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How to Fix Pokemon Not Evolving in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet

Evolving your Pokemon is one of the most exciting parts of any Pokemon game. But in Scarlet and Violet, numerous players have found their Pokemon stuck and unable to evolve. As a Pokemon expert who has analyzed this issue extensively, I‘ve put together this comprehensive guide on how to get your Pokemon evolving again.

Understanding Pokemon Evolution Methods

The first step is learning the specific evolution methods for your Pokemon. While some simply evolve by leveling up, others have unique requirements:

  • Leveling Up: Pokemon like Charizard evolve when reaching certain levels (Charmander to Charmeleon at 16).
  • Using Evolution Items: Special items like Thunder Stones or Ice Stones trigger evolutions for Pokemon like Eevee.
  • Trading: Trading is required for Pokemon like Haunter to evolve into Gengar.
  • Equipping Special Items: Certain Pokemon need to hold items like Razor Claws while leveling up.
  • High Friendship: For Pokemon like Golbat to evolve into Crobat, high friendship is required.
  • Learning Specific Moves: Some Pokemon evolve after learning certain moves, like Tangela learning Ancient Power.

Consult online resources to look up the exact requirements for your Pokemon. Each one has specific conditions to meet.

Common Evolution Issues in Scarlet and Violet

Based on player reports, we can pinpoint the main issues affecting evolutions:

  • Using Auto Battle prevents evolutions from occurring.
  • Leveling up after meeting requirements sometimes doesn‘t trigger evolution.
  • Closing and reopening the game can disrupt evolution progress.
  • Bugs are causing certain complex evolution methods to not function properly.

These technical problems seem to be the root cause of most cases where Pokemon won‘t evolve. The good news is developers Game Freak are aware of the bugs and actively working on fixes.

"We are aware of the issue where Pokemon do not evolve properly. We apologize for the inconvenience and ask for your patience while we investigate the cause." – Game Freak

Fixes and Workarounds for Pokemon Not Evolving

While we wait for official patches, players have discovered some methods to push through and get their Pokemon to evolve:

  1. Turn off Auto Battle and only fight manually.
  2. Over-level the Pokemon 5-10 levels past the evolution requirement.
  3. Close and reload the game after meeting evolution conditions.
  4. Fully reboot the Nintendo Switch before trying again.
  5. Ensure you have the latest game updates installed.
  6. Try using an evolution item again even if it failed the first try.
  7. Trade the Pokemon and see if player 2 has better luck evolving it.
  8. Be patient and keep leveling it up until the evolution triggers.

While frustrating, these workarounds have proven successful for many players stuck on evolutions. Consistently leveling up manually and resetting the game seem to be the most effective tactics.

When to Worry

If you‘ve tried all troubleshooting steps extensively with no success, the evolution is likely bugged. Some signs it‘s time to worry:

  • Your Pokemon is 10+ levels past the evolution requirement.
  • You‘ve tried using an evolution item 4+ times with no results.
  • The evolution works fine for other players but not you.
  • You‘ve restarted the game and Nintendo Switch multiple times.

In these cases, it‘s best to wait for Game Freak to release a patch fixing the bug. You can report the issues you see to help them resolve it faster. Patience is key, as these games always have evolution issues at launch. Proper evolutions are so integral to the Pokemon experience that developers will certainly prioritize fixing them.

With the right information and some perseverance, you can get past evolution issues in Scarlet and Violet. Use my detailed guide to understand the requirements, try workarounds, and know when to seek help. Your Pokemon‘s next form awaits – let‘s get evolving!