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How to Reply to a Specific Instagram Message

Instagram has become one of the most popular social media platforms, with over 1 billion monthly active users. A key feature of Instagram is messaging – allowing users to have private conversations. With Instagram‘s latest update, you can now easily reply to specific messages for more organized and natural conversations.

In this comprehensive guide, we‘ll provide an in-depth look at Instagram‘s new reply feature and walk through how to update your messaging to start replying on both iPhone and Android.

– Research statistics on Instagram‘s user base and engagement with Stories, posts, and messaging
– Analyze the benefits of the reply feature for users
-Outline step-by-step instructions for updating messaging on iPhone and Android
– Include tips for seamless Instagram messaging etiquette
– Add subheadings for each section
– Use markdown formatting for emphasis

The Rising Popularity of Instagram Messaging

Since launching in 2010, Instagram has become a social media behemoth – especially among younger demographics. Today, over 500 million users use Instagram Stories, and 95 million photos and videos are shared to the platform daily.

But beyond public posts, Instagram‘s private messaging is also hugely popular. Over 2.3 billion messages are sent via Instagram Direct daily. And the ability to now reply directly makes these conversations feel more natural.

Why Replying is Essential

Here are some of the key benefits that make the reply feature so indispensable:

  • Keeps conversations organized: With back-and-forth replies neatly threaded, you can easily track who said what.

  • Mimics real-time chat: Replying creates an authentic chat experience and mirrors how we communicate face-to-face.

  • Provides context: Quoting the original message you‘re responding to gives necessary context.

  • Shows you‘ve read the message: Directly replying lets the sender know you‘ve seen their message.

  • Builds deeper connections: Personalized replies make your audience feel valued.

Step-by-Step: Updating Messaging on iPhone

Once you know the advantages of replies, it‘s time to set up the feature. Updating messaging on iPhone takes just a few quick steps:

  1. Open the Instagram app and tap your profile picture in the bottom right.

  2. Tap the 3 horizontal lines to open the menu.

  3. Scroll down and select "Settings."

  4. Tap "Update Messaging" at the top of the settings menu.

  5. Review the details and tap "Update."

You‘ll now see a confirmation that messaging is updated. Time to start replying!

Step-by-Step: Updating Messaging on Android

The process is nearly identical on Android devices:

  1. Open Instagram and tap your profile picture.

  2. Tap the 3 vertical dots to open the menu.

  3. Select "Settings" from the menu options.

  4. Tap "Update Messaging."

  5. Review and select "Update" to enable.

Just like that, your Android messaging is updated too.

How to Reply to a Message

Once your Instagram messaging is updated, sending a reply only takes seconds:

  1. Open your Direct messages and locate the conversation.

  2. Long press on the specific message bubble you want to respond to.

  3. Tap "Reply" from the menu that appears.

  4. The message will become quoted with a "You replied to this message" header above it.

  5. Type your reply in the text box and hit send!

Replying doesn‘t get much simpler than that.

Tips for Instagram Messaging Etiquette

Now that you know how to reply, here are some tips on replying well:

  • Be timely – Try to respond reasonably quickly so conversations stay active.

  • Keep it short – Concise replies are easiest to follow.

  • Use emoji – Emoji reactions are great for acknowledgement.

  • Be friendly – Maintain an approachable, engaging tone in replies.

  • Check for notifications – Enable notifications to stay on top of incoming messages.

The Benefits of Mastering Instagram Replies

Being able to seamlessly carry on Instagram conversations makes connecting with your audience more natural and human. Followers will feel heard and engaged when you reply.

Direct replies also provide the following perks:

  • Increased user engagement
  • Improved brand-consumer relationships
  • More meaningful metrics from conversations
  • Enhanced trust and approachability

In short – mastering Instagram replies helps you make an impact and build community.


Replying to specific Instagram messages is now easier than ever, thanks to the platform‘s updates. With just a few quick steps, you can update your messaging on both iPhones and Androids to unlock the reply feature.

Simply long press any message and tap "Reply" to respond directly. Sending targeted replies makes conversations organized and authentic. Use these tips to become an Instagram messaging pro!