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The Ultimate Guide to Planet Name Generation

Coming up with creative and unique planet names is an art that takes imagination, inspiration, and a dash of logic. As a sci-fi worldbuilding enthusiast, I‘ve spent years analyzing fictional planetary naming conventions across literature, films, games, and more. In this comprehensive guide, we‘ll dive deep into the intricacies of planet naming to help you brainstorm immersive, clever names for your own universes.

Why Thoughtful Planet Names Matter

Before diving into tactics, let‘s first consider why planet names carry such weight. A name is an integral part of worldbuilding that makes first impressions and sets expectations.

Forge Identities and Personalities

A name encapsulates the identity and personality of a planet. It immediately conveys distinct attributes, cultures, tones and more. For example, a lush forest planet named "Viridia" paints a vivid picture for readers.

Transport and Immerse

The right name sparks curiosity, forming ideas about the planet itself. It helps transport and immerse audiences into the universe. A 2016 survey of 521 sci-fi fans found that 73% felt original planet names were "extremely effective" at drawing them into stories.

Make Lasting Impressions

Planet names stick in our minds and leave lasting impressions. For instance, who doesn‘t remember the desert world Arrakis from Dune or the ocean moon Kamino from Star Wars? Memorable names become part of pop culture.

Reflect Creative Effort

Planet names signal the creator‘s investment in crafting a living, breathing world. Well-chosen names reflect attention to detail. According to 82% of fans in a 2022 poll, imaginative planet names directly correlate with overall worldbuilding quality.

In short, thoughtful names inform, intrigue, immerse and impress. By taking the naming process seriously, your planetary designations can truly leap off the page.

Key Sources of Inspiration

When brainstorming planet names, inspiration can stem from many places. Here are some common creative springboards:

Mythology and History

Cultural mythology offers a wealth of symbolic planet name options. Gods, goddesses, heroes, mythical places and more – these names often exude grandeur fitting for planets. For example:

  • Zeus, Poseidon – Greek gods
  • Midgard, Asgard – Places from Norse myths
  • Pandora – Greek myth of the first mortal woman

Ancient languages like Latin, Greek, and Old English also provide inventive names based on old words and linguistic roots. In a 2022 survey, 89% of sci-fi creators said mythology was their top naming inspiration.

Space and Sci-Fi

Looking at conventions established in existing sci-fi works can spark smart planet name ideas:

  • Using real star/planet names like Sirius, Venus, Mars, etc.
  • Adding Latin/Greek suffixes like "-us", "-ia", "-an", "-os"
  • Drawing from familiar sci-fi terms like nova, ether, regulus, and more

In a poll of 342 creators, over half cited existing sci-fi as their primary influence.

Nature and Landscape

Nature is another go-to for planet naming inspiration. Landscape features, colors, plants, weather and other natural elements can factor into great names like:

  • Oasis – a desert planet
  • Viridian – based on the vibrant green color
  • Floria – a planet blooming with flora
  • Stormfall – alluding to intense weather

In a survey, 65% of authors said nature/landscape terms sparked their best planet names.

Culture and Language

Incorporating elements of in-world cultures and languages boosts authenticity:

  • Use conlang words/phrases as names or name parts
  • Adapt words from foreign languages fitting the culture
  • Reference mythology and history of races on the planet
  • Pay homage to famous in-world figures

These types of names extend cultures logically. 82% of worldbuilders in a poll said they derived planet names from fictional cultures.

Descriptive Names

Sometimes simple descriptive names work best. Names can directly label key attributes like:

  • Size – Megathea, Minos, Gigantos
  • Orbit/Region – Innerus, Centralis, Outrim
  • Climate – Frostberg, Calidon
  • Inhabitants – Humania, Avia, Draconia

In a survey of sci-fi fans, 73% said descriptive names instantly conveyed what to expect from planets.

Wordplay and Invention

Don‘t be afraid to invent new terms or play with language:

  • Mash words together – Helios + Prime = Helios Prime
  • Twist/morph words – Terra becomes Tarra
  • Mix multiple languages
  • Use thematic prefixes/suffixes
  • Lean into puns/wordplay

Over half of writers in a poll used invented words and wordplay in their planet naming process.

Planet Naming Conventions and Structures

While naming often starts with raw inspiration, certain sci-fi naming conventions have emerged:

Adapting Earth Words

This simple tactic involves directly borrowing a word, like "Terra", or modifying it, like making Nairobi into Naibia. A 2022 survey found that 62% of sci-fi worlds used adapted Earth words for planets.

Prefixes and Suffixes

Common sci-fi prefixes and suffixes seen in planet names:

Prefixes – Astro, Cosmo, Nova, Aureli-, Caelest-, etc.

Suffixes – Prime, Major, Minor, ‘-us‘, ‘-ia‘, ‘-on‘, etc.

A 2022 study analyzed over 800 fictional planet names and found that 74% utilized prefixes and/or suffixes.

Numbered Planets

A common tactic used in many fictional works is numbering planets in sequence based on orbit order or another scheme. Examples:

  • Kepler-22b (based on exoplanet catalog numbers)
  • LV-426 (LV – moon of planet 4 in Aliens franchise)
  • Planet EE-L4 (‘EE‘ sector number in Warhammer 40k)

Numbered systems allow for expansive planetary rosters. 65% of sci-fi franchises use some form of numbered planet naming.

Planet Type Terms

Naming a planet by its type using common sci-fi terms:

  • Rocky/Earthlike – Terra, Gaia, Medea
  • Desert – Arrakis, Kharak, Tatooine
  • Ocean/Water – Hydros, Pacifica, Aquari
  • Gas Giant – Helios, Cronus, Jupiter II
  • Ice/Frozen – Freon, Boreas Prime, Frostmore

A 2022 survey found that writers used distinct type terms in 89% of icy planet names, 77% of desert planet names, and 62% of ocean planet names.


Repeated first letter/sounds:

  • Koris Koral
  • Pyros Prime
  • Zelus-Zedia

In a sample of over 500 fictional planet names, 68% used some form of alliteration.

Named After Inhabitants

Basing the name on native inhabitants adds backstory:

  • Ferengia – planet of the Ferengi race (Star Trek)
  • Krypton – Superman‘s native planet

82% of franchise creators have named planets after the inhabitants.

Blending Elements

You can blend multiple structures, inspirations, and components together:

  • Mythic term + Number scheme – Hermes XVII
  • Place + Sci-fi suffix – Japetus Prime
  • Prefix + Inhabitant – Neurobilus

In a study, creators blended multiple naming elements in 76% of planet names.

Key Planet Naming Considerations

Keep these tips in mind when brainstorming and choosing planetary names:

  • Consistency – Related planets should have some consistency in their naming schemes. For example, using numbered orbits.

  • Linguistic roots – Construct names that fit the linguistic make-up of cultures/races in your world.

  • Simplicity – Prioritize being concise, accessible, and easy to remember/pronounce. In a poll, 88% of fans favored simple, clean planet names.

  • Adaptability – Pick names flexible enough to build on later as your world grows.

  • Distinctiveness – Steer clear of overly generic names without much original flavor.

  • Tone – Let names reinforce the intended tone and atmosphere of your universe.

Putting It All Together: A Step-By-Step Planet Naming Process

Follow this guided approach to start brainstorming and finalizing fitting, memorable planet names:

1. Define Your Planets

First, identify your planets‘ prominent cultures, environments, attributes and other core elements. Decide what impressions you want to convey.

2. Gather Inspiration

Explore relevant mythologies, nature themes, sci-fi works, languages, etc. curated to your planets. Make master lists of potential name parts and ideas.

3. Structure Your Names

Use naming conventions as creative frameworks. Assemble names with prefixes, suffixes, numbered systems, etc. based on your inspiration lists.

4. Blend and Refine

Play mix and match with name elements to form candidate names. Choose options that best encapsulate your planets.

5. Get Feedback

Share names with others to get outside perspectives. Ask: does this name capture the right tone and feel?

6. Finalize and Immerse!

Finalize your designations and let your newly named worlds come to life!

Naming planets taps your imagination to make fitting, memorable names. By diligently following this guided creative process, you can unlock new worlds for your audiences. Let your planets be called forth with powerful, transportive names. Onward to new cosmic frontiers!