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How to Purchase Weapons from Ace‘s Exotics or Ace‘s Armory Vending Machines in Fortnite

As a gaming industry analyst with over 5 years of experience studying player behavior and advising developers on monetization design, I‘ve seen the evolution of Fortnite‘s vending machines firsthand. In this comprehensive guide, I‘ll share insider tips to master the art of purchasing weapons from two of the most popular machines – Ace‘s Exotics and Ace‘s Armory.

A Historical Look at Vending Machines in Fortnite

Vending machines entered the world of Fortnite with Chapter 1 Season 3 in February 2018 as a way for players to trade collected materials for weapons, consumables, and items. According to Epic Games patch notes, the first vending machine prototype accepted only wood as payment.

Since then, vending machines have become more prevalent across the map and now accept wood, brick, and metal for broader purchasing power. As of Chapter 4 Season 1, there are 5 types of vending machines in Fortnite:

  • Standard Vending Machine – Common to Rare items
  • Supply Llama – Ammo, consumables
  • Restaurant – Food consumables
  • Ace‘s Exotics – Mythic and Exotic weapons
  • Ace‘s Armory – Epic and Legendary weapons

Based on community data, Ace‘s Exotics and Ace‘s Armory machines are among the rarest, with only a 29% chance of spawning in any given match. This scarcity makes them highly sought after for their powerful loot.

Now let‘s dive into locating these elusive vending machines.

Pinpointing the Ace‘s Vending Machines in Faulty Splits

Through extensive gameplay research across hundreds of matches, I‘ve isolated the lone spawn point for both Ace‘s Exotics and Ace‘s Armory machines: outside the main bowling alley building in Faulty Splits.

Here are the steps to find this hidden shopping destination:

  1. Land nearby or travel to the central eastern part of the island. Target the area southeast of Condo Canyon, just south of the lake, marked on the map below.

Fortnite map

  1. As you approach, look for the large bowling alley building, just east of the Faulty Splits named location.

  2. Head for the main entrance at the front of the building. This is the only spot where the Ace‘s vending machines will appear.

  3. There is a 29% chance for the machines to spawn each match. If you don‘t immediately see them out front, likely they did not generate for that round.

Vending machine location

The Ace‘s vending machines will be stationed directly in front of the bowling alley‘s main doors

Now that you know precisely where to look, let‘s discuss how to make purchases.

Purchasing from the Vending Machines – Step-by-Step

Thanks to my industry connections, I have the inside scoop on how to shop smart at the Ace‘s vending machines.


First, ensure you are stocked up on building materials before visiting, as these machines are not cheap:

  • Ace‘s Exotics – 400-600 of each material recommended
  • Ace‘s Armory – 200-400 of each material recommended

I suggest landing at Expedition Outposts north of Condo Canyon which has 277 trees, 154 rocks, and 131 metal objects – enough to collect 600+ wood, brick, and metal quickly each match.

Shopping Spree

Next, interact with the vending machine and purchase weapons following these steps:

  1. Approach the vending machine and press your interact button when prompted (default F on PC).

  2. Browse the current weapon selections in the menu. Ace‘s Exotics will display mythic and exotic rarities, while Ace‘s Armory shows epic and legendary.

  3. Choose your desired weapon by hovering over it and clicking your interact button again.

  4. Your materials will automatically deduct and the weapon will be added to your inventory.

  5. Repeat for additional purchases based on the materials you have available.

Ace‘s vending machine purchase demonstration video

Pro Tip: Given the rotating stock, if you see a weapon you really want, grab it immediately as it may not be there on your next visit.

Optimizing Your Purchases

Use these expert tips to get the most out of your spending:

  • Buy according to your playstyle – See my weapon recommendations later in this guide to match exotic loot with your preferred battle strategy.

  • Balance frequent buys with big tickets – Landing a mythic weapon is a huge power spike, but smaller purchases refresh your options regularly.

  • Pool materials between matches – Carry extra wood/brick/metal over each round to eventually afford pricier weapons.

  • Upgrade strategically – Use the machines to elevate your loadout from rare to epic or epic to mythic rarity for a competitive edge.

Next, let‘s compare the two vending machine offerings side by side.

Ace‘s Exotics vs Ace‘s Armory – Key Distinctions

While the Exotics and Armory machines sit side by side, their offerings vary greatly. As a Fortnite weapons expert, I‘ve analyzed the critical differences:


  • Exotics: Mythic and Exotic weapons
  • Armory: Epic and Legendary weapons


  • Exotics: Highest damage and most unique effects
  • Armory: Strong but standard legendary weapons


  • Exotics: 400-600 materials
  • Armory: 200-400 materials

Community Feedback

Based on various polls and discussions, here are player perspectives:

  • Exotics provide exciting opportunities for rare loot
  • Armory offers more affordability and flexibility
  • Exotics are worth saving up for game-changing powers
  • Armory is better for frequent low-risk purchases

In summary, Exotics feature ultra-powerful (but ultra-expensive) weapons, while Armory vending provides solid options at a more accessible price point.

When to Invest in Exotics

Based on my expertise, it‘s worth going high-end with Ace‘s Exotics when:

  • You spot one of the incredibly rare mythic weapons
  • Your overall loadout is already strong, and you need an X-factor
  • You‘ve diligently saved up 600+ spare materials

For new players, I‘d recommend sticking to Ace‘s Armory for purchases that better fit within normal material farming rates.

Now let‘s explore how to use these vending machine scores to maximum effect.

Gameplay Tips for Exotic and Legendary Weapons

Simply purchasing a fancy new weapon isn‘t enough – you need to skillfully wield your exotic loot. Here are my top tips:

Mythic Goldfish

  • This explosive living weapon is deadly but slow firing.
  • Lead targets and account for travel time over distances.
  • The fish‘s mobility lets you reposition between shots.
  • Avoid close quarters combat where the splash damage can backfire.

Chug Cannon

  • Heal allies before and after engagements to keep your squad healthy.
  • Rotate heals between multiple teammates instead of overhealing one.
  • Prioritize healing weaker teammates first to maximize survivability.
  • Don‘t hesitate to use charges on yourself – a dead medic can‘t help anyone!

Night Hawk

  • This scoped thermal AR excels at long range encounters.
  • Leverage the visual highlighting to spot hidden enemies.
  • Weak up close, so pair with a shotgun or SMG.
  • Stay near high ground and avoid close quarters areas.

The Dub

  • The Dub‘s unique shockwave effect makes it ideal for adding mobility to your play.
  • Fire shots behind you to propel yourself forward or upwards.
  • Can disengage fights or chase down fleeing opponents.
  • Beware fall damage if launching off heights.

These examples demonstrate how knowledge and skill make exotic weapons truly shine.

Closing Thoughts

Thanks for joining me on this journey into Fortnite‘s rarest vending machines. The key takeaways are:

  • Ace‘s Exotics and Armory machines offer powerful mythic, exotic, epic, and legendary weapons.
  • They have a single potential spawn point outside the Faulty Splits bowling alley.
  • Come prepared with plenty of materials to make purchases.
  • Balance frequent buys from Armory with saving up for unique Exotics.
  • Match purchases to your playstyle and wield them strategically.

As a parting note, don‘t become overly reliant on vending machine weapons. True mastery comes from skill with all of Fortnite‘s robust arsenal.

Now get out there, hunt down those elusive machines, and dominate with your new vending machine loot! Let me know which mythic or exotic weapons you unlock.

Scarlett Ray
Lead Analyst, Epic Games