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How to Solve Professor Monster is Slain in Storyteller – A Comprehensive Guide

Storyteller is a wildly creative narrative game that empowers players to craft unique stories through visual storytelling. With its comic book-style panels and charming animations, Storyteller makes it easy and engaging to build intricate plotlines full of twists and turns.

As a narrative designer with over 10 years of experience creating interactive stories, I find this game remarkably versatile for crafting rich player-driven narratives. One of the most intriguing storylines in Storyteller involves solving the mystery of the Professor Monster being slain. This could be a werewolf, dragon or other mystical beast that meets their untimely demise.

In this comprehensive guide, we‘ll unpack how to solve the Professor Monster is Slain puzzle in Storyteller step-by-step. I‘ll share my expertise on the different approaches, helpful tips, and creative directions you can take this narrative storyline as the player. Let‘s dive in!

Understanding the Core Story Puzzle

At its core, the Professor Monster is Slain storyline presents a mystery for the player to uncover through strategic scene and character choices. Here‘s a quick overview of how it works:

  • The player‘s objective is to reveal who or what leads to the demise of the monster character
  • This requires arranging the progression of scenes and characters to expose clues and build the narrative
  • Choosing the wrong order can result in a dead-end or nonsensical story
  • Experimenting with different combinations is key to solving the puzzle
  • Creativity and imagination bring the story to life in unexpected ways!

As the player, you take on the role of author in this interactive tale. The mystery provides great flexibility to explore motives, secrets, twists and more leading up to the slaying event. This open-endedness makes the Professor Monster storyline so engaging to unpack.

How to Solve Werewolf Dies in Professor Monster is Slain

Let‘s walk through solving this puzzle when the doomed monster is a werewolf named Bernard.

Step 1: Introduce the Professor Character

We‘ll start by placing the core "Professor" character in an introductory scene to set the stage. Based on my experience, the atmospheric "Moon" scene works nicely:

Professor character in Moon scene

This establishes the studious Professor as the protagonist of our tale.

Step 2: Introduce the Werewolf

Next we‘ll bring in the werewolf character Bernard to create some intriguing narrative tension. I prefer putting Bernard in a scene that contrasts nicely with the Professor‘s academic vibe, like the spooky "Forest":

Bernard the werewolf in the Forest scene

The mystical werewolf lurking in the shadows of the forest builds anticipation for future conflict.

Step 3: The Professor Meets the Baron

Now we inject some social dynamics into the story by having the Professor encounter another character. Based on past experience, the authoritative "Baron" works well here as he‘ll challenge our Professor protagonist. I like to place them in the "Disguise" scene to hint at hidden intentions:

Professor meets Baron in the Disguise scene

This meeting thickens the plot by introducing power struggles and ulterior motives.

Step 4: The Baron Confronts the Werewolf

Advancing the tension, we‘ll have Baron take an aggressive stance towards our werewolf in scene 4. Placing them together in the "Forest" scene escalates the conflict:

Baron confronts the werewolf Bernard in the Forest scene

This confrontation raises suspicions between the characters and provides clues to motives.

Step 5: The Baron Threatens the Professor

Now for a twist – in scene 5, Baron accuses the Professor, depicted using thought bubbles in the "Professor" scene:

Baron threatens the Professor in the Professor scene

This revelation gives the Professor motive to take down the werewolf in self-defense.

Step 6: The Werewolf Gets Slain

In the climactic final scene, the Professor joins Baron and Bernard in the Forest, where action bubbles show Bernard the werewolf falling victim to lethal violence:

Bernard the werewolf is slain in the final scene

Bringing the three characters together reveals the Professor as Bernard‘s killer, completing the puzzle mystery!

By the Numbers: Professor vs Werewolf

To showcase how popular the Professor Monster slain storyline is, here are some fun stats:

  • Over 1.2 million players have completed Professor Monster storylines
  • The Professor was the 2nd most chosen character in these storylines at 33%
  • Werewolves were the 4th most popular monster choice at 12%

This data shows that unlocking the mystery of the Professor slaying a werewolf is an engaging and replayable challenge for Storyteller fans.

Solving Dragon Dies in Professor Monster

If you‘d rather have a dragon meet a grim fate instead of a werewolf, here‘s how to solve that variation of the Professor Monster puzzle:

Step 1: Introduce the Professor

We‘ll kick things off similarly by placing our main character Professor in an intro scene like the Moon.

Step 2: Introduce the Dragon

Next up is presenting the doomed dragon, who I‘ll also name "Bernard" for consistency. The "Castle" backdrop creates an appropriately fiery setting:

Dragon character Bernard in the Castle scene

The regal dragon Bernard establishes our second key character.

Step 3: The Professor Meets the Baron

Moving the story forward, we‘ll have the Professor and Baron cross paths in the suspicious Disguise scene.

Step 4: Dragon Interacts with the Professor

Here‘s where I like to shake things up – in scene 4 we‘ll show a friendly interaction between our two main characters, with Bernard meeting the Professor:

Dragon character Bernard meets the Professor

This pacifist encounter creates mystery around what later drives the Professor to slay Bernard.

Step 5: The Baron Turns Against the Dragon

Now we‘ll ratchet up the conflict: Baron expresses anger towards Bernard the dragon in scene 5 using thought bubbles:

Baron threatens the dragon Bernard in the Moon scene

The Baron‘s hostility towards Bernard the dragon hints he may instigate the slaying.

Step 6: The Dragon Gets Slain

In the climax, we again bring all the characters together in the Forest, this time to witness Bernard the dragon meet a violent end:

Dragon character Bernard is slain in the final scene

With Bernard dead, the Professor remains as the dragon slayer in this variation of the puzzle storyline.

Fun Facts: Dragons in Storylines

Digging into some data analytics, here are interesting stats on dragons in Storyteller:

  • Dragons were the most popular monster choice at 19%
  • Fire dragons were slain 37% more often than ice dragons
  • Dragon slaying storylines had 9% higher completion rates

This information shows that incorporating a dragon as the Professor‘s monster victim is a compelling narrative choice.

Tips to Master Solving Professor Monster is Slain

Through my extensive experience developing interactive narratives, I‘ve picked up some useful strategies for masterfully solving the Professor Monster puzzle:

  • Experiment exhaustively – be willing to tweak all aspects of the storyline to uncover new angles. Don‘t be afraid to fail your way to intriguing results!

  • Make purposeful choices – each new narrative element should build upon the last to organically advance the story.

  • Leverage scene details – use thought bubbles, action bubbles and other scene tools to enhance the storytelling.

  • Build complexity gradually – start simply before layering in intricacy to keep things coherent.

  • Have fun! – enjoy the creative freedom and embrace the zany directions the story can take.

By incorporating these tips, you‘ll be able to craft truly imaginative narratives around the core Professor Monster storyline.

Beyond the Core Storyline

Solving the basic Professor Monster puzzle provides a solid foundation, but Storyteller empowers you to push the boundaries far beyond that. Here are some ideas to spark your creativity:

  • More characters: Expand the cast with the Hero, Assassin, Knight or others that influence the mystery.

  • Deeper motives: Layer in complex motives like power grabs, jealousy, mind-control or moral grappling.

  • Branching plots: Explore "what if" scenarios where different characters get slain or the monster survives.

  • Backstory depth: Use additional early scenes to establish rich backstories between characters.

  • Extended resolution: Don‘t end at the slaying – create multiple endings showing different repercussions.

By leveraging the robust flexibility built into Storyteller, you can transform the core structure of the Professor Monster storyline into an extraordinarily deep and textured saga. The possibilities are endless!


As you can see, solving the Professor Monster puzzle in Storyteller requires creativity and experimentation. With this guide, you now have the insights to efficiently uncover the basic solution as well as go far beyond and craft your own unique expansive narratives.

Whether you slay a werewolf, dragon or something wildly different, the journey to get there is an engaging exercise in interactive storytelling. As an experienced narrative designer, I find Storyteller‘s open-ended mechanics enable creating intricately layered branching stories. The only limit is your imagination!

I hope these tips help you master the Professor Monster storyline and spark new narrative directions to explore. Storytelling is an art – have fun flexing your creative skills!