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What Does "Ops" Mean on Instagram? The Complete Guide to Understanding and Using This Viral Term

Instagram is rife with trends, lingo, and inside jokes that can be hard to keep up with if you‘re not immersed in the culture. One acronym gaining major traction on the platform in recent years is "ops", often seen in Instagram Stories or DM conversations. But what exactly does ops stand for and how do you use it properly?

In this comprehensive guide, we‘ll explore the ops phenomenon on Instagram so you can finally understand where it comes from and how to participate in this popular opinion exchange.

A Quick Look at the ops Craze

Before we dive in, let‘s briefly summarize some key facts about ops:

  • Ops stands for "opinions" and is used to ask for honest feedback, reviews, or ratings about a subject.

  • It became popular around 2016 among teens on Instagram and other social platforms.

  • People mainly use ops in Instagram Stories and DMs to request opinions from friends and followers.

  • Responding to ops with thoughtful feedback shows you care about engaging with someone‘s content.

  • There are risks if used improperly, like receiving overly negative opinions publicly.

Now that we have the basics down, let‘s explore more about what ops mean and how this trend took off on Instagram.

What Does "Ops" Mean on Instagram?

The term "ops" is an acronym meaning "opinions" or "opinions on me" when used on Instagram, Snapchat,, Tellonym, and other social platforms.

Here is a quick breakdown of what ops stands for:

  • O – Opinions
  • P – Perspectives
  • S – Sentiments

In other words, ops is shorthand requesting honest thoughts, viewpoints, feedback, ratings, or reviews about a particular subject.

On Instagram specifically, it became a popular term around 2016-2018, predominantly used by teens and young adults. People mainly utilize ops in the following ways on Instagram:

  • Instagram Stories: Posting questions like "Ops on my new hair?" or polls asking to rate their outfit

  • DMs: Messaging someone "Ops on my crush?" to get their honest opinion

  • Chats: Saying "I want your ops on…" in a casual chat to open the door for feedback

  • Comments: Replying to a photo asking "Ops?" subtly hints they want thoughts on their post

So in summary, when you see ops on Instagram, it means someone wants genuine opinions or ratings about themselves or something/someone else. It allows followers to share candid thoughts and impressions without holding back.

Why "Ops" Caught On: The Psychology Behind the Trend

What exactly fueled ops to become such a sensation on Instagram and other platforms? There are some key psychological factors driving its popularity:

1. Desire for External Validation

Requesting ops helps satisfy people‘s innate need for social validation and approval from others in their community. Positive opinions can boost confidence.

  • 79% of teens agree that social media makes them feel more connected to their friends‘ feelings and daily lives. (Source: Pew Research Center)

2. Curiosity About Their Reputation

Using ops allows people to gain insight into how they are viewed by peers and what their reputation is publically or among friends.

  • 72% of Americans are interested in what others say about them either "a great deal" or "a fair amount". (Source: Pew Research Center)

3. Engagement and Interaction

Ops posts promote engagement as followers share opinions, bonding over exchanging thoughts or "insider info".

  • 70% of teens feel more connected to their friends and peers when they interact on social media. (Source: Harvard Graduate School of Education)

The psychology around social validation and reputation explain why ops struck a chord, especially with teens and young adults. It allows a vulnerability while connecting with others.

How to Use Ops on Instagram Stories

Posting a question sticker on your Instagram Story that says something like "Ops on my new haircut?" or "Rate my outfit 1-10" is one of the most popular ways people use ops.

Here are some best practices when putting ops on your Instagram Story:

  • Add Context: Give background like "Ops on my new nail polish?" so people know specifically what you want opinions about.

  • Use Question Stickers: This allows easy tapping to respond vs. typing a text reply.

  • Keep it Casual and Friendly: Using emojis or casual text like "I‘ll give ops back!" makes it more approachable.

  • Re-Share if Needed: If you didn‘t get many responses, re-post and ask again another day.

  • Review Responses: Check who replied and what they said by swiping up on your story. Only you can see this!

  • Follow Up Personally: If someone gives interesting feedback, continue the convo through DMs.

Here are some examples of good ops Instagram Story questions:

Posting an ops story cultivates engagement with your followers while showing you care about their opinions. Just be prepared for any type of feedback when asking publicly!

How to Use Ops in Instagram DMs

In addition to public Instagram Stories, you can also use the ops acronym privately by DMing friends:

  • Get Style Feedback: "Ops on my outfit today?" after posting a mirror selfie.

  • Crush Convos: "Being real, what are your ops on Zac?" to get unfiltered opinions on who you‘re dating.

  • Advice Requests: "Ugh, I can‘t decide! Wwyd? Ops please!" when you need help making a choice.

  • Casual Convos: Work it in subtly like "I bet you have some ops about…haha" then wait for them to bite.

  • Post Responses: "Omg what did you think of my newest post? Ops?" is better than just saying "Thoughts?"

DMing ops opens intimate, trusted conversations to get the full scoop from your closest friends. Use it strategically when you want detailed responses.

Here are some examples of ops used effectively in DMs:

Leverage ops over DM if you want private, unfiltered opinions from those closest to you. It carries more meaning than a vague "thoughts?" request.

How to Respond to ops Requests on Instagram

When someone opens up asking "Ops on me?" or "Thoughts on my new song?", how can you provide thoughtful opinions they will appreciate?

Here are some tips for giving great responses to ops requests:

  • Be Constructive: Frame criticism from a place of building the person up rather than tearing them down.

  • Add Details: Elaborate beyond just saying "looks good!" Explain your reasoning more.

  • Focus on The Ask: If they wanted opinions on their new tattoo, don‘t instead opine on their relationships.

  • Give Disclaimers: It‘s fine to say you may not be the right audience if your viewpoint is limited.

  • Take it to DMs: If you have any sensitive feedback, discuss privately rather than in public comments.

  • Ask Clarifying Questions: If they didn‘t give enough context, ask for more info before responding.

Here are some examples of strong, constructive responses to ops requests:

This thoughtfulness shows you care about the person, not just giving opinions for the sake of it. Make sure to respond tactfully.

When Should You Avoid Ops? Risks and Etiquette

While ops can foster connections, there are also some risks to keep in mind when posting publicly:

  • If you don‘t know your audience well, you may get judgemental or inauthentic responses.

  • People may feel pressured to give opinions even if they aren‘t comfortable.

  • You‘re opening yourself up to potentially unkind comments.

  • It can come off as vain if not used selectively.

To avoid these risks, follow proper ops etiquette:

  • Ask Genuinely: Only request ops if you‘re truly open to any response. Don‘t get defensive if someone gives constructive criticism.

  • Consider Your Audience: If followers don‘t know you well, they may give superficial opinions focused on appearance rather than substance.

  • Use Discretion: Don‘t make ops posts fishing for compliments multiple times per day. This will have diminishing returns.

  • Keep it Lighthearted: Avoid heavily serious topics like major life choices or mental health struggles that require expertise.

While ops can be fun, use your best judgement on when it‘s appropriate. Focus on your intentions behind asking and respond gracefully even to negative feedback.

Key Takeaways and Conclusion

The ops trend on Instagram reveals our desire for social validation and connection. When used strategically, requesting and responding to ops strengthens bonds and self-awareness. To recap:

  • Ops stands for opinions and allows honest feedback about a topic.

  • It became popular around 2016, used by teens and young adults predominantly.

  • People use it in Instagram Stories and DM conversations to interact casually.

  • Psychology shows we crave opinions for validation, engagement, and curiosity.

  • Post thoughtful ops requests tailored to your audience and relationship with respondents.

  • React gracefully to any type of response and focus on constructive convos.

So next time you see "Ops?" on Instagram, you‘ll know exactly how to engage and share your perspective. What are your ops on the ops trend? Feel free to share below!