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How to Remove Landing Area Markers in Starfield

With over 1,000 explorable planets in Starfield‘s expansive sci-fi universe, organizing your galactic map is crucial. The freedom to travel anywhere can become chaotic without proper map tools. One feature that assists exploration is landing area markers – map pins that highlight visited locations on a planet. But an overabundance of these icons can cause clutter. So let‘s discuss how to remove landing area markers in Starfield for better map management.

Why Map Organization Matters in Open World Games

Before diving into specifics on removing markers, it helps to understand the broader gameplay value of maintaining a clean, organized map.

In massive open world sandboxes, players are prone to get overwhelmed by the sheer volume of icons and objectives competing for attention on maps and radars. Too much clutter leads to choice paralysis and aimless wandering. It hides the activities that actually matter most to your goals.

There is tremendous strategic benefit in being selective with how you utilize maps to pinpoint key areas. Clearing away unnecessary markers over time improves your ability to focus only on places critical to your current task. Tidying up the map creates mental clarity. It lets you rediscover forgotten zones with fresh eyes. You control the map; don‘t let the map control you.

Approach your Starfield journey with intentionality. Periodically prune and optimize your galaxy map to highlight what‘s most essential in that moment. Streamline exploration from chaos into order. Master your maps and unlock your legend.

What are Landing Area Markers in Starfield?

Now that we‘ve discussed why map curation matters, let‘s examine landing area markers specifically.

Landing markers are map icons that automatically appear whenever you land on a new unmarked area of a planet or moon. After taking off again, this spot stays pinned on your map with a marker, allowing fast travel back whenever needed.

These markers are denoted by a ship icon on the map. Helpfully, when zoomed in they also display a beam pointing to the precise landing spot for easy identification.

Landing markers serve an important purpose – quick return access to previously discovered locations across massive planetary surfaces. But problems arise when too many redundant or obsolete markers clutter up the map.

Reasons You May Want to Remove Specific Markers

Here are common scenarios where removing existing landing area markers can be beneficial:

  • Cluttered map: Too many icons crowding the map, obscuring more relevant points. Harder to parse what‘s actually important.

  • No longer needed: That area served its purpose and no longer holds value for you.

  • Starting fresh: Wipe old markers before revisiting a planet to rediscover with fresh eyes.

  • Temporary markers: Removed obsolete markers for resource deposits, crashed ships etc.

  • Blocking UI: Excessive markers congesting the UI and other necessary map elements.

  • Reorienting: Became lost/disoriented on a planet‘s maze of markers. Reset for clarity.

  • Permanent bases: Keep only your permanent bases marked after establishing and clearing other old markers.

Be selective. Periodically prune redundant and temporary markers to maintain only your most crucial destinations.

Step-by-Step Guide to Removing Landing Area Markers

Removing landing area markers is straightforward but requires this specific process:

1. Fast Travel to the Landing Spot You Want to Remove

Open your map and fast travel directly to the landed marker icon that you wish to remove. This takes you back to that area.

Tip: Zoom in when selecting markers to clearly identify the target beam pointing to the precise landing spot.

2. Build a Beacon Next to Your Ship

Exit your ship and open the build menu. Construct a beacon right next to your spacecraft on the ground. This will create a new temporary map marker at this exact position.

Note: Beacons require Iron Ingots to craft at a Chemistry Station.

3. Delete the Newly Built Beacon

With your character still standing in the same position, interact with and delete the beacon you just created.

  • On PC hold R key
  • On Xbox hold RB
  • On PlayStation hold R1

Removing this beacon wipes the temporary marker.

4. Immediately Fast Travel Away

Open your map and fast travel away to any other location – either another marker on the planet or back into space.

This is crucial – depart right away without doing anything else first.

5. Check Your Map – Marker Should Be Gone

After arriving at the new location, open your map. The previous landing area marker from the spot you took off should now be removed!

By placing then deleting a beacon before quickly leaving, you cleared the underlying marker.

Tips for Smoother Marker Removal

Follow these tips for easy and efficient landing marker removal:

  • Build multiple beacons together in a batch before removing to clear a cluster of markers all at once.

  • On console, hold the beacon delete button rather than tapping to rapidly clear multiple markers.

  • Remove markers in bulk before fully leaving a planet, for a fresh start on your next visit.

  • Periodically prune clusters of old markers rather than letting them build up indefinitely.

  • Focus on deleting only redundant, temporary, or non-essential markers. Leave truly critical waypoints.

  • Keep a physical list of your most vital planetary bases and their portal codes for easy return.

Removing Markers Across All Platforms

This landing marker removal process works consistently across different platforms:

  • PC: Hold R to rapidly delete beacons

  • Xbox Series X/S & Xbox One: Hold RB to quickly delete beacons

  • PlayStation 5 & PlayStation 4: Hold R1 button to quickly delete beacons

The steps remain the same. Only the beacon delete button input changes between versions.

Why a Beacon is Necessary to Remove Markers

You may be wondering why a temporary beacon is integral to removing landing area markers. Here‘s what‘s happening behind the scenes:

The game requires some kind of active marker waypoint to be present before allowing you to erase existing map markers. By briefly placing then deleting a disposable beacon, you fulfill this criteria.

When the beacon gets removed, the original landmark marker underneath is now redundant and also gets deleted. This beacon workaround allows you to remotely clear any unwanted markers from elsewhere in the system.

So the beacon essentially overrides the target marker temporarily so it can be discarded when the beacon gets removed.

Clearing Markers for Key Gameplay Events

While markers serve an important purpose, judiciously removing ones you no longer need helps maintain your map‘s clarity and purpose.

Certain key moments in your Starfield journey lend themselves well to clearing away old markers and starting fresh.

Starting a New Planet

When first landing on an untouched planet, you may want to periodically remove markers as you establish some permanent bases and settlements. This leaves only your central hubs marked long-term, removing clutter from initial landings.

Before Departing a Planet

Once you‘ve thoroughly explored a planet and are ready to leave it for other systems, consider removing all non-essential markers first. This lets you rediscover it again someday with fresh eyes.

Establishing a Permanent Base

If you invest time building up a permanent, maxed out player home or base, clearing all other outdated markers focuses your map on this key location you‘ll revisit frequently.

Feeling Lost or Overwhelmed

When feeling directionless among a rat‘s nest of markers, wiping the slate clean can reorient you to what‘s most important. A clean map sometimes beats a cluttered memory.

Clear markers with purpose based on your in-game needs. And remember – you can always place new ones again later as required.

Further Reading

For more Starfield tips, guides, and build ideas, see:

Top 10 Best Starships and Faction Ships Worth Grinding For

How to Increase Inventory Space and Carrying Capacity

Hidden Mechanics That Aren‘t Explained in Starfield

Best Character Creation Tips for Building Your Spacefaring Adventurer

We hope this guide has helped you understand how to effectively remove and manage landing area markers in Starfield for a more streamlined exploration experience. Happy charting your own legend among the stars!