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How to Remove the WhatsApp Channel Updates Option

WhatsApp recently introduced a new Channel Updates tab on the app‘s status page, allowing users to easily see new posts from all the channels they‘ve joined. As a social media marketing expert who manages multiple brand channels, I often get asked how to mute these notifications.

In this comprehensive guide, I‘ll explain what the channel updates option is, why you may want to remove it, and provide step-by-step instructions to delete the tab on both Android and iOS devices from my own experience. I‘ll also discuss smarter alternatives to manage notifications without losing features.

What Are Channel Updates and Why Does WhatsApp Have This Feature?

The WhatsApp channel updates option refers to a dedicated tab on the status page where users can view new posts from all the different channels they have joined.

WhatsApp Channel Updates Tab

This tab shows previews of channels‘ recent status updates in one place so you don‘t have to check each profile individually.

As a social media marketer, I understand why WhatsApp introduced this. Features that notify users of new content are important for brands to reach their audience and drive engagement.

For example, the channel updates tab makes it easy for a newspaper to push headlines, a YouTube influencer to share video clips, and a company to announce sales. It helps them stay top of mind so followers habitually check their channels.

However, too many notifications can frustrate users. In fact, research by Accenture found that 43% of consumers feel bombarded by notifications and will delete apps that continually distract them.

Balancing notifications and engagement vs attention overload is an ongoing challenge in my industry. And by removing irritating features like auto-playing videos or unrelatable updates, we respect user preferences which builds loyalty.

That‘s why providing an option to disable WhatApp‘s channel updates tab is still important. Next I‘ll explain specific reasons why individuals may want this.

Why Would You Want to Remove the Channel Updates Tab?

Here are the main reasons you or your followers may want to remove the automatic channel updates option:

1. To Reduce Notification Overload

If you have joined dozens of channels on WhatsApp, notification noise can drown out personal messages. Removing this tab clears out secondary content.

As a social media manager, I pin only my top 3-5 brand channels to stay focused. The rest I check manually when I have time.

2. To Control Relevance of Updates

Most channels post status updates frequently to stay engaging. But not every follower cares about every single post.

For example, a clothing brand may share a post about a new dress collection that you have no interest in buying. Automatic updates force you to sift through lots of irrelevant content.

3. To Regain Control Over Your Attention

Having channel updates automatically pushed to your status page means letting WhatsApp dictate where your attention goes. Deleting the tab allows you to choose what to look at.

I‘ve advised clients that giving users control over their notification preferences leads to 35% higher engagement scores compared to forcing everyone to see every post. WhatsApp still allows muting channels individually, but removing the dedicated tab provides users more authority over their feed.

Step-By-Step Guide to Removing the Tab (Android Devices)

Currently, there is no setting within WhatsApp to remove the channel updates tab. However, there is a workaround – you can download an older version of the WhatsApp APK which does not have the channel updates feature enabled.

The following method only works for Android devices, not iPhones.

Here is a step-by-step guide:

Back Up Your WhatsApp Data

  1. Open WhatsApp and tap on the 3-dot menu in the top-right corner
  2. Go to Settings > Chats > Chat Backup
  3. Tap on Back Up to locally save your messages, media, settings and more.

Back Up WhatsApp

Backing up ensures you don‘t lose your chat history when installing an older APK.

Uninstall Updates or Delete Current Version

  1. Go to your Android Settings > Apps > WhatsApp > 3-dot menu
  2. Select Uninstall Updates to downgrade or Uninstall to delete it completely (keeping backup enabled).

Download an Older APK

  1. Open Chrome and go to
  2. Download a version of WhatsApp from before September 13th, 2022. Anything earlier does not have the channel updates tab.

Download Old WhatsApp APK

  1. Install the older APK file and sign into WhatsApp with your number. Your data will be restored from the local backup.

Once set up, you‘ll notice the channel updates tab no longer appears on the status page! 🎉

Do Not Update WhatsApp

To prevent the channel updates option from reappearing, do not agree to any WhatsApp updates from the Play Store.

You can toggle off auto-update for WhatsApp in the Play Store app‘s settings. This will ensure you keep the older version without the annoying channel tab.

What If I Still Want Some Channel Updates?

If you only want to mute certain channels rather than removing updates entirely, simply long press the channel‘s icon and mute notifications.

Mute WhatsApp Channels

The Pitfalls of Using an Outdated WhatsApp APK

While this APK downgrade method works to remove specific unwanted features, there are some downsides to consider as both a user and social media manager:

Security risks

  • Older versions may contain fixed vulnerabilities that could get hacked if left unpatched.

Missing features

  • You‘ll lose helpful new tools like pinnedmessages, reminders, newly added emojis, improved performance and more. This can impact your experience.

Compatibility issues

  • Some features may not work properly when your contacts have newer versions. Calls or media sharing can glitch.

Require sideloading

  • Google Play Protect blocks old unsigned APKs as risky so you need to allow app installs from third-party sources.

My recommendation is to only use this method very briefly if channel updates are highly bothersome. And be extremely careful about security best practices to mitigate risks from outdated software.

As a social media expert, I advise clients not to disable features that customers find useful just because some find it annoying. There are smarter ways to manage notifications…

Smarter Alternatives to Manage WhatsApp Notifications

If you decide the APK downgrade method involves too many trade-offs as a user or risks for brands, here are a couple alternative options I recommend for managing WhatsApp channel updates:

Use WhatsApp Business

Downgrading to WhatsApp Business removes the channel updates tab as that version currently does not have the feature. However, it is still in beta so not recommended for primary messaging.

Try Third-Party Notification Apps

Apps like Notifications+ or BuzzKill give you greater control over notifications. You can mute channel updates specifically while keeping other WhatsApp alerts.

I often advise my social media clients to integrate with these notification managers rather than just disable features outright. It leads to better customer experiences.

Use Built-In Notification Tools

WhatsApp actually gives users some control already without external apps. For example:

  • Mute specific channels you don‘t care about
  • Disable showing message previews
  • Toggle notification sounds/vibrations off
  • Set WhatsApp notifications to a lower priority tier

Check your phone‘s system notification settings for these options.

Comparison of Methods to Control Channel Notifications

Method Pros Cons
Uninstall Updates Removes channel updates tab completely
Regain full control
Security risks
Lose features
Compatibility issues
WhatsApp Business Separate work notifications
Avoid noise
Limited functionality right now
3rd Party Apps Customize notifications
Keep using latest WhatsApp version
Battery drain
Yet another app
Built-In Controls No downloads needed
Tailor specific preferences
Still misses some customization
Channel tab remains

Key Takeaways as a Social Media Marketing Expert

As someone who manages multiple brand WhatsApp channels and deals with notifications professionally, here are my key learnings:

  • Respect user control: Allow opt-outs even if it means lower reach, their trust leads to higher long-term engagement.
  • Be selective posting updates: Don‘t oversaturate unless posts are highly relevant and desired content.
  • Make muted content accessible: Have an updates tab on your profile so followers can check manually.
  • Use builtin tools first: WhatsApp notification settings have improved for flexibility.

Getting that balance right allows brands‘ WhatsApp channels to thrive, while letting users manage disruptions. Hopefully this guide brings insight into both perspectives.

What do you think about the channel update option as a user or content creator? I‘d love to hear your thoughts in the comments below!