting your Apple ID password without a phone number is to provide Apple with an alternate way of contacting you for identity verification. This is done by submitting a new phone number that Apple can use to send you a verification code and temporary password reset instructions.

It typically takes Apple several days to complete the verification process and contact you with next steps. This is an important security measure to ensure no one else is attempting to gain access to your account. As long as you have access to the new contact number you provide, you should be able to regain entry to your Apple ID account.

Here are the steps involved:

  1. Visit Apple‘s iForgot password reset website
  2. Enter your Apple ID and confirm your old phone number
  3. Indicate you can‘t access your device
  4. Choose the “can’t use any of these options” path when prompted
  5. Submit a new phone number for Apple to contact you
  6. Verify the number with a confirmation code
  7. Wait for Apple to evaluate your request and contact you (usually within 24 hours but can take longer)
  8. Follow Apple‘s instructions once they approve your request

Let‘s go through the process in more detail.

Step-by-Step Guide to Resetting your Apple ID Password Without a Phone Number

Based on my experience guiding clients through Apple ID password resets, here are the specifics:


The first step is to navigate to on your desktop or mobile browser. This is Apple‘s designated password recovery site.

Enter your full Apple ID (the email address associated with your Apple account) when prompted. Click "Continue".

Confirm Your Old Phone Number

On the next page, Apple will ask you to enter and confirm the phone number previously associated with your Apple ID account. Go ahead and enter it, even if you no longer have access. This is just to help verify your identity. Click “Continue” when ready.

Indicate You Don‘t Have Your Device

Since you likely won‘t have immediate access to your iPhone or other Apple device, make sure to click the “Don’t have access to your iPhone?” option on the next page. This will allow you to progress through the reset without having to confirm anything on an Apple device.

Choose “Can’t Use Any of These Options”

Apple will then show you various password reset options involving iPhones, trusted devices, and Apple retail stores. Since you don’t have access to any of these, select “Can’t use any of these options?” to proceed.

Submit a New Phone Number

Now it‘s time to give Apple an alternate way of contacting you. You‘ll be prompted to enter a new phone number where they can send a verification code and temporary password reset instructions once your request is approved.

Make sure this is a number you have access to! Enter it along with your country code and preferred contact method (text or automated call). Then click “Continue”.

Verify the New Number

To confirm this is your number, Apple will send a 6-digit verification code via text or phone call. Enter this code and click “Continue”.

Wait for Apple to Contact You

Finally, you‘ll see a “Thank you” message letting you know Apple will review your request and contact you within 24 hours. From my experience, it usually takes 2-3 days for them to complete the identity verification process. But once done, they will send instructions to your new phone number on how to move forward with the password reset.

The key now is to patiently wait for Apple to be in touch, and ensure you don‘t miss their call or text. You can log into to check the status anytime.

Tips for Smooth Sailing

Here are some tips to help make the Apple ID password reset process straightforward:

  • Use a trusted phone number – Make sure the new contact number you give Apple is one you‘ll reliably have access to for the next few days.

  • Be patient – Understand that for security purposes the identity verification can take several days. Avoid repeatedly trying to reset your password as that can lock your account.

  • Call Apple Support if you encounter any issues or have questions about the status of your reset request. They can walk you through any troubleshooting.

  • Setup account recovery options like trusted phone numbers, devices, and email addresses once you regain access. This will make it much easier to reset your password yourself next time.

Reset Your Apple ID Password with Confidence

Resetting an Apple ID password without immediate access to your trusted phone number or email address can seem daunting. But as you can see, Apple has a process in place to help recover access to your account if you follow the proper steps.

The key is to provide Apple with a new phone number to contact you once your identity is verified. While the process takes several days for security reasons, this allows you to eventually reset your password and regain access to your Apple account.

With this guide, you can feel confident tackling an Apple ID password reset even without your phone number or device handy. Just be sure to provide valid information, respond promptly when contacted by Apple, and you‘ll be back in your account in no time.