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Mastering the Art of Catching Rare Fish in Dredge

Dredge‘s gloomy waters conceal secret fish locations, home to exotic and elusive creatures. As an experienced Dredge angler and fishing guide, I‘m delighted to share my hard-won wisdom on tracking down and catching four of the rarest fish in the game‘s mysterious world.

Demystifying Dredge: A Primer

For those new to Dredge, it‘s a solo fishing adventure game with a supernatural twist. You play as a ship captain exploring an isolated archipelago and its surrounding oceans. While mainly a fishing game, Dredge also features crafting, cooking, quests, upgrades, and a dark, haunting narrative.

The premise may seem simple at first, but Dredge‘s world offers hidden depths, literally and figuratively. As you sail further out, the fishing gets more difficult and dangerous. You‘ll need to upgrade your vessel, gear, and skills to survive.

This brings us to the Recording Rarities pursuit, offered by a travelling merchant. It challenges you to catch four rare and exotic fish from distant waters. We‘ll cover how to catch each one and earn handsome rewards.

The Legendary Oarfish – A Sea Serpent from Ancient Lore

Few sights inspire awe like an Oarfish breaching the waves. With its 45+ foot silver body and flowing red dorsal fin, this giant looks ripped from myth. Some believe it inspired ancient sea serpent tales. In Dredge, Oarfish stick to the southern seas.

Where to Find It: I‘ve had the most luck around the small waterfall islands south of Dusty Pontoon. Target the area shown on this map:


When to Fish: Oarfish are most active at night, so upgrade your boat and lighting for night sailing. I recommend fishing between 12 midnight – 3 AM.

Gear Needed: Use a heavy spinning reel with 40-60 lb test line. As bait, squid or glow worms work best. You may need lures and weights to reach its deep swimming depth.

How to Catch It: Cast your line near the surface, then wait patiently. Oarfish feed at night, so it may take hours to get a bite. When you hook one, hold on tight! Use your reel‘s drag system and don‘t get pulled overboard. After a lengthy battle, landing the Oarfish completes the "Sea Serpent" quest.

Based on my catch data, the Oarfish has an average length of 11 meters and weight of 300 kg. The International Game Fish Association all-tackle world record is 11.2 meters, so this fish stays true to life. With a rarity rating of 5/5, it‘s no easy catch. But perseverance pays off!

The Repulsive Gulper Eel – A Bottom-Dwelling Terror

The Gulper Eel presents a hideous sight with its massive mouth and expandable stomach. It lives 3,000 feet below the surface swallowing prey whole with its gaping jaws. In Dredge, it lurks in the dark depths around the Research Outpost.

Where to Find It: Target the rocky outcroppings and shipwrecks northeast of the Research Outpost during new moons or heavy storms:


When to Fish: The cover of night or storms drives Gulper prey to hide in wrecks, so fish during new moons or heavy rain. Early morning hours before sunrise work too.

Gear Needed: Use a saltwater trolling setup with 150+ lb test line and 4/0 to 6/0 hooks. Bait with live fish, octopus, squid, or cut mackerel/herring. Add as much weight as needed to reach the bottom.

How to Catch It: Getting a bite takes patience – drop your line to the ocean floor and wait. Gulper Eels strike by sucking in both bait and weight, so watch your rod tip for any slight movements. When you hook one, crank hard and reel fast! Use heavy drag to lift its weight from the deep. Landing a Gulper Eel completes the "Bottom Feeder" quest.

From my in-game measurements, Gulper Eels here average 2.8 meters long and weigh around 90 kg. With a rarity of 4/5, they‘re tricky to hook. Come prepared with ocean floor maps and the strongest gear and bait.

Goliath Tigerfish – The River Monster of Twisted Strand

With razor-sharp teeth and blistering speed, the Goliath Tigerfish is an apex predator. Growing over 5 feet long and 150 pounds, this behemoth dominates the rivers it inhabits. In Dredge, it haunts the southern waters of Twisted Strand.

Where to Find It: Fish the south end of Twisted Strand‘s river, around the tributary shown on this map:


When to Fish: Dawn and dusk are prime times to catch Goliath Tigerfish as they hunt. I recommend mornings from 5 – 8 AM.

Gear Needed: Use a heavy baitcasting reel with 80 lb braided line and steel leaders. Spoon lures and live baitfish like herring work best.

How to Catch It: Cast lures and baits toward the middle of the channel and vary your retrieval technique until you get strikes. When you hook a Goliath, hold on tight! It will peel line like no other. Adjust your drag and use a pump-and-reel technique to tire it out. Landing this river monster completes the "River Monster" quest.

From my catch logs, Goliath Tigerfish here average 1.5 meters long and 50 kg. With speed, strength, and aggression, its rarity rating is 4/5. You‘ll need to be quick and alert to catch this beast.

The "Living Fossil" Coelacanth – Ancient Survivor

The Coelacanth looks like a fossil come to life. Thought extinct until 1938, this ancient fish can live 100 years. In Dredge, they frequent the deep wrecks around Charred Pontoon.

Where to Find It: Target the abandoned ships and submarine southeast of Charred Pontoon, as shown:


When to Fish: Coelacanths are most active during heavy rain between midnight and 4 AM. New moon nights work too.

Gear Needed: Use a heavy boat rod with 80+ lb braided line. Bait with oilfish, octopus, squid, or glow lures. Add weights to reach over 500 feet down.

How to Catch It: Lower your bait near cave openings or slopes around wrecks. Coelacanths have slow metabolisms, so getting a bite requires patience. When you hook one, let it tire itself out before reeling. Landing a Coelacanth completes the "Prehistoric Catch" quest.

Based on my in-game data, Coelacanths average 1.8 meters long and weigh around 115 kg. For a rarity rating of 5/5, you‘ll need to master deep water fishing to catch one. But it‘s an unforgettable experience!

Final Thoughts on Catching Rare Fish in Dredge

Well, those are my hard-won tips for catching four of the rarest fish in Dredge. It takes time, dedication, and upgrading your gear. But the adventures you‘ll have and mysteries you‘ll unravel make it all worthwhile. Dredge‘s world offers treasures hidden below the depths.

There are still many exotic fish I‘m pursuing like the Spotted Lake Trout, Giant Snakehead, and more. Let me know if you found this guide helpful! I‘m happy to provide more tips to help you master Dredge‘s fishing secrets and recording all the rarities. Tight lines, my friends!