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How to Remove Your Profile Picture on Facebook

Your Facebook profile picture is often the first impression you make on social media. An accurate, flattering, and up-to-date profile photo helps people recognize you, humanizes your presence, and shows you‘re an active user.

But sometimes your current profile picture needs an overhaul. Perhaps it‘s outdated, unprofessional, or doesn‘t reflect who you are anymore. Fortunately, Facebook makes it easy to remove your profile picture in just a few clicks.

In this comprehensive guide, you‘ll learn step-by-step how to delete or temporarily hide your current Facebook profile picture using both desktop and mobile.

Key Reasons to Change Your Profile Photo

Before we dive into how to remove your profile picture, let‘s discuss some common reasons people update their images:

1. Your Photo is Outdated

Photos can date your profile pretty quickly. If your profile picture was taken over a year ago, you may look quite different today.

According to Sprout Social‘s 2022 Index, 47% of people update their profile picture at least once a year. So if it‘s been a while, an updated photo can help friends recognize you and match the face with the name.

2. You Want More Privacy

Removing your personalized profile photo reduces public access to your identity. The default silhouette offers more anonymity if you want to limit profile views.

Per Pew Research data, 74% of adult Facebook users have changed their privacy settings, partly to restrict profile photo visibility.

3. Your Photo No Longer Represents You

Sometimes our style, hair, interests, and priorities change. If your profile picture showcases an old hobby or fashion sense you‘ve outgrown, it may feel misleading.

In one survey, 32% of users deleted social media photos that didn‘t fit their current identity. Updating your profile picture can reflect who you are now.

4. Your Photo is Unprofessional

If your profile picture features silly poses, party scenes, or casual snapshots, you may want something more polished for career contacts.

A recent LinkedIn survey found that nearly 70% of professionals consider social media profiles when evaluating candidates. A polished headshot makes the right first impression.

Step-by-Step Instructions: Deleting Your Profile Photo on Desktop

Once you‘ve decided it‘s time for a profile picture update, deleting your current photo is quick and easy using the Facebook website:

View of profile page on Facebook desktop site

  1. Log into your Facebook account and navigate to your personal profile page. You can click on your name in the top left corner to get here quickly.

  2. Hover your mouse over your current profile picture. A "View Profile Picture" button will appear beneath it. Click this button.

  3. Your profile picture will open in a lightbox view. In the top right corner, click the down arrow icon (three stacked dots).

  4. A drop-down menu will appear. Select "Delete Photo" from the options.

Menu for deleting Facebook profile photo

  1. A confirmation box will pop up asking "Are you sure you want to delete this photo?" Click "Confirm" to verify.

That‘s all there is to it! Your profile picture will automatically revert to the default gray Facebook silhouette.

Step-by-Step Instructions: Deleting Your Profile Photo on Mobile

You can use the Facebook mobile app to remove your profile picture in just a few taps:

Facebook mobile app menu

  1. Open the Facebook app on your iPhone or Android. Tap the three line "hamburger" menu icon in the bottom right.

  2. Scroll down and select "See your profile" under your name. This will open your profile page.

  3. Tap your current profile picture, then tap "View Profile Picture" from the pop-up menu.

  4. Your profile photo will enlarge. In the top right corner, tap the three dots icon.

  5. Choose "Delete Photo" from the menu that appears.

  6. Confirm by tapping "Delete" on the pop-up prompt.

The default Facebook silhouette should now be set as your profile photo.

Uploading a New Profile Picture

Once your old profile picture is removed, you may want to upload a new photo so your profile isn‘t generic. Here‘s how:

On Desktop:

  • Click the camera icon on your profile to open your photos.
  • Select a new photo you want as your profile picture.
  • Click "Update Profile Picture" to set it.

On Mobile:

  • Tap your profile picture icon, then "Select Profile Picture".
  • Choose a new photo from your camera roll or Facebook albums.
  • Tap "Done" to set your new profile photo.

Ideally, refresh your profile picture every year or so. Analyze your current photos for outdated styles, photo quality, whether they reflect major life changes, and how they represent your brand if you use Facebook professionally.

An updated profile photo helps people recognize you, lets you put your best face forward, and keeps your profile looking active and authentic.

Temporarily Hiding Your Profile Picture

If you want to keep your current profile photo but hide it temporarily, you can adjust the privacy settings instead of permanently deleting:

  1. Click your profile picture and select "View Profile Picture".
  2. Click the three dots in the top right corner.
  3. Choose "Edit Privacy" from the drop-down menu.
  4. Update the audience to "Only Me".

This removes the image for other viewers without deleting the photo from your personal albums.

Why Your Profile Photo Matters

Your profile picture is often the very first thing people notice about your Facebook presence. That‘s why it‘s important to keep it updated:

It helps friends recognize you. A current photo that matches your existing appearance makes it easier for friends to match your face to your name.

It shows you‘re an active user. A stale, outdated profile photo conveys that you‘ve neglected your Facebook account. A recent picture signals you still regularly engage with the platform.

It makes the right first impression. Your profile picture shapes the way new acquaintances perceive you when interacting on Facebook. A polished, flattering photo projects confidence.

It looks professional. For career contacts like recruiters or coworkers, you want to cultivate a professional brand on social media. A quality headshot rather than a casual selfie does just that.

In short, your profile picture acts as your digital first impression and avatar. Keeping it updated helps convey the image you want to display to the world.

So be sure to change your profile picture about once a year, or anytime your current photo no longer suits you. Follow the easy steps in this guide to swiftly remove your outdated picture. Then upload a new one that puts your best face forward!