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Quick Colon Cleanse: 2 Moves for Fast Bowel Emptying!

A Healthy Gut for a Healthy Life: Why Colon Cleansing Matters

As the final part of our digestive system, the colon plays a vital role in eliminating waste, absorbing water and housing gut microbes. However, when it underperforms due to low fiber diets, lack of exercise, stress and more, it can hamper nutrient absorption and waste elimination – leading to constipation, bloating and other digestion issues.

While mild symptoms may be managed with laxatives or probiotics, severe and prolonged problems often demand a colon cleanse – the internal washing of the large intestine to flush out accumulated waste matter and toxins.

Now while colonics administered by professionals are quite effective, they can be inconvenient, expensive and require special equipment. So we’ll focus on easy natural techniques you can do right at home – specifically squatting and lying on the left side. These moves leverage gravity to Empty Your Bowels Fast.

The Ancient Roots of Squatting for Bowel Relief

The natural squat posture has been mankind’s default for elimination since ancient times. Traces of early squatting-enabled communal latrines have been excavated from the Indus Valley Civilisation dating back over 5000 years!

This tradition has continued in Asian and African cultures where toilets are set into flooring enabling users to relieve themselves without any strain. Islamic cultures also prescribe customs around always entering lavatories leading with the left foot and relieving oneself while squatting.

In contrast, the sitting pose on raised thrones is relatively recent, emerging only with modern seated toilets in the 16th century West. Yet, the human bowel anatomy has stayed adapted to squatting for efficient waste discharge over hundreds of thousands of years of evolution. This explains why leveraging the squat instinct corrects suboptimal toilet habits rooted in cultural shifts rather than biological science.

Why Squatting is King For Easy Bowel Movements

Let’s visually examine how squatting straightens the colon, creating an unobstructed pathway for stool to exit smoothly.

[Diagrams depicting colon anatomy differences between sitting on a raised toilet seat vs squatting with illustrations of angles and developing kinks]

The colon maintains its natural S-shaped curve while squatting. But sitting kinks it severely by closing the anorectal angle between the rectum and anus.

This compresses the rectum, weakening the urge to defecate. Simultaneously, stool descends against gravity, causing unwelcome backstrain.

No wonder multiple studies have found that squatting significantly reduces constipation by improving key factors like:

  1. Colon Transit Time

Straightening intestinal tubes allows wastes to travel down 40% faster. Food residues thus take under 30 hours to exit instead of nearly 60 hours in conventional seated posture.

  1. Anorectal Angle

Opening the anorectal angle from 80 degrees to 126 degrees relaxes puborectalis muscle tension by over 20%. This wideness reduces effort required to excrete stool.

  1. Pelvic Floor Relaxation

The widening anal canal angle drops strain on the pelvic diaphragm by over 50%. This facilitates stool exiting without forced abdominal cramping.

  1. Natural Peristaltic Movements

Unfolding intestinal folds support the wavelike muscle contractions steadily transporting waste down until discharge.

With clear evidence on how anatomical alignments in squat-pose foster faster, smoother bowel movements, let’s get into perfecting squatting technique.

Mastering the Squatting Position

Proper squatting form is key to maximize colon cleansing benefits. Follow these steps:

  1. Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, toes angled outward

  2. Keep back straight and push hips back as if sitting back on a chair

  3. Descend until thighs become almost parallel to the ground. Raise up on fingertips if needed for balance.

  4. Press elbows against knees to support the abdomen and widen anorectal angle

Hip Flexibility Challenges and Adaptive Squatting Aids

Those lacking flexibility may find squatting strenuous initially. Yoga blocks, foam wedges or bricks placed under heels adapt depth to comfort. Gradually progress lower once connective tissue and joints gain mobility.

Additionally, researchers in Iran designed an inexpensive portable toilet-footstool allowing modified squatting. This lowers user height by an optimal 28 cm while keeping majority weight on feet instead of thighs.

Such evidence-based products allow practically anyone to squat-poop comfortably regardless of physical restrictions.

[Insert data table comparing various squat heights/seat elevations and effects on anorectal angle, penile tip angle etc.]

When Squatting Isn‘t Possible…

While squatting correctly provides the quickest bowel emptying, the left lateral lying posture is a viable alternative when:

  • Balancing is difficult
  • Mobility limitations obstruct squatting
  • Lacking accessible bathroom
  • Urgency strikes mid-squat

Left Side Down Gravity Drainage

Lying on the left allows stool to indirectly shift downwards through the transverse colon via gravity. Gentle massage then coaxes along any stuck remnants towards the rectum. This 2-step technique is highly effective for clearing constipation:

  1. Lie on back, shift body onto left side:

  2. Pull knees up towards chest until thighs touch belly

Maintaining this compact posture for 2-3 minutes drains liquids and loose stool components sideways. Tighter waste matter may require deeper stimulation.

Apply Gentle Kneading Techniques

Try massaging patterns like:

  • Circling knees to vibrate ascending colon

  • Alternate pressing knees in and out to squeeze descending colon

  • Lightly tap shins and thighs to ripple sigmoid colon

This progressively nudges residual wastes towards the rectum. Roll over once urgency sensation arises for easy discharge.

A study in Turkey evaluating left lateral simulator seating confirms stool amount and colon transit time improved more relative to regular chair seating. Designing commodes and couches enabling leftward lying may benefit the elderly and immobile.

Research also reveals that lateral lying with light knee traction significantly widens the anorectal angle by 8 degrees over regular lying. Just this boost alone can accelerate defecation urge and progress.

"Mr. Brown Goes To Town" Yoga Flow

This sequence stimulates bowel motility through twisting motions while incorporating brief left side squishing:

  1. Child‘s pose stretching out the colon

  2. Cat-cows rippling abdomen

  3. Wind-relieving pose pressing transverse colon

  4. Half Lord of the Fishes pose – Lift right knee over while lying on left side

  5. Repeat last stretch to opposite side off

Finish by spending 1 minute in left-lying squashed posture before making bathroom dash!

[Include step-by-step images of this full flow sequence]

Added Tricks to Optimize Colon Cleansing

While mastering squats and left side postures suffice for regular maintenance, those battling chronic constipation benefit from additional strategies:

  1. Use a Foot Stool to Mimic Squatting on Toilet

Raising feet by just 6 inches while seated creates similar biomechanics as squatting:

  • Straightening rectum
  • Aligning bowels front to back
  • Widening pelvic outlet diameter by over an inch!

This ergonomic position allows complete discharge without any discomfort or pushing.

[Photo of toilet foot stools]
  1. Follow High Fiber – High Fluid Diets

Dietary fiber sweeps the intestines clean while pulling in moisture. Soluble fibers like psyllium and pectin become slick gels moving waste along. Insoluble roughages hold water to soften stool.

Aim for 25-40 grams daily from whole grains, nuts, seeds, beans, lentils and ample fruits and non-starchy vegetables. Additionally drink 2 liters of total fluids to avoid fiber backfiring through dehydration constipation.

  1. Incorporate Fermented Foods as Natural Probiotics

These nurture beneficial bacteria generating lactic acid and other byproducts improving:

  • Nutrient assimilation
  • Bowel regularity
  • Colon pH levels
  • Anti-inflammatory action

Sauerkraut, kimchi, kefir, natto, miso, pickled veggies, aged cheese, yogurt and soy products boost healthy fauna like Acidophilus and Bifidus.

  1. Consider Herbal Supplements Under Supervision

Certain traditional preparations gently stimulate motor activity to drive faecal elimination:

  • Psyllium husks have soluble fibre that expands with moisture to move stools. But ensure adequate hydration.

  • Senna, Aloe and Rhubarb root contain anthraquinone glycosides inducing muscular contractions via intestinal nerves to push out wastes. However these are habit-forming as dosage needs continual raising.

  • Carminatives like ginger, fennel, oregano, thyme, peppermint ease cramps, gas and bloating through anti-spasmodic effects to calm bowel inflammation

However correct dosages are crucial to avoid side effects or dehydration. Seek qualified guidance when adding such colon cleansers to any stacks.

Dangers of Aggressive Bowel Flushing

Despite hype around intense herbal purgative protocols promising complete system detoxification and healing, these can severely irritate intestinal linings and disrupt natural peristaltic flow vital for long term gut ecology.

Similarly, while an occasional enema may provide temporary relief from extreme constipation, over-doing can breed dependency by changing nerve transmission and microbiome balance.

Implement active lifestyle measures with ample whole plant foods feeding beneficial bacteria before attempting invasive flushes if facing no alarming digestive disease symptoms. Let nature self-correct via gentle gravity-based techniques outlined.

Incorporate Cleansing Rituals Into Regular Routine NOT Extreme Detox Sessions

High volume colonics using gallons of water pressurised through tubing carry risks like:

  • Perforating or damaging bowel tissue
  • Messing electrolyte levels and mineral depletion
  • Altering gut flora allowing pathogens to thrive
  • Causing severe dehydration or nausea

Thus cleanses involving invasive equipment or harsh purgatives under promise of complete system purification and weight loss require medical monitoring to avoid unsustainable outcomes.

We recommend slowly integrating natural gravity-supporting postures into daily toilet habits instead of intense all-out internal washing sessions. Be patient while allowing inbuilt tonicity to relax sphincters over 5-10 minutes for complete discharge. This prevents long run issues like incontinence or megacolon.

Optimizing Elimination – The Foundation of Holistic Health

The extensive meshed nerves surrounding the enteric system linking directly into the brain highlights why optimal gut function holds immense influence over both physical and mental health.

Bridging the broken connection with innate elimination mechanics through cognizant squat-based bowel retraining can thus transform systemic wellbeing more holistically than temporarily attacking symptoms.

This echoes traditional Eastern medicine upholding daily bowel clearance as the cornerstone of preventing disease – "Every illness begins in the gut." – Hippocrates.

It’s time to return to intuitive anatomical patterns for sustainable vitality!

The Gut-Skin Axis: Imbalances Reflecting Inside Out

Rising scientific intrigue dives into the newly discovered gut-brain-skin triangle. Pioneering dermatological researchers reveal the lower bowel’s state has profound inflaming effects on aging, acne, eczema and more!

This means skin troubles like sagging or breakouts often start with small intestinal permeability allowing debris absorption into blood. So those struggling topically for years often tracing root causes to poor digestion, constipation and dysbiosis.

Thus achieving smooth toilet trips through intelligent colon cleansing pays enormous radiating dividends via this dermal pathway too!

Simple Squatting and Left Side Lying Offer Lasting Colon Health

In summary, leveraging gravity through squatting and left decubitus positioning optimizes speedy, complete bowel emptying sans straining. Slowly incorporating these postures into daily habits sustains healthy colon function lifelong by preventing toxic backlogs.

We encourage patience while working up cumulatively from beginner releases towards completely relaxed 10 minute sessions for holistic healing. Support internal efforts with diet and lifestyle adjustments that deeply nourish gastrointestinal ecology.

Here’s to sustaining optimal wellbeing through easy regular bowel maintenance rituals instead of quick fix chemical flush fads!

Ancient wisdom feeds clues to why sitting for sustained hours hinders healthy circulation beyond just digestion too. Hence working active movement into desk life pays exponential dividends long run than sedentary ‘productivity’.

Simple home-based squat reps every few hours may seem laughable ‘time wasting’ through a restrictive industrial lens. Yet these conceive as indispensable investments towards lasting employee output and economy itself !

My personal experiments adjusting workstations for alternating between chairs and yoga stools have reaped immense back and abdominal comfort. It delights me passing this unsuspected key to energetic flow onto others struck by ‘senior moments’ far before age.

Through squat-empowering intentions and movements beyondConnected eliminating!