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Pleiadian Starseeds: An In-Depth Guide to Their Cosmic Origins and Purpose on Earth

Do you feel an otherworldy connection to the stars, like your soul incarnated on Earth from a distant, utopian civilization? If so, you may be a Pleiadian starseed – an ancient soul with an important mission to elevate humanity‘s consciousness during this unprecedented era of ascension.

What is the Pleiades Civilization and Why are They Here to Assist Earth?

The Pleiades is a dazzling cluster of hot, bright stars located 400 light years from Earth in the Taurus constellation. These stars and their planets are inhabited by highly advanced light beings focused on peace, emotional awareness, and communal harmony.

Pleiadians value truth, vulnerability, compassion, and personal growth. Their technology far surpasses current Earth innovations, especially regarding sound/vibration and its ability to heal and transform.

Their civilization‘s spiritual connectedness centers around the universal oneness of all. Pleiadians comprehend quantum realities and humanity‘s energetic connection beyond just the physical world. This deeper understanding inspires their service-oriented love and commitment to assist Earth‘s ascension.

Table 1. Key Traits Compared: Pleiadians vs Humans

Pleiadian Traits Human Traits
Psychic, telepathic Limited extrasensory perception
Multidimensional Restricted awareness
Interconnected consciousness Individualistic consciousness
Value vulnerability, emotional openness Avoid appearing weak
Compassionate, collaborative Can be selfish, competitive
Peaceful, harmonious society Conflict-ridden society
Highly advanced technology Relatively primitive technology
Value creativity, growth Value money, status

Pleiadians hear the urgent cry from Earth and her lightworkers for increased frequencies of love and unity. This call quickens as humanity rapidly approaches a critical mass point for ascending to higher dimensional states of being – catalyzing "heaven on Earth."

Interdimensional Pleiadian souls incarnate as lightworkers, or more commonly "starseeds", to anchor higher vibrations and light codes that edify spiritual evolution into the collective consciousness.

7 Major Signs You Are A Pleiadian Starseed:

Here are the most common traits and characteristics that indicate a Pleiadian soul:

1. You feel called to connect with the Pleiades stars and energy. You obsess over photos of the Pleiades cluster, reading mythology about the seven sisters. Seeing the number 7 (or 17) everywhere excites you. You are drawn to ancient aliens theories, science fiction, or interstellar topics.

2. You volunteer here out of love for humanity. Earth feels familiar to you, but you don‘t quite fit in. You know your soul has incarnated many times before to help transition this planet to a higher state. You are moved by humanity‘s suffering and feel compelled to ease it.

3. Your mind/decisions come from the heart. You tap into compassion unconsciously by feeling out situations. You rarely overanalyze or anguish over right vs. wrong. Your guiding mantra is: "If it feels good, do it!"

4. You exude kindness, patience and non-judgment. You forgive easily, let go of grudges, seldom criticize others‘ choices. You nurture people who are struggling to discover their own light. You seem to have infinite patience and sensitivity – partly because you understand humanity‘s shared divine origins.

5. Issues of unworthiness, loneliness or inadequacy plague you. Despite exuding love and wisdom, you have trouble fully accepting yourself. You may feel no one really gets you. Fitting in with mainstream culture feels impossible making you withdrawal. You blame yourself for failed connections.

6. Your emotional body is wide open and highly reactive. You absorb environmental energy and others‘ feelings with little filtration. Due to taking on toxic energy, you suffer anxiety, unusual physical symptoms, overwhelm and burnout frequently. Establishing empathic boundaries is challenging but essential.

7. Your vibe is innocence, play and childlike awe. Your eyes shine brightly exuding childlike innocence, awe and joy. Your energy uplifts others‘ spirits through its gentle sweetness inspiring them to embrace their own inner lightplay. Your aura and appearance strike others as angelic or cherubic.

What Gifts and Talents Do Pleiadian Souls Often Possess?

Due to their advanced spiritual wisdom, emotional depth and extrasensory abilities, common Pleiadian callings include:

  • Energy Healer – Pleiadians access life force energies to restore balance physically and emotionally. They channel Source energy to heal, seeing imbalances easily in auras/chakras. Hands-on reiki, Theta healing, aromatherapy oils and crystals are commonly used modalities.

  • Counselor or Guide – Compassionate listening, vulnerability and non-judgment make Pleiadians exceptional counselors. They help awaken and empower those seeking their higher selves and soul purpose. Through profound questions, they reorient others to rediscover inner peace and joy.

  • Creative or Artist – Artistic expression using sound frequencies, language, visuals and movement come naturally to Pleiadians. Their creative gifts inspire unity, harmony and higher global consciousness. Painting, music, poetry, novel writing, singing, dancing and inventing allow creative Barnard‘s Star souls to shine.

  • Spiritual Teacher – Pleiadians share their ancient wisdom from highly evolved spiritual worlds. Through seminars, speaking engagements, books/DVDs and online programs, they disseminate stellar knowledge on humanity‘s quantum reality beyond the terrestrial sphere. Topics include multidimensionality, unseen worlds filled with light beings, integrating darkness/shadow work and the eternal nature of the soul.

Why is Earth So Painfully Difficult for Pleiadian Souls?

Pleiadian souls note a stark contrast between the slower, denser vibrations of Earth and the quicker, lighter frequencies of their home world. Humanity‘s darkness undoubtedly surprises them as well – the immense pain caused by war, rage, oppression, abuse and catastrophic environmental destruction.

The reason emotional toxicity harms Pleiadians so deeply is that they quite literally feel it coursing through their own veins. As unbounded empaths, they absorb heavy energies into their body until it saturates their cells. Without strong boundaries or coping strategies in place, they become walking sponges sloshing over.

Additionally, the general populous dismisses or attacks interstellar connections Pleiadians know as truth. Gas lighting and invalidation from both family/friends (even the spiritually-minded) and society-at-large makes speaking one‘s truth seem pointless. This leads many starseeds to stay closeted about their soul origins.

Above all, Pleiadians miss the harmonic resonance and familiarity of their home constellation. Some feel their missions became overly ambitious taking on so much darkness. The absence of immediate soul family support and multi-density beingness to ground into causes profound homesickness.

Common Side Effects Pleiadians Face on Earth Include:

  • Chronic loneliness, depression
  • Anxiety, panic attacks
  • Physical symptoms like headaches, exhaustion
  • Adrenal burnout, thyroid issues
  • Weight gain or loss, eating disorders
  • Addiction to numb emotional pain
  • Feeling generally lost, empty and unsupported

Actionable Ways for Pleiadians to Thrive

1.Connect with other starseeds – You are not alone! Bond with others who intimately understand the Pleiadian experience via Meetups, conferences like Starseed Gathering and online groups. Share your experiences to gain validation while offering support.

2.Establish rigorous boundaries – Limit time spent around hostile skeptics and energetic vampires who drain your vibration. Release toxic relationships that leave you feeling battered. Learn to say “no” instead of acquiescing to pointless demands on your energy.

3.Spend ample time communing with nature – Forest bathe, stargaze, put feet on soil and hands among flower beds. Nature harmonizes your frequencies so you resonate optimally. Bring crystals into your home and work space for enhanced alignment.

4.Express your Pleiadian-ness creatively – Make art, sing, write, dance… any outlet to unleash your soul‘s signature. Follow inspiration wherever it leads without judgement. Creative flow states will activate healing and unlock wisdom simultaneously.

5.Practice Pleiadian self-care rituals – Light candles, take aromatic baths, self-massage. Engage visualizations bringing golden-white light through the crown to fill your body with nourishing life force energy. Invoke interstellar support and feel Pleiadian soul family embracing you.

As a Pleiadian divinely incarnated on Earth at this incredible time, you carry ancient codes of transformative love needed to elevate collective consciousness. While the path has shown itself anything but easy thus far, finding solidarity and practicing sublime self-care will sustain your vital lightwork. Know that you are making a profound difference energetically – more than you realize – with each burst of love radiated from your eternal soul. Stay strong and keep shining brightly!