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Mastering Raiden Combos in Mortal Kombat 1

As an iconic fighter since the original Mortal Kombat, Raiden has dazzled players for decades with his electrifying combos and acrobatic style. Liu Kang‘s reimagined MK universe in MK1 provides a fresh showcase for Raiden‘s skills with new gameplay systems, modes, and cinematics.

In this comprehensive guide, we‘ll equip you with deep knowledge of Raiden‘s combos to maximize your competitive abilities in MK1 on Xbox and PlayStation.

A Brief History of Raiden Combos Across Mortal Kombat

Before analyzing Raiden‘s specific combo options in MK1, let‘s briefly chart Raiden‘s evolution across the Mortal Kombat series to see how his combos have developed over time.

Raiden debuted in the first Mortal Kombat arcade game in 1992 with a modest combo repertoire of electrifying hits and teleport mixups. By Mortal Kombat II (1993), he gained more combo extenders with new special moves like the lightning bolt and torpedo.

The shift to 3D arenas in Mortal Kombat 4 (1997) gave Raiden new juggle and air combo potential. When the series returned to 2D gameplay with Mortal Kombat Deadly Alliance (2002) and beyond, Raiden received additional mid-combo especial cancels and normal attack chains to expand his options.

Now in MK1, Raiden‘s combo game has reached new heights, powered by the overhauled combat system. He boasts more cancel windows, kinetic properties on moves for extended juggle state, and amplified special moves for meter burning options.

Next we‘ll break down key combo tools in Raiden‘s MK1 arsenal.

Raiden‘s Core Combos Moves in MK1

Raiden‘s combo potential relies on mastering his normal attacks, special moves, and canceled animations. Here are his vital combo ingredients:

Key Normals

  • 1 – Fast high punch

  • f2 – Advancing high knee

  • b2 – Low leg sweep

  • d2 – Fast low kick

  • 4 – Launching uppercut

Special Moves

  • df1 – Shocking Bolt (projectile)

  • db1 – Vicinity Blast (anti-air)

  • db3 – Torpedo (advancing low)

  • bf3 – Teleport

Enhanced Specials

  • EX Shocking Bolt – Hits multiple times

  • EX Vicinity Blast – Adds a ground pound

  • EX Torpedo – Travels full screen

  • EX Teleport – Attacks on both sides

By combining Raiden‘s normals into strings, special move cancels, and meter-burn enhanced moves, you can create devastating combos. Next we‘ll explore key examples at a basic, intermediate, and advanced level.

Fundamental Raiden Combos for Beginners

If you‘re just getting started with Raiden, these fundamental combos teach core skills like canceling normals into specials for extensions:

  • 1,2~df1 – Cancel punch string into Shocking Bolt.

  • f22~db3 – End block string with Vicinity Blast.

  • b2,4~df2 – Low starter to combo into full screen Torpedo.

  • f43~db3 EX, dash, f22~df2 – Launch, EX slam, continue combo after dash.

Practice each section slowly and smoothly until you can perform them reliably. It‘s better to master short combos than drop longer ones.

Intermediate Raiden Combos

Once you have combo fundamentals down, try these intermediate examples with more advanced mechanics like meter burn cancels and juggle extensions:

  • f22~db2 EX, 2421, f22~db3 – Cancel into EX Vicinity for extra hits.

  • 34, f34, f22~df2 – Use close normals to start, special cancel.

  • f43~db3 EX, 3, dash, f22~df2, f+K, 3~df2 EX – Slam, teleport, EX Bolt juggle.

  • d2, uf+block, 212~bf3 – Low poke to anti-air electric current.

Repetition will build your execution. Be patient and let the muscle memory develop.

Advanced Combos

Here are some of Raiden‘s most complex combos for competitive play. They require perfect timing and inputs:

  • back throw, f+K, f22~df2 EX, f22~df2 – Wall throw combo with meter

  • f43~db3 EX, 3, f34, 242~df2 EX, 4~df2 – Slam into wall bounce gravity slam

  • 2421~df2, f+K, f34, 242~df2 EX, 3~df2, f+K, 3~df2 – Flawless corner combo

Study the combo notation and watch the demo videos to see the timings. Stay dedicated through the learning process.

Fatal Blow Combos

Raiden‘s fatal blow provides massive damage. Connect it after launchers or wall bounces:

  • f43~FB – Raw FB from launcher for cinematic

  • f34, 242~df2 EX, FB – Wall slam into fatal blow

  • 2421~df2, f+K, f34, 242~df2 EX, FB – Kameo assist into fatal blow

The fatal blow cinematic caps off Raiden‘s most damaging combos.

Combo Practice Tips & Resources

Here are some final tips on mastering Raiden‘s combos:

  • Use practice mode – Set the AI to stand or jump so you can drill combo execution.

  • Watch match footage – Study how top players combo with Raiden in tournaments.

  • Join Raiden Discord – Discuss combos and matchups with dedicated players.

  • Review notation guides – Understand abbreviations for special moves and buttons.

  • Analyze frame data – Know the speed of Raiden‘s attacks to find openings.

  • Manage meter – Balance using EX moves vs saving meter for breakers.

With dedicated practice and matchup knowledge, Raiden‘s potent combos will have you channeling Thunder God energy in no time! Now get out there and unleash electrifying kombos!


  • Mortal Kombat fandom wiki
  • Test Your Might MK forums
  • Raiden combo gifs from [@JaxMoveList]