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OPM Wealth Review 2023 – Is It a SCAM or Legit?

The promise of generating real income online without any technical skills or experience required seems almost too good to be true. Yet that is exactly what OPM Wealth claims to offer through its multi-level marketing (MLM) program.

But can the average person really earn a full-time living simply by joining, paying a membership fee, and recruiting others to do the same? That outsized claim calls for a deeper look at how OPM Wealth operates.

In this review, we’ll scrutinize multiple aspects of the OPM Wealth opportunity to determine if it delivers on its promises ethically and sustainably. Key areas will include:

  • Business model
  • Compensation plan
  • Pricing
  • Income potential
  • Sustainability
  • Alternatives

Let’s dig in by first examining what OPM Wealth sells and the background of its mysterious owner…

What Does OPM Wealth Actually Offer?

Unlike a traditional company, OPM Wealth does not sell any tangible products or services to external customers. Instead, newly recruited members pay a buy-in fee to join a type of investment community.

Here’s an overview of the core offering:

  • Training courses – Various money-related video courses on cryptocurrency, mindset principles, and wealth creation tactics.
  • Affiliate program – Commission structure for referring others to join OPM Wealth as paid members.
  • Buy-in tiers – Multiple membership levels from $2,000 to $27,500 with higher compensation as you pay more.
  • Anonymous founder – No verified details available on the creators or current executives running the company.

Right away, the lack of transparency from leadership should make anyone hesitate. But perhaps the training content itself makes up for that gap…

Review of Training Courses Offered

So exactly what do members get access to education-wise? Here is a review of some OPM Wealth core training components:

  • Get Started Basics – Quick introductions to the program compensation structure, Mindset principles, and Wealth creation process. Very high level lacking specifics.
  • Cryptocurrency Training– Light primer into crypto investing and trading. No technical analysis or actionable insights provided beyond opening accounts on exchanges.
  • Personal Money Management – General wisdom and tips around budgeting, saving, and debt avoidance. More personalized financial advisor consultation needed for real transformation.
  • Business Credit Building – Strategies explained to establish business credit files and get funding. However, techniques shared border on unethical “hacks” in some cases.

Reviewing the actual course material offered raises even more concerns. The training lacks the depth or transformational quality needed for real success.

When combined with the complete lack of transparency around who owns OPM Wealth, this opportunity already on shaky ground out the gate. But perhaps the earnings potential makes it somehow worthwhile…

Breaking Down the OPM Wealth Compensation Plan

Multi-level marketing programs like OPM Wealth promise easy income through commissions earned on successful referrals. But can OPM Wealth realistically deliver reliable long-term profits?

Let’s analyze how the OPM Wealth compensation plan works:

  • Tiered buy-in structure – To qualify for all commission rates, you must purchase in at Gold ($5,500), Platinum ($14,000), or Black ($27,500 level).
  • Pay gate commissions – You only earn max commissions from your direct recruits when you buy in at the same level as them or higher. Otherwise your commissions decrease on their sales.
  • Revenue Share pools – Additional bonus pool payouts allocated based on total member volume from your entire referral network.

This compensation structure carries multiple red flags. The ever-escalating buy-in tiers pressure you to keep investing more to access greater earnings. And you need to ensure your own team continues buying in at your level or higher to maximize commissions.

This pay gate system locks you into a continuous upgrade cycle. Either you need to front more money constantly, or leave earnings on the table from your efforts already put in.

Sustainability Issues

The OPM Wealth compensation plan also exhibits questionable sustainability. Here are some major issues to consider:

  • Ponzi scheme traits – Model will collapse without money from new recruits perpetually flowing in.
  • Saturation inevitability – Exponential membership expansion cannot go on forever before running out of candidates.
  • Dependence on deception – Fake it til you make it testimonials used to portray unrealistic lifestyle expectations.

According to reviews from past members, completely unrealistic projections get portrayed to hook in new buyers. Images of lavish wealth are presented as achievable within just months.

But in reality, very few participants even recover their initial buy-in amounts. This is never fully disclosed, which constantly locks the system into reset mode after another crop burns through their money.

What is the Actual Income Potential with OPM Wealth?

All schemes like OPM Wealth sell aggressively on the earnings potential. But does the hype match reality when it comes to viable profit expectations?

Let‘s contrast stated income claims with actual expected results:

Income Claim Realistic Expectation
Earn 6 figures within a few months Less than 1% of members earn over $30k per year
Easy passive income streams 80+ hours a month recruiting without guaranteed payoff
Leave your job guaranteed 95% of members lose money after operating expenses

Based on income disclosure statements from similar high ticket sales models, the actual profit reality sets much lower than the marketing hype and testimonials might suggest.

When the vast majority of participants end up falling short of sustainable income thresholds, it certainly calls into question the viability of the business model.

Alternatives to Create Value Ethically

Luckily the rise of the Internet does provide legitimate opportunities to build skills and offer real value in return for income. Here are a few ethical sources worth exploring first before ever considering a scheme like OPM Wealth:

  • Affiliate Marketing – Monetize content creation around topics you enjoy already through digital ads and product recommendations to solve people’s problems.
  • Freelancing Services – Offer services like copywriting, graphic design, bookkeeping, research and more on professional freelancing platforms achieving location and schedule flexibility.
  • Digital Products – Create online courses, membership communities, software tools, templates and beyond to earn from your expertise while you sleep.

Each of those alternatives empowers everyday people to leverage skills they already have without questionable practices. You can provide honest helpful products or services while building income streams aligned with your strengths and passions.

The Verdict – Steer Clear of OPM Wealth

In summary, too many red flags surface around the OPM Wealth opportunity to justify joining the program, including:

  • No business model sustainability due to revenue reliance on perpetually expanding recruitment.
  • Gross misrepresentation of actual realistic income potential used to hook and exploit more buyers.
  • Complete lack of transparency around ownership and questionable ethics employed by leadership.

Losing large sums of money is a very probable outcome given the specifics reviewed in this post. Empty promises without accountability may benefit a slim few at the top, but set up the vast majority for disappointment.

Anyone lured by visions of easy passive wealth online gets encouraged to explore alternative options first. Develop skills to drive results through ethical means before even entertaining something so legally and morally questionable.

Many better paths exist to leverage your strengths serving people’s needs online transparently and sustainably. Do your due diligence before buying into any grandiose claims or risk painful loss of time, money and dignity.