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How to Open Pilgrim‘s Landing Legendary Chest in God of War Ragnarok

As an avid God of War fan, I was thrilled to get my hands on Ragnarok and explore the richly-imagined realms of Norse myth. In this epic action-adventure, players join Kratos and Atreus on a perilous quest across the Nine Realms in search of answers.

One of my favorite parts of the God of War games has always been discovering legendary chests tucked away in forgotten corners of each realm. These ornate chests contain rare and powerful equipment that offer valuable boosts in your journey.

In this guide, I‘ll show you how to track down and unlock an especially well-hidden legendary chest located in the mystical realm of Vanaheim – home to the Vanir gods. We‘ll be venturing specifically to the site known as Pilgrim‘s Landing in search of valuable loot.

Overview of Reaching Pilgrim‘s Landing

Pilgrim‘s Landing is on the coastline of southern Vanaheim, just west of the ruined buildings where the mysterious witch known as The Shepherd resides. Given its remote location separate from the main story path, many players overlook this area.

However, doing so means missing out on the legendary Grip of the Fallen Alchemist – a powerful pommel for the Leviathan Axe providing a chance to grant Kratos a Health Burst whenever you connect with the Serpent‘s Snare. This special ability can really aid your survival against Vanaheim‘s toughest foes.

To reach this prize, you‘ll need to fully lower two separate drawbridges and clear out a menacing Red Fungi Bramble growth in your way. It‘s a tricky puzzle so let me walk you through it step-by-step:

Step 1 – Clear the Beach and Lower the First Drawbridge

Upon arriving at Pilgrim‘s Landing by boat, you‘ll notice a circular beach area with several wooden Reavers to defeat. Clear them out, then look for a brazier along the cliffs with an unlit torch.

Fire off one of Atreus‘s new Sigil Arrows into this brazier to light the torch aflame with magical blue fire. Next, you need to line up a throw of your Leviathan Axe to strike the two anchor points high up on separate watch towers. This will release the chains and lower the first narrow drawbridge granting you access off the beach.

Sigil Arrow lighting brazier torch which opens the initial drawbridge

Step 2 – Rotate the Chandelier to Burn Bramble

When crossing the drawbridge, immediately look above to spot a fractured chandelier. Target the rope suspending it from above and slice it loose with your axe, causing the chandelier to crash downward.

Next, call back your axe while simultaneously firing your Blades of Chaos toward the chandelier. This lets you manually pull it toward the right wall fixture. Carefully manipulate the chandelier until it locks in place beneath two torches – one of which is already lit.

Atreus must then shoot two Sigil Bubbles onto the chandelier‘s fixtures – position one directly under the lit torch to catch the flame, and another in the center metal loop. After firing an arrow to ignite the bramble-covered wall fixture, pull the chandelier back to the left to carry the fire.

Rotating chandelier into place to burn away bramble barricade

Step 3 – Defeat Enemies and Lower Final Drawbridge

With blue flame now covering the Red Fungi Bramble, Kratos needs to batter it with his axe multiple times to fully destroy it. Doing so reveals more angry Reavers and a Hammer-wielding Surtr behind the bramble. Eliminate these foes to progress.

There is one final set of two chain anchors you must hit with your thrown axe to lower the last drawbridge barricading the legendary chest. Cross over and continue toward the lonely boat moored ahead to find it.

Looting the Grip of the Fallen Alchemist

Once across this final bridge, loot the exquisite metallic chest to obtain the legendary Grip of the Fallen Alchemist pommel for your Leviathan Axe. As mentioned earlier, equipping this item gives you a chance to gain a Health Burst from any successful Serpent‘s Snare axe hits during combat.

Given the intensity of battles in Vanaheim against mighty souls like Odin‘s champions from Valhalla, this special regenerative ability ensures you can endure drawn-out fights. The Alchemist pommel perfectly complements Kratos‘s tank role against hard-hitting enemies.

Make tactical use of it also while tackling Vanaheim‘s two other tough optional bosses – Olrun and Hildisvíni. Their powerful attacks can quickly shred your health bar without sufficient healing or well-timed dodging.

Final Tips and What Lies Ahead

And with that super rare legendary weapon enhancement now in hand, you‘ve successfully unlocked one of God of War Ragnarok‘s most well-guarded secrets. Hopefully this guide gave you the exact steps required to navigate through the multi-layered Pilgrim‘s Landing puzzle.

Be sure to keep this scenic coastal corner of southern Vanaheim in mind during future playthroughs too – since the game offers incentive to replay while hunting for any collectibles missed originally.

For more on unearthing precious legendary chests scattered across the realms, check out my other linked guides below:

  • How to Open The Southern Wilds Legendary Chest
  • Locating the Cliffside Ruins Legendary Chest
  • Resolving Bugged Quest Markers and Puzzles

Let me know in the comments if you need any clarification while exploring off the beaten trail in God of War Ragnarok! Finding optional legendary gear takes patience and an observant eye.