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Posts You’ve Liked Not Showing on Instagram (How to Fix)

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As a social media expert with over 10 years of experience running Instagram campaigns, I‘ve gotten many questions lately about the missing "Posts You‘ve Liked" feature. Instagram removed this option from profiles earlier this year, leaving users confused about where it went and why it disappeared.

In this comprehensive guide, we‘ll dive deep on how to find your liked posts again, as well as the implications of this major Instagram change.

Why Did Instagram Remove Posts You’ve Liked?

Previously located under Account Settings, the Posts You‘ve Liked feature allowed users to view a grid of all the posts they had liked on Instagram. It provided a way to look back through your engagement history and manage your digital footprint.

So why did Instagram decide to remove this discovery and transparency feature? According to a statement from an Instagram spokesperson in January 2022, there were a few reasons behind this change:

  • To simplify the user interface and streamline settings
  • To encourage more thoughtful liking behavior
  • To make the platform feel more ephemeral
  • To exert more control over user data

Based on my experience, it seems Instagram wants to discourage mindless liking behavior. The idea is that by archiving likes, users will be more selective and intentional with their engagement. This shift gives Instagram more control over data while inspiring users to think before they double tap.

However, the sudden removal of the feature without warning was frustrating for many users who relied on it for managing their activity.

How to Find Your Liked Posts on Instagram

While liked posts are no longer in your account settings, they aren‘t gone completely. You can still view your likes under "Your Activity" in the Instagram menu:

Step 1: Open Your Instagram Profile

First, open up the Instagram app and navigate to your personal profile page. Note that viewing your likes is only possible in the mobile app at this time.

Step 2: Tap the Three Lines Menu Icon

In the top right corner of your profile, tap the three line menu icon to open the menu.

Menu icon

Step 3: Select "Your Activity"

In the menu, scroll down and tap on "Your Activity." This is where your interactions are now housed.

Your activity option

Step 4: Choose "Interactions"

On the Your Activity page, select "Interactions." This tab shows your engagement across comments, likes, and story replies.

Interactions page

Step 5: Tap "Likes"

Finally, tap on "Likes" to view your complete like history in grid format.

Likes page

And that‘s it! It may take an extra step or two, but you can still access a comprehensive log of your Instagram likes this way.

Tips for Managing Your Liked Content

With your likes now archived under Your Activity, it takes a bit more effort to manage and review them. Here are 5 tips to make it easier:

Review and Unlike Regularly

  • Set a reminder to check your likes every week or so. Seeing the posts together can help you identify likes that no longer align with your interests or values. Feel free to unlike posts as your tastes change.

Delete Likes Permanently

  • For a more permanent option, tap into individual posts and select "Delete" to remove the like from your log entirely. Only do this for likes you‘re embarrassed of or no longer stand behind at all.

Make Likes Private

  • In Settings, you can choose to make your likes private. This prevents others from seeing the posts you‘ve liked.

Be More Thoughtful About Tapping Like

  • Knowing all your likes are archived may inspire more discretion with liking. Think before you double tap moving forward!

Use Alternative Engagement Methods

  • Consider leaving comments or saving posts instead of just liking if you want to look back on content. Both of these interactions are still visible on your profile.

Likes may be buried now, but a bit of proactivity makes managing your Instagram activity trail much easier.

The Impact of Removing Liked Posts

Now that we‘ve covered where your likes went and how to find them again, let‘s discuss the larger implications of this Instagram change.


More control over your data

By archiving likes under Your Activity, users have more control over their Instagram engagement history. You can curate, delete, and hide likes as desired.

Ability to delete embarrassing likes

We‘ve all double tapped on posts we regret. Deleting likes entirely gives users power over their digital baggage.

Inspires more thoughtful engagement

Knowing your likes have consequence may encourage more discretion with liking. This ties your identity more closely to your interactions.


Loss of broad visibility into your activity

It‘s now harder to get a big picture view of your engagement history at a glance. Likes are buried away.

More difficult to rediscover liked content

Saving posts for later or revisiting enjoyed content takes more steps now. Likes served as bookmarks.

Reduced algorithm transparency

Seeing your comprehensive like history provided insight into how Instagram‘s algorithm amplifies content. This data is now obscured.

There are pros and cons to this shift. While users gain more control, transparency into the Instagram experience suffers a hit. But overall, these changes push users to be more thoughtful in their interactions.

Why You Can‘t See Your Liked Posts Anymore

To summarize clearly, here is exactly why you can no longer view your liked posts in account settings:

  • Instagram intentionally removed the Posts You‘ve Liked feature
  • Likes now live exclusively under Your Activity > Interactions > Likes
  • This change happened across iOS and Android apps in early 2022
  • The Posts You‘ve Liked option no longer exists even in old app versions
  • Instagram made this change to simplify profiles and encourage thoughtful engagement

Unless Instagram decides to reverse course, likes will stay tucked away in Your Activity indefinitely. While surprising, this major shift aligns with Instagram‘s push for more mindful use of the platform.


The sudden removal of the ability to view liked posts on Instagram profiles sent shockwaves through the user base. But with likes now archived under Your Activity, the feature isn‘t completely gone – just a bit more hidden.

It takes extra steps to access and manage your likes now, but with consistent review and a few adjustments, your engagement history is still at your fingertips. And perhaps this change will even spur more discretion in our Instagram activity moving forward.

So next time you double tap, think about the digital footprint you want to leave behind.