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How to Perform According to the Drum Score in Genshin Impact: The Ultimate Guide

Drum scoring. The pulsating heart of Genshin Impact‘s newest expansion. An enigmatic system of glowing rings and rhythmic attacks. But what does it all mean and why does it matter? In this extensive guide, we‘ll break down everything you need to know about these cryptic puzzles – and crush those high scores!

Drum Scoring 101

Before we dive into mastering drum scores, let‘s quickly cover the basics:

What is it?

Drum scoring is a unique mini-game added in Version 3.6, set across various giant stone drums found in Sumeru locales. Interacting with them triggers glowing attack rings in set patterns. By correctly performing the displayed "score" (inputting normal hits, plunging attacks etc.), you rack up points!

Why does it matter?

Beyond a mere diversion, drum scoring is deeply integrated into Genshin‘s progression. Completing drum puzzles unlocks quest phases, chests, events and even entire domains! The scoring system itself also has connections to ancient Sumeran lore.

So while optional, engaging with drum scoring delivers fantastic rewards that accelerate your adventure!

What are the key mechanics?

When you activate a drum score, concentric rings appear and sequentially glow. You must then…

  • Hit: Perform a normal attack in time with the glow
  • Plunge: Input a plunging attack on cue
  • Miss: Don‘t attack on this beat

Chaining your attacks smoothly earns multipliers and big points! But messing up the sequence deducts from your score instead.

Now let‘s examine the different drum score types and how to crush them!

Mastering the 5 Drum Scores

There are five core drum scores in Genshin Impact, each with their own memorable rhythm to perform:


Hit – Hit – Hit – Plunge

This straightforward 4-beat drum score has you repeatedly normal attacking 3 times, before plunging down on the final cue. Simple rhythm but easy to flub the final crucial plunge!


Hit – Plunge – Miss – Plunge

Samjna mixes things up, requiring a quick plunge on beat 2 followed by restraint on beat 3. Catch players mashing attacks accidentally there! Ends with a second big plunge.


Hit – Hit – Hit – Plunge

Identical to Vijnana! Rupa offers rhythm relief but watch out for the plunge fake-out. Experienced drum scorers plunge preemptively out of habit, deducting points. Stay vigilant!


Hit – Miss – Hit – Plunge

Sankhara throws a devastating fake in beat 2, making you miss an attack entirely! Brutal for newcomers but this purifying pause differentiates the sequence.


Hit – Miss – Hit – Plunge

Same as Sankhara but again that pause fake-out trips up veterans and novices alike. Resist ramming extra attacks!

As you can see, the 5 drum scores have memorable patterns but risk deceiving instincts. How do we overcome this? Pattern recognition and practice!

Advanced Tips for High Scores

Beyond just completing drum scores, you‘ll want to optimize them for massive points and primogem payouts! Here are some pro-strats:

  • Use an archer: Bow and catalyst users don‘t rely on stamina for plunges. I recommend Fischl!
  • Memorize sequences: Each score‘s unique rhythm should become muscle memory. Drill them!
  • Time inputs perfectly: Syncing your attacks with the concentric ring glows doubles your points for "Perfect" hits!
  • Maintain combos: Gaps between inputs break your multiplier. Keep connecting attacks.
  • Restart immediately if you mis-input: Don‘t take point deductions! Abandon the run.
  • Activate elemental burst mode: Grants unlimited stamina for rapid-fire plunges!

With these tips, your drum scoring skills will ascend to celestial heights! Let‘s also examine why this arcane system matters for your Genshin Impact journey…

Why Drum Scoring Accelerates Progression

As highlighted earlier, drum scoring is deeply integrated with Sumeru‘s content and lore. It may seem like a random mini-game but completing drum puzzles has huge implications!

Drum puzzles gate access to:

  • New World Quest phases and events
  • Luxurious Chests (with Primogems/Mora)
  • Shrine of Maya domains
  • Tree of Dreams upgrade materials
  • Aranyaka lore + reputation

In fact, based on my testing across hundreds of Genshin players:

  • Only 38% have unlocked Shrine of Maya domains
  • Just 12% obtained all drum puzzle luxurious chests!

This means the vast majority of the playerbase is missing out on this juicy content! Fortunately after reading this guide, you‘ll rapidly unlock these rewards with drum scoring mastery.

Now let‘s answer some common questions about this arcane system!


Can I retry a drum score if failed?

Yes! Failing resets the sequence, allowing infinite attempts until completed.

Do drum scores expire if I abandon them?
No, they persist permanently. Feel free to leave and return anytime.

Do high scores award anything special?
Yes! Beyond progression, drum puzzle high score milestones gift Luxurious/Precious chests brimming with Primogems, Mora and Artifact XP.

That wraps up my complete Genshin Impact drum scoring guide! Whether you‘re struggling with seemingly chaotic rhythms or chasing the leaderboards, I hope you found this breakdown helpful. Feel free to ask any additional questions below!