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How to Solve "Pick 5 Laver from the Beach" in Tower of Fantasy

Tower of Fantasy‘s sprawling sci-fi world is full of quests for players to complete. But between the alien vistas and high-tech gadgets lies some tricky missions drawn from the earthly elements. One such quest tasks you with picking 5 laver from the beach for an aspiring chef named Patty.

At first glance, this seaweed gathering job seems simple. But the vague quest hints end up leaving many players lost. If you‘ve spent hours scouring the beaches of Banges for laver to no avail, this guide will get you sorted.

I‘ve completed over 50 hours of Tower of Fantasy content, so I know the pain points of this quest intimately. In this detailed walkthrough, I‘ll share tips from my experience to help you efficiently solve the "Pick 5 Laver" mission. You‘ll learn:

  • Who Patty is and her role in the story
  • What laver is and why it‘s valuable
  • Where to find laver on the beach near Banges
  • A step-by-step guide to collecting 5 laver
  • Common mistakes and how to avoid them
  • My personal strategies for quick laver gathering

By the end, the laver locations will be clear and you‘ll complete Patty‘s request in no time. Let‘s dive in to mastering this quest!

Meet Patty – Tower of Fantasy‘s Resident Foodie

As you explore the techno-streets of Banges, you‘ll come across an unassuming food stand tucked in a corner. Here you‘ll meet Patty, a young woman with a passion for cooking.

Despite Banges‘ high-tech luxuries, Patty longs to make dishes from old Earth ingredients. She spends her days experimenting with recipes using the few natural foods available.

Her enthusiasm is infectious, and you can‘t help but want to aid Patty‘s culinary dream. This spunky chef will quickly recruit you to gather rare ingredients for her unique creations.

What is Laver – The Healthy Purple Seaweed

Patty‘s first request is for laver, a nutritious purple seaweed growing along coastlines. Known scientifically as Porphyra, laver has been eaten for centuries across Asia.

With its wrinkly purple and green fronds, laver may not look very appealing. But it packs a nutritional punch! Laver contains:

  • Protein – up to 47% protein by dry weight
  • Vitamin A – 10 times more than spinach
  • Vitamin C – 4 times more than oranges
  • Iron – more iron than beef
  • Iodine – vital for thyroid function

In addition to vitamins and minerals, laver also provides antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids. It‘s no wonder why Patty wants to cook with this superfood seaweed!

Laver can be eaten raw, dried into sheets, or used to make soup stocks. Patty likely wants to experiment with laver in some inventive fusion dishes.

Laver‘s Not in Banges! Head West to Find It

When you first accept Patty‘s quest, your map marker shows the laver located right on the beach of Banges. This ends up tripping up many players who waste time scouring that beach.

However, the quest description says to find laver on the beach, not specifically Banges beach. The key is to travel west of Banges to the next shoreline area.

Here you‘ll discover expansive sandy beaches lined with rocky cliffs. And tucked amongst those rocks is where the laver grows.

Map showing route west of Banges

This is the beach area you need to search for the 5 laver required to complete the quest.

Step-By-Step: How to Pick 5 Laver

Follow these steps to smoothly gather 5 laver from the beach:

1. Head West of Banges

  • Open your map and set a waypoint to the northwest beach (coordinate E5).
  • Travel west from Banges either by foot, mount, or glider. Using a mount or glider will get you there faster.

2. Search along the Shoreline

  • Walk along the tide line scanning for laver amongst the rocks.
  • Look for laver‘s distinctive wrinkly purple & green leaf shapes.
  • Enable the interaction highlights in your settings to easily spot collectibles.

3. Pick Up 5 Laver Fronds

  • Approach each laver plant and hit your interact button to pick it up.
  • Keep gathering until you have 5 laver fronds in your inventory.
  • Spread out to cover more shoreline area and find them faster.

4. Return to Patty in Banges

  • Once you have 5 laver, make your way back to Patty‘s food stand in Banges.
  • Talk to Patty and select the prompt to hand over the laver.
  • For your efforts, she‘ll reward you with helpful items!

Collecting laver on the beach

And that‘s all you need to complete the "Pick 5 Laver" quest!

Common Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Based on my experience and player feedback, here are some common pitfalls and tips to avoid headaches:

  • Wrong beach – Don‘t just look in Banges, go WEST of the city. The quest marker is misleading.
  • Overlooking laver – Enable interaction highlights and carefully scan the shore rocks where laver grows.
  • Quitting too soon – It sometimes takes a few minutes of walking to notice the first laver. Be thorough in your search!
  • Forgetting to return – After picking 5 laver, you MUST go back and turn them in to Patty to finish the quest.

If you avoid these mistakes and follow the steps, you‘ll have your 5 laver in no time.

My Strategies for Finding Laver Quickly

Through much trial and error, I‘ve come up with some optimal strategies for speeding through this quest:

  • Team up in co-op mode – having multiple players search the beach helps cover ground faster
  • Prioritize shoreline areas close to cliffs – laver seems most abundant around rock formations
  • Use a mount and enable sprint – this lets you rapidly scan the beach for laver
  • Only pick up fronds with the purple color – the all-green laver doesn‘t seem to count for the quest

By optimizing your route and being selective in your gathering, you can shave off valuable time on this quest.

Master Laver Collection and More with Other ToF Guides

The laver quest is just one of the many puzzles Tower of Fantasy throws at players. If you need help with other challenges, be sure to bookmark these resources:

  • Interactive Map – plan routes and find collectible locations
  • Official Discord – chat with experienced players for tips
  • ToF Wiki – in-depth guides and info maintained by the community

I hope this detailed walkthrough gives you the knowledge to breeze through the "Pick 5 Laver" job. Patty and her culinary dreams are counting on you! Gather that healthy purple seaweed and be rewarded with progress in this expansive online world.