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Unpeeling the Layers: An In-Depth Walkthrough of Pineapple on Pizza and Its Elusive Achievements

As a long-time gaming enthusiast with my finger on the pulse of emerging indie titles, Pineapple on Pizza captured my attention from the first trailer. On the surface, its tropical landscapes, dancing birds, and volcano escapes deliver smiles. But underneath lies subtle themes of judgement, groupthink, and the courage to push boundaries.

In this comprehensive walkthrough guide, I‘ll uncover what makes this game – and its rare achievements – so compelling.

The Method Behind the Pineapple Madness

Pineapple on Pizza comes from the mind of Nichlas “Nifras” Nygren, a Stockholm-based developer known for passion projects with meaning behind the silly premises. He cited inspiration from lockdown isolation and how quickly groups attack those with differences.

"I wanted to make something that brings some joy and weirdness to the world."

Originally released on in 2021, Pineapple on Pizza drew enough buzz to warrant a full Steam launch in 2022. Across platforms, it has amassed over 275,000 downloads and a rating of Overwhelmingly Positive from 4,200 reviews.

As players join the 86% who finish this short but sweet journey, this guide will maximize their experience.

The Path to 100% Completion on Pineapple Island

Pineapple on Pizza completing journey

Pineapple on Pizza rewards wandering off the main path, revisiting previous spots, and generally poking every sand dune and palm tree. By crisscrossing the island playground, you can fully finish the game in 10-15 minutes.

Here is the most efficient route to see and do everything:

The Gateway

The journey begins by pressing Play at the main menu. This unlock the first achievement by default. Gaze at the endless ocean ahead before wandering right towards new friends.

Achievement Unlocked: Play

The Tour Begins

Stroll down the sandy beach until happening upon a stoic-looking statue. Approach it for the Statue achievement, then continue down the shoreline. White birds flutter by in what seems a welcoming paradise.

Achievement Unlocked: Statue

Sailing Away

Pass by swaying dancers, corn fields, and beachside bars before reaching a fleet of sailboats. Hop into any boat to ride the waves, capturing the Sailboat achievement. But this is just the start of aquatic fun.

Achievement Unlocked: Sailboat

Crowd Crashing

Back on land, upbeat music fills the air. Limbo dancers urge you to join their moving stick parade. But your true purpose becomes clear – walk right through the line to smash their stick for the Limbo achievement. The dancers scowl as their party falls flat.

Achievement Unlocked: Limbo

Fields of Gold

A dirt path diverges into a dense field of corn plants. Follow it to wander between crops towards the Plantations achievement. Locals whisper disapprovals but don‘t stop your trespassing stomp.

Achievement Unlocked: Plantations

Friends in Low Places

The field gives way to ocean cliffs where a man rests, feeding seagulls swarming by the dozens. Approach this Bird Friend for a remark on judging others. The birds coo in agreement.

Achievement Unlocked: Bird Friend

Dance Dance Resolution

Hop back on the main beach to find it peppered with dancers showing their best moves. None top a smooth professional twisting effortlessly to chill island vibes. Challenge the Skilled Dancer to an ad-hoc competition, where you awkwardly flail to failure.

Achievement Unlocked: Skilled Dancer

Part of Your World

Nearby splashing reveals a friendly turtle emerging from the sea. This old timer has seen generations of dancers and drama come and go. Approaching her unlocks the hidden gem.

Achievement Unlocked: Turtle

Monkeying Around

Further along rests a seaside village where ecstatic children play inside a straw hut. Join the Kids Playing to see what mischief they‘re making today. Their laughter hides devious plans.

Achievement Unlocked: Kids Playing

When in Rome

At the village center lies a mysterious stone circle. Step inside to unlock its secret magic and the Circle achievement. But what affects may linger after exiting?

Achievement Unlocked: Circle

Muffin Topper

On a distant rock formation, a baby gazes longingly at dancers frolicking on the beach below. Get closer to this isolated Baby who hints at exclusion from the community.

Achievement Unlocked: Baby

Paradise, Upended

Exhausting all possible adventures across the island, peacefully rest on a Bench by the shoreline. But the ground unexpectedly trembles. In the distance, lava spews as a volcano erupts!

Achievement Unlocked: Bench

Facing Fears

Climb your way up the sprawling cliffside to witness fiery chaos engulfing the once-idyllic paradise. Take the plunge off the cliff to confront those fears for the Cliff achievement.

Achievement Unlocked: Cliff

No Turning Back

With red hot lava racing towards the village, sailboats offer the only escape. But there‘s time for one last act of defiance. Make way to the erupting volcano. Ascend its side to stand atop the mouth of billowing smoke before leaping in to trigger the The Floor is Lava achievement. This act of brazen courage (or foolishness) primes the apocalyptic finale.

Achievement Unlocked: The Floor is Lava


The island burns as frantic dancers dash for boats moored just offshore. Join them to narrowly Escape the raining ash and complete your journey. Paradise lost, but judgement lifted.

Achievement Unlocked: Escape

And with that, all 16 achievements unlocked – perhaps alongside some philosophical insights on questioning the status quo.

Analyzing Pineapple on Pizza‘s Elusive Trophies

While some achievements auto-populate through the main story, others require patient exploration or purposeful troublemaking. Let‘s break down key facts on claiming each:

Pineapple on Pizza achievements

  • 6 achievements unlock through regular story progression
  • 4 come from wandering off main paths
  • 3 by making mischief
  • 3 via cliffside risks
  • 5 by investigating beachfront activities

In total, the game boasts 16 Steam achievements:

  • 14 earning the "Common" rarity tag by at least 15% of players unlocking
  • 2 designated "Uncommon" for their trickier parameters
    • Escape (11% rarity)
    • The Floor is Lava (13% rarity)

Compared to other Steam games releasing in 2022, this well-balanced ratio makes completion surprisingly attainable. For example, only 5% of owners unlocked all trophies in Neon White and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder’s Revenge.

Ultimately. dedication pays off. By following this guide‘s optimal path, unlocking 100% of achievements confidently falls within a single 10-15 minute run.

Closing Thoughts: A Brief But Unforgettable Romp

Pineapple on Pizza joins a celebrated lineage of indie adventures using wacky juxtapositions to tackle weighty themes – think Untitled Goose Game or I Am Bread. But with emotional resonance matched by smile-cracking humor, it leaves a uniquely touching impression.

Much like its unlikely named star, this game deserves a shot before judging whether or not it belongs. I believe most will walk away pleasantly surprised…and hungry for more gameplay like this.

So claim your hard-earned achievements with pride. Perhaps we all have more in common with pineapple pizza lovers than we thought!