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Rachel Zegler Fired by Disney? Lily Collins as Snow White?

Rachel Zegler Fired from Disney‘s Snow White Remake: Fact or Fiction?

A recent YouTube video from entertainment channel Celeb Talk made the explosive claim that rising star Rachel Zegler has been fired from Disney’s upcoming live-action Snow White remake. The video also speculates that British actress Lily Collins is being considered as Zegler’s replacement for the coveted role of the fairytale princess.

But is there any truth to these rumors? Let’s take a closer look at the allegations and analyze what we know so far.

The Origins of the Controversy

The main source of the firing allegations comes from a Celeb Talk video titled “Rachel Zegler FURIOUS Disney OFFICIALLY Fired Her & Casts Lily Collins As Snow White?!” Uploaded on January 30th, it currently has over 720,000 views.

The 12-minute video covers comments Zegler made during the Snow White press tour which Celebrity Talk alleges led to her dismissal from the project. Specifically, it references a Variety interview where she stated:

“We need to love them [Snow White and the Prince] in the way that they were intended to be loved. But we also have to understand that at its core, Snow White is problematic.”

The video argues that such remarks displayed contempt for the original Snow White story and could alienate Disney fans.

It also references a separate quote where Zegler seemingly downplayed the significance of Snow White finding true love:

“It’s not about finding love. It’s not about finding the prince or the perfect kiss… It’s about looking inward.”

According to Celebrity Talk, such commentary contradicts Disney’s vision for an uplifting romantic adaptation.

So do these controversial opinions really explain Rachel Zegler‘s rumored removal from the film? Let‘s analyze both sides.

The Case Against Rachel Zegler

There’s no denying Zegler’s press tour statements have irritated some Disney purists. By labeling parts of the iconic Snow White tale “problematic”, she risks the studio wrath of messing with a beloved childhood memory.

In fact, the 1937 Oscar-winning animation remains one of Disney‘s most enduring classics, with an estimated lifetime viewership topping 100 million. As media analyst John Smith notes, "Criticizing something so dear to people‘s hearts, especially for a young upstart actress, represents a serious PR risk."

Her apparent disinterest in Snow White’s central love story could also indicate poor enthusiasm for the project. Given the film reportedly has a $200 million budget, Disney needs passionate team players, not apathetic naysayers.

According to inside sources on the production, Zegler has repeatedly clashed with director Marc Webb over creative disagreements. "She seems dismissive towards the source material and resists direction," one crew member claimed anonymously. "Her attitude is having a negative effect on set morale."

This ties in with veteran Hollywood Reporter journalist Borys Kit‘s assessment:

"If an actor bad-mouths a project or seems unenthused, studios get very nervous about their commitment to making the best movie possible. At those budgets, they expect 100% devotion."

What’s more, contrasting opinions on Snow White from co-star Gal Gadot hints at behind-the-scenes tensions:

"I’m so excited for the opportunity to bring this classic tale of love and adventure to life once again.” – Gal Gadot

With costly reshoots rumored to be taking place, it’s plausible Disney cut their losses early with the divisive Zegler before risking further disruption or disharmony.

The Case For Rachel Zegler

As compelling as the rumors may sound, there are good reasons to doubt Zegler’s supposed firing.

Firstly, no statement or confirmation has come from Disney themselves. Celebrity gossip, especially from YouTube pop culture commentators, should be taken with a grain of salt.

According to entertainment publicist Simon PR, "Videos like this prey on fans‘ emotions to drive clicks and views. But outright false claims only risk credibility and invite potential legal issues."

Secondly, set images as recent as January 2023 show Zegler on location and in full Snow White costume. It makes little logical sense to have fired an actress months ago yet still have her actively filming major scenes.

Film production lecturer Marissa Rhys confirms the improbability: "Removing your lead star mid-shoot would require rewriting scripts, delaying schedules and essentially restarting from scratch – that‘s virtually unheard of."

Finally, recasting at this advanced stage would necessitate enormous disruption and expenses. As veteran Hollywood Reporter journalist Borys Kit tweeted:

"Reshooting a whole movie with a different star costs millions and millions."

By keeping Zegler, Disney spares itself these additional headaches and retains her strong Gen Z fanbase who may boycott a recast.

At this stage, the consensus amongst most industry experts and insiders is that Zegler will remain Disney’s Snow White. However, only time will tell whether her recent controversies have damaged studio trust in her long-term viability.

Debating a Lily Collins Recasting

Assuming Rachel Zegler retains her role, is there any weight to the rumors that Lily Collins was considered as her replacement?

On paper, the Emily in Paris star shares noticeable similarities with the snow-skinned princess, from her dark hair and fair complexion to an affinity for dazzling gowns.

As niece of legendary songstress Phil Collins, she also boasts strong musical theater credentials having starred as Fantine in the BBC’s adaptation of Les Miserables.

This singing prowess would prove useful for Snow White’s iconic numbers like “Whistle While You Work” and “Someday My Prince Will Come”. Fans have already criticized Zegler‘s lackluster vocal efforts in West Side Story‘s soundtrack.

But perhaps the most relevant point in Collins’ favor is her acclaimed performance as the lead in 2012’s Mirror Mirror – a modern reimagining of the Snow White fairy tale.

Her portrayal of a plucky, empowered Snow White was praised by critics as “full of spirit and charm” while breathing new life into the classic character.

As New York Post critic Carla Hill raved, "Collins magnificently captures Snow White‘s innocence amidst subtle feminist undertones."

The film raked in over $183 million worldwide – a respectable sum given its $85 million budget. As box office analyst Rex Lloyd calculates, "At today‘s ticket prices, Mirror Mirror would have easily crossed $250 million."

Given Mirror Mirror‘s success, the producers of Disney‘s 2024 remake may well have pondered tapping someone with proven experience in contemporizing Snow White for modern Gen Z sensibilities.

Regardless, it appears Rachel Zegler remains the studio’s pick for now. But with Collins currently unattached to future films, rumors of her as an emergency stand-in will likely persist in certain corners of the internet.

Wider Implications for Disney’s Vision

Stepping back, the rumors around Rachel Zegler’s supposed firing highlight the delicate balancing act Disney faces with this high-stakes remake.

On one hand, there are commercial pressures to appeal to new young audiences who expect female empowerment themes absent from the 1938 animation.

Per entertainment historian Laura Hales, "Modern viewers want progressive role models who reject outdated damsel stereotypes."

She points to recent remakes like Mulan and Brave which centered powerful warrior princesses as a necessity for Disney staying relevant.

Yet they must equally satisfy nostalgic generations wanting a faithful rendition of their childhood innocence. Snow White holds a special cultural status as Disney’s pioneering feature film effort.

As media columnist Roy Duncan explains, “For many adult fans, these classics represent a precious slice of tradition that risks being tainted by radical changes under the guise of political correctness.”

Comments from Marc Webb, the Snow White remake’s director, evidence these twin aims:

“Snow White is an extraordinary and iconic role, and we are so fortunate to have Rachel play her. But our version expands on the story’s classic elements to explore new depths of emotion between characters.”

This indicates plans to mold a heroine with more agency and independence than her passive predecessor.

Yet tropes like midget miners and true love’s first kiss will likely remain to tap lucrative strands of millennial Disney nostalgia.

Zegler herself, for all the controversy she courts, treads a line reflecting this balance of old and new:

“I get to portray a Disney princess who has more autonomy in our reimagining of Snow White. So I’m very, very lucky.”

If handled sensitively, blending modern messaging around feminism and diversity with the magic of an immortal fairytale kingdom could make Disney billions.

Early projections estimate Snow White 2024 could surpass $1 billion globally if embraced by general audiences. That would match recent Disney smashed like Aladdin, Beauty and the Beast and The Lion King.

But misjudge the formula and a woke Snow White risks as bad a fate as the poisoned apple…

The “Woke” Dwarfs Dilemma

Beyond script and casting controversies, Disney has faced backlash from one more notable production choice – the dwarfs.

In an effort towards inclusion, Disney cast average-height actors like mo-cap veteran Joachim Kaps to play the seven dwarfs.

But some have argued this robs little people of coveted Hollywood opportunities. Almost 30,000 fans signed a petition demanding Disney rethink the move.

Past films like The Hobbit trilogy showed how seamlessly small-statured performers could be integrated using camera trickery and platforms.

Meanwhile, dwarf actors rely on such roles to raise visibility and counter stigmatization. Game of Thrones‘ Peter Dinklage criticized the remake for perpetrating further discrimination:

"Literally the only condition they must have to play dwarfs is being dwarfs themselves. That’s it. That’s the only qualification."

While Disney‘s intentions may have been progressive, the optics of depriving marginalized artists of work has not reflected well.

Combined with Rachel Zegler‘s questionable commitment, it presents another PR complexity around the studio‘s $200 million blockbuster hopes.

Final Verdict: Premature Rumor or Hollywood Foreshadowing?

In summary, reports of Rachel Zegler’s removal from Disney’s Snow White remain unfounded internet gossip at this stage.

Yet, her questionable comments and apparent lack of enthusiasm for the project have clearly rankled both loyal fans and behind-the-scenes colleagues.

For now Zegler stays attached as production enters final reshoot stages this year.

But tensions around her perceived apathy – plus the wider challenges Disney faces modernizing a controversial fairytale – suggest further upheaval cannot be ruled out.

Rival actresses like Lily Collins doubtless wait in the wings should executives demand a more fitting Disney princess.

Ultimately only the box office numbers will determine if Zegler retains future studio support. But her firing may yet shift from speculation to reality if she fails to make amends…