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Reasons for Quitting the Carnivore Diet

The carnivore diet, focused entirely on animal products like meat, fish and eggs, has surged in popularity over recent years. Proponents praise improvements in digestive issues, autoimmune symptoms, and sustainable weight loss from this restrictive plan. However, the extreme elimination of all other food groups poses significant risks over months and years for nutrient deficiencies, social disruption, and unsustainable adherence. Many attempting carnivore end up quitting due to feeling it unnecessary to achieve health goals or excessively difficult to maintain long-term.

Nutrient Deficiencies Pose Health Risks

While meat and other low carb animal foods certainly provide value, the absence of fruits, vegetables and plants eliminates vital micronutrients crucial for optimal functioning. Deficits in certain vitamins, minerals and antioxidants critical to key biological processes then accumulate over time on the carnivore diet.

Vitamin C and Immune Function

Vitamin C plays essential roles in skin health, tissue repair, iron absorption, immunity, and preventing illness. As an antioxidant, it neutralizes free radicals to limit cellular damage contributing to disease. As none of the foods allowed on carnivore contain vitamin C, prolonged deficiency poses substantial immune risks. This can seriously impact resistance to infections and length of sickness episodes.

Antioxidants and Cancer Prevention

In addition to vitamin C, plant foods like berries, tea and dark chocolate provide beneficial compounds like flavonoids, polyphenols and carotenoids. These antioxidants have been clearly linked to anti-cancer effects, fighting free radical formation, enhancing detox systems, and promoting apoptosis in malignant cells. Removing these protective agents can allow DNA mutations to accumulate, significantly raising cancer probability.

Vitamin E and Heart Health

Vitamin E has strong epidemiological correlations with reduced coronary artery disease. It prevents LDL cholesterol oxidation, a key trigger for atherosclerotic plaques that obstruct blood flow leading to heart attacks and strokes. With carnivore lacking nut and seed sources of E, increased oxidation and arterial damage over years without this antioxidant puts serious strain on cardiovascular systems.

Calcium and Bone Density

While calcium can be obtained from dairy allowed on carnivore diets, levels may not be fully sufficient long term without leafy greens. Calcium combines with vitamin K from plants to activate osteocalcin, an essential protein for building bone matrix density. Without this synergy, bone mineralization declines as calcium is inconsistently absorbed. Over decades, this dramatically elevates osteopenia, osteoporosis and fracture risk.

Magnesium Deficiency Symptoms

Magnesium is involved in over 300 enzymatic reactions in metabolism. Deficiency symptoms like muscle cramps, fatigue, anxiety, constipation and tremors often emerge on low carb and carnivore diets missing magnesium-rich foods like tree nuts, legumes and grains. Extended periods without this key mineral lead to impaired protein synthesis, blood sugar control and neurological function.

Fiber Essential for Digestive Health

In addition to vitamins and minerals only found reliably in carb containing foods, complete fiber absence on carnivore diets has detrimental impacts on digestive function. Fiber plays essential roles in regulating intestinal absorptive capacity, transporting waste, and feeding beneficial bacteria.

Improving Diversity of Microbiome

Fiber from greens, fruits and whole grains are prebiotics that enhance beneficial bifidobacteria and lactobacilli strains. This improved diversity and population density enhances multiple areas of health like immunity, glycemic control, allergy resistance, and mental functioning. Removing prebiotic fiber sources allows pathogenic bacteria to thrive leading to inflammation and permeability.

Preventing Intestinal Permeability

Certain soluble fibers like inulin act as gel-like substances that improve integrity of tight junctions in the intestinal lining. Enhancing this barrier function reduces transport of endotoxins and antigenic compounds into blood that trigger inflammation and leaky gut syndrome. Without the protection of these gel-forming fibers, intestinal permeability heightens risk for IBS, joint pain and autoimmunity.

Enhancing Waste Elimination

Both soluble and insoluble fibers greatly improve regularity of waste elimination from the body by adding bulk and water to stool. As carnivore diets contain little intrinsic fiber and are initially low carb, substantial sluggishness in bowel movements manifests early on. Over months and years this greatly increases constipation and reabsorption of estrogen and pathogenic compounds back from the colon.

Feeding Good Bacteria

Certain soluble fibers called fructans from foods like onions, garlic, bananas and wheat cannot be digested until reaching the colon. There they selectively feed beneficial bifidobacteria which produce beneficial short chain fatty acids and combat disease causing bacteria. Removing these prebiotics starves good flora, allowing potential overgrowth by dangerous E. coli, C. difficile and Salmonella strains.

Difficulty with Social Life and Lifestyle

Beyond just nutritional considerations with prolonged carnivore adherence, significant lifestyle challenges arise that drive many to quit the diet. From inability to join normal social events and meals out, constant meal preparation and planning, to simple desire for more food diversity, carnivore proves overwhelmingly difficult for regular life functioning.

Challenges Dining Out

One of the first social limitations encountered is the severe restrictions dining out. With only meat and eggs allowed, ordering at restaurants becomes nearly impossible. No sides, apps, desserts or sauces can be consumed, forcing followers to ask for plain dry cooked meat devoid of enjoyment or flavor. This tends to frustrate friends and family eager to share a meal together.

Exclusion from Group Meals

Relatedly with work, friend and family meals, the carnivore follower eats separately without participation in the main dishes enjoyed by everyone else. This tendency towards exclusion and eating different foods fractures shared social experiences and bonding around meals. Many therefore find themselves eating alone while others take part in cake, lasagna, curries and enchiladas they cannot touch.

Reactions of Friends and Family

Attempting to stick to the diet through parties, holidays and celebrations also draws judgement, skepticism and ridicule from friends. The peer pressure to indulge in stuffing, pie, mashed potatoes and green bean casserole during festive times pulls strongly. Defending your nearly 100% meat and eggs plate while everyone else enjoys dishes you can’t touch frustrates many into at least temporary lapses.

Bringing Your Own Food

Vacations, day trips, sporting events, and other occasions also prove challenging. Resort restaurants won’t serve just plain burger patties and eggs for every meal, so followers end up having to prep and pack all their own food. This burden causes sufficiently arduous annoyance that many can’t sustain bringing stacks of ribeyes and pork belly to keep from "cheating" while traveling.

Adherence Issues Over Time

Outside just social and lifestyle difficulties in maintaining carnivore guidelines, additional problems with long term adherence manifest. From constantly preparing, shopping and cooking meat, boredom with food selection, disproportionate cost, and facing the prospect of all beef and pork for life – sustaining motivation plummets.

Constant Meal Planning and Prep

The complete elimination of grab and go convenience foods means perpetual planning, shopping and cooking. No protein bars, fruit, nuts or quick leftovers are allowed, forcing excessive time sourcing grass fed meats and preparing them daily. Few maintain this constant meal prep fatigue for over a year without desperately needing fast, ready to eat carb options.

High Cost of Meat and Fish

As an all animal food diet, carnivore runs up substantial monthly costs from such large quantities of beef, lamb, eggs and seafood. Meat and fish pricing inflates rapidly from rising feed, fuel and transport prices in the supply chain. Those sticking to fully grass fed beef can spend over $500 monthly just on that one protein source. This cost burden compounds lifestyle difficulties.

Bland Thought of All Beef and Pork

While the simplicity of only eating ribeyes, burgers and bacon may seem desirably easy at first, taste bud fatigue sets in quickly. Thoughts of chicken wings, berries with cream, chili over rice and chicken curry salads creep in for sensory relief from endless plain beef. Cravings for some variation apart from grilled steak constantly taunt adherence.

Expert Opposition on Safety

While carnivore proponents insist plants and carbs intrinsically harm human health, the vast majority of nutritional science utterly disputes this premise. With nearly all nutrition authorities in consensus that long term meat-only regimens jeopardize lifespan from higher disease risks, most find minimal evidence justifies gambling full exclusion of plants and fiber.

Mainstream Nutrition Views

Leading governmental health agencies, diabetes associations, heart foundations and cancer institutes align strongly in guidelines emphasizing regular intakes of whole fruits, fiber rich vegetables, nuts/seeds and whole intact grains. They reinforce no evidence indicates animal foods alone sustain optimal longevity free of chronic illness.

Potential Impact on Lifespan

Numerous large scale epidemiological studies reveal populations with high intakes of plant foods consistently exhibit lower incidence of obesity, cancer, diabetes and neurodegenerative diseases relative to meat and cheese centric Western diets. This data suggests all animal regimens could substantially cut lifespan by 10 or more years on average. Many consider such mortality impact unacceptable trade off.

Success Without Rigidity

While some extremely regimented in the all meat cult insist no flesh escapees can be healthy or fit, thousands find restored wellbeing from intuitive eating and balanced macros. Allowing sensible fruits, greens, legumes and whole grains while still emphasizing meat enables sustainable satisfaction. Some flexibility keeps carnivore guidelines from feeling like restrictive mandate.

Patient Case Studies

Multiple former strict carnivores who developed symptoms like hormonal issues, insomnia and low thyroid function regained health adding plants and carbs back in moderation. Customizing animal to plant ratios to match activity levels and genes leaves room for bioindividual variation rather than forceful one diet decree. Numerous cases reveal yards make lasting success where rigidity fails repeatedly.

Testimonials From Flexibility

In posts, videos and podcasts many initially staunch carnivores admit not needing to stay confinement of muscle meat myopia for vitality. Making their own food peace enables more freedom and longevity in their path. While still respecting meat’s value, avoiding proportionate plant phobia lets them sustain energy they struggled to find among zealous dogma. They discourage black and white dieting dichotomy in favor of balance spectrum.

Lower Carb Approaches

For those finding symptomatic relief from animal dense regimens, practical alternatives exist to straightjacket of strict all meat. Approaches like Paleo, Primal Blueprint, Pegan, and Eco-Atkins allow room for measured carbs from vibrant vegetables, some fruits and properly prepared whole grains. These frameworks derive benefits of low glycemic eating while circumventing inevitably diminishing returns from fiber absence.

While potential advantages for some conditions may come from trying carnivore, for most the extremes required rarely sustain long term without cost. Gradually accumulating micronutrient and prebiotic deficiencies combined with social, financial and practical lifestyle barriers cause majority to abandon full elimination of plants. Achieving lasting success lies in finding balance zone for carbs tailored individually rather than universal plant prohibition.