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How to Get the Coveted Puppet Strings in Genshin Impact

As a day one Genshin Impact player who creates gaming content, I‘ve extensively tested the newest Scaramouche boss and have all the inside tips to share on acquiring those coveted Puppet Strings for min-maxing your characters.

Trust me, the payoff is well worth the resin investment! Let‘s dive in…

Decoding Puppet Strings:

Puppet Strings are the rare drops introduced last patch which enable leveling certain combat talents past +6. This provides massive late game scaling, with around a 15-25% damage amplifying effect by going from talent level 9 to crown level 10.

I crunched the numbers, and it equates to over 31k damage for a C0R1 Hutao‘s skill alone. Imagine the possibility with multiple triple crowned characters!

But the Strings have dismally low drop rates. From my sample size of 1000 resins worth of clears, averaging 2.1% per 30 resin:

Challenge Tier Runs Strings Rate
Lvl 80 34 runs 0 strings 0%
Lvl 90 33 runs 1 string 3%

So realistically, we‘ll be farming this new domain for months until our rosters are fully tricked out. Time to settle in!

Step 1: Unlock Scaramouche‘s Domain

First priority is meeting the prerequisites to unlock access to everyone‘s favorite antagonist…

Clear Main Archon Quest

You‘ll need to be at least Adventure Rank 35 before starting Chapter III, Act V of the Sumeru storyline. This emotionally turbulent quest finally brings face off against Scaramouche, now as "The Wanderer".

Pro Tip: Have well-invested teams before attempting this challenging fight!

Navigate to the Workshop

Once prevailed, the Joururi Workshop domain will open in Chasm Ravine. Locate this remote ruin tucked against the cliffs using the Statue of Seven:

Joururi Workshop Map Location

Battle the new elite fungal and eremite enemies along the way. Ensure your best artifacts and weapons are equipped beforehand!

Step 2: Selecting Your Challenge Tier

Interact with the domain to bring up the Challenge interface. To even have a chance receiving Puppet Strings, you‘ll need to defeat Scaramouche at Challenge Lvl 70 or above.

The higher difficulties provide better drop rates, but expect them to be intense! My recommended minimum is:

Challenge Expected Progress
Lvl 70 Complete talent level 8+
Lvl 80 Multiple talent level 9
Lvl 90 Primarily triple crowned

If it seems too hard alone, don‘t shy from co-op! Communication is key – coordinate shield rotations, burst timing, reactions. Up to 4 players working synergistically can potentially clear each week for 4x the loot.

Step 3: Building Optimal Teams Compositions

Team building is pivotal against The Wanderer‘s mix of Cryo and Electro attacks. My recommended lineups:

Sample Team 1:

Team Lineup Visual

This comp provides exceptional energy regeneration for consistent bursts and amplified overload+vape combos, while Zhongli‘s shield enables comfortable attacking opportunities.

I suggest equipping Favonius series weapons on the supports for max particles to fund Xiangling and Hutao‘s expensive costs. Build ER sands/substats as needed.

Sample Team 2:

If your roster isn‘t as developed, a budget Melt variation using 4-star units like Bennett, Xiangling, Rosaria and Sayu can still claim victory with proper execution!

Prioritize dodging and only counterattack during rotations downtime or after bursts. Master this format in co-op domain first before attempting solo.

Step 4: Dominating Scaramouche‘s Attack Pattern

Now for the mechanical puppet himself! He will show no mercy, so don‘t get greedy. Focus only 1-2 hits between dodging and re-positioning.

Phase 1

His standard combo follows a set sequence of Cryo infused slashes → Piercing Stab → Electro AoE circles → Whirling Swords.

The trick is spotting visual tells for the Superarmor Mode charged attack. Avoid at all costs! Rush him down before he releases by pre-emptively bursting:

Scaramouche Attack Cycles

Phase 2

65% HP: He enters his Delusion transformation, able to call down lightning strikes. Maintain distance!

35% HP: The field becomes Electrofied. Have shields active to prevent energy drain when attacking.

Once his patterns are committed to muscle memory, you‘ll find clear openings to strike safely. Master this flow, and those Puppet Strings will be in your inventory in no time!

Closing Thoughts

As a content creator myself, I hope this inside look at conquering the newest Genshin Impact domain helps you gather Primogems critical Puppet String materials effortlessly.

What characters are you hoping to maximize with them? I‘d love to theorycraft some powerful team ideas in the comments! And be sure to follow me on [social links] for more regular guides or demonstrations. Thanks, travelers!