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The Ultimate Pine Wood Farming Guide for Crafting Genshin Impact Furnishings

As a seasoned Genshin Impact player with over 500 hours logged, I‘ve scoured every corner of the map for resources. But even I struggled finding enough pine wood initially for crafting durable furnishings.

This versatile ascension material can feel rare…until you learn where to look.

In this comprehensive guide, I‘ll tap into my own hard-won knowledge to break down EVERYTHING you need to know about farming pine wood, from spawn mechanics to enemy threats and beyond. You‘ll level up your understanding of Genshin‘s systems while reaping efficient, effective results.

Let‘s get started!

Why Pine Wood Is Integral for Crafting Furnishings

Before we dive into farming routes, it‘s important to understand why pine wood is such a vital resource for a thriving teapot realm…

Pine Wood‘s Structural Properties

As the in-game description states:

Its products should be able to resist moth and rot alike.

This natural durability makes pine wood perfect for creating lasting furnishings, compared to less hardy materials like bamboo or fir wood.

In real-world construction, pine wood‘s unique properties also lend to structural integrity when pressure-treated correctly. The dense grains resist swelling and cracks.

This carries over directly to Genshin‘s furnishing crafting systems. Any build crafted with pine will stand the test of time within your Serenitea Pot.

Crafting Complex Furnishings

Beyond durability, pine wood allows you to craft an impressive 40+ items, including:

  • Multi-story buildings
  • Intricate gazebos
  • Ornate canopy beds
  • Long banquet tables

Many other woods restrict you to crafting simpler furnishings like stools or stands.

So by investing time farming pine, you gain access to an elite tier of lavish realm decor.

For context, here‘s a glimpse at one of the pine wood mansions I constructed:

Pine Luxury Mansion

Let your imagination run wild! Now that you see pine wood‘s integral role, let‘s get to the best farming spots across Teyvat…

All Pine Wood Locations Mapped

I‘ve compiled maps including every pine wood location, from reliable clusters to hidden lone trees off the beaten trail. This builds on the locations provided earlier by incorporating my own first-hand experience trekking through each zone.


Mondstadt Pine Wood Map

Mondstadt‘s city walls provide a safe, quick source already mentioned.

But venture farther and you can harvest enough to build an entire neighborhood of pine homes! Lush groves scatter along the coastal ridge southeast of Stormbearer Point, pictured above.


Liyue Pine Wood Map

While sparse, Liyue‘s pines grow tightly clustered, making efficient gathering simple.

Peak of Vindagnyr hosts a handful of trees, with isolated trees peppering the land southeast.


Dragonspine Pine Wood Map

This frigid mountain houses the greatest density by far, though also the highest danger…

Hardy pines sprout frequently along the central snow-buried forest spanning down to Entombed City. Prepare for ice and enemies if braving this route.

With these expansive maps, you possess the tools to harvest every last pine tree possible. Now let‘s compare your options…

Pine Tree Type Comparison

Not all pines were created equal. Different species spawn across each zone with key differences.

Type Height Drops Respawns Threat Level
Mondstadt Pines Short 1-2 48 hours Low
Liyue Pines Medium 3-5 72+ hours Medium
Dragonspine Pines Tall 4-6 96+ hours High

From my testing, Dragonspine pines consistently drop the most wood, but take longest to replenish and enemies abound. Liyue offers a solid middle ground.

Consider this before deciding your farming route.

Enemies and Obstacles You’ll Encounter

Venturing off the beaten path entails added threats. You must prepare accordingly before gathering expeditions.


Fortunately, Mondstadt pines stick to civilized areas. You‘ll encounters minimal resistance, perhaps the occasional Hilichurl camp.

How to overcome:

Bring any leveled character to swiftly dispatch of these standard foes. Avoid using Pyro as the grasslands are tinder for burning!


Scaling Liyue‘s peaks introduces more lethal enemies, including:

  • Ice & Rock Shield Mitachurls
  • Cyro Slimes
  • Stonehide Lawachurls

How to overcome:

Equip Pyro and high burst damage units like Diluc, Yanfei, or Xiangling to shred defenses. Shield-breaking is essential here.


Frigid Dragonspine may offer the most pine, but also claims the most lives. Alongside enemies above, beware:

  • Sheer Cold build-up
  • Hidden ice cages restricting movement

How to overcome:

Bring sufficient warming items, Pyro characters again excel here boiling away icy imprisonment. My trusty Yanfei has never failed me.

While not comprehensive, this overview should steel your nerves for common ambushes. Tread carefully and never hesitate to teleport away if overwhelmed!

Optimal Pine Wood Farming Routes

Now the culmination of our journey – the sharpest pine wood routes to incorporate for daily Genshin sessions or targeted farming runs:

F2P Route

  • Gather pine around Mondstadt walls
  • Mini-route through Stormbearer ridge

Enthusiast Route

  • Carve paths along all Mondstadt, Liyue areas
  • Dip into safe Dragonspine zones

Veteran Route

  • Maximizes yield through entire Dragonspine mountain range
  • Complex navigation

Adjust based on your priorities and skill level. With practice, even new players can master Dragonspine‘s every pine with proper precautions!

Over time, meticulously following an efficient route compounds results and resources. After a month rotating the Enthusiast path, I gathered enough pine wood to craft a small city‘s worth of cottages!

Final Thoughts

And with that, you have all the tools needed to utterly transform your realm using the full creative potential of Genshin Impact‘s furnishing systems!

It may seem intimidating early on, but stay persistent and patient. The journey reaps bountiful pine wood along the way.

For further reading on optimizing your realm crafting experience, check out these excellent Wiki guides:

Serenitea Pot Guide

Furnishing Formations

Let me know in the comments if you have any other pine tips to share, happy crafting travelers!