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Unlocking the Ancient Secrets of the Forest Gate in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor

As the last hope of the Jedi Order, Cal Kestis‘ journey in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor will be perilous. Early in his quest, he must unravel the mysteries of an ancient structure known as the Forest Gate to proceed deeper into the moon‘s dangerous wilderness.

In this comprehensive guide, I‘ll share hard-won expertise on how to safely traverse the cliffs and catacombs leading to this relic, defeat the deadly enemies guarding it, and unlock its arcane mechanisms to open a path forward. Join me as we delve into Jedi history to reveal the Forest Gate‘s secrets.

The Desperate Search for Surviving Jedi

Cal‘s mission in Survivor is no less than ensuring the survival of the Jedi Order itself. After the Empire‘s purge, only scattered remnants cling to life in the galaxy‘s darkest corners. Seeking any clue that could unite these last Jedi against the Sith, Cal has followed whispers to the remote forest moon.

Here he hopes to locate something called the ‘Forest Array‘ – an ancient Jedi site rumored to hold records on Force users who escaped Imperial forces. But his way is blocked by a towering, sealed gate overgrown with vines in a narrow canyon known as Swindler‘s Wash.

This is no mere locked door, but a relic of Jedi history still imbued with the Force. Known as the Forest Gate, it stands as the primary barrier before the Array. To achieve his goal, Cal must first unravel how to open this ancient portal.

The Treacherous Depths of Swindler‘s Wash

Swindler‘s Wash is a claustrophobic maze of stone tunnels, rippling waters, and rickety rope bridges stretching beneath the moon‘s surface. Lush plants and jagged rocks line the passages and chambers, creating scenic overlooks interspersed with darkness.

But despite its natural splendor, a sinister presence haunts this region. Former miners driven mad by isolation have become brutal raiders eager to destroy any intruders with salvaged weapons and explosives. Strange biomechanical droids also patrol the caves, along with vicious native creatures like the four-legged Spinxes.

Navigating this complex series of flooded caverns and bypassing its ruthless inhabitants will test the limits of Cal‘s Jedi training. But the dangers only increase further in…

Facing Judgement From The Mighty Bilemaw

The massive, five-meter long Bilemaw is an apex predator that dominates the largest flooded cave beneath Swindler‘s Wash. This fearsome, worm-like beast will viciously attack any who enter its domain.

With thick armor plating and muscular segments adorned with glowing lure-lights, the Bilemaw is an intimidating foe. It thrashes about with surprising speed, lashing its victims with a heavy tail tipped with bony spikes. At close range, the Bilemaw unleashes devastating lunges with circular jaws lined with rotating teeth.

To defeat this horror, Cal must carefully balance offense and defense, attacking only when opportunities arise. Patience and precision are key.

  • When the Bilemaw‘s head rears back, prepare to dodge left or right to avoid being savaged.

  • Target the bioluminescent blue weak points along its lower sides after it attacks. These are vulnerable to Cal‘s lightsaber and abilities like Fixed Blast.

  • Beware when it burrows into the muddy floor – once it erupts, immediately evade the debris explosion.

  • Eliminate other enemies first to avoid distraction when battling the Bilemaw. Its attacks come fast and frequently.

Though a daunting opponent, felling the mighty Bilemaw grants access to the cliffs beyond the water, closer to unlocking the Forest Gate.

Ascending the Treacherous Cliffside Waterfalls

Having braved the beasts below, Cal must now employ all his physical talents to scale the waterfall-covered cliffs behind Swindler‘s Wash. This dangerous ascent pushes Jedi mobility skills to their limit.

The rock surface is marked by countless cracks, vines, and crumbling bits, requiring precise jumps, climbs, and the use of Force techniques:

  • Time your jumps carefully – one misstep means plummeting back down to fight more enemies.

  • Keep to the central plane behind the water for most of the climb. Deviate only when the path clearly shifts left or right.

  • Refresh your Force meter by defeating winged Kirma raiders and bird-like avians to fuel abilities like Double Jump and Slow.

  • Beware fragile perches that disintegrate quickly. Keep moving upward, not remaining too long in one spot.

  • Prepare to continue battling even on the cliffside. Bandits and Slinkers attack aggressively. Use the terrain and Force shoves.

Reaching the clifftop finally grants you a view of the Forest Gate just ahead, beyond the waterfall. But opening this ancient Jedi relic will take more than muscle – you‘ll need sharp wits too.

Unlocking the Mysteries of the Forest Gate

After surviving the journey through Swindler‘s Wash, Cal finally sets eyes upon his objective: the towering Forest Gate. Beyond lies the path to the Forest Array‘s lost Jedi records. This gate, however, refuses to simply swing open.

To access its secrets, Cal must:

  • Defeat all remaining raiders, creatures, and droids in the gate area. The mechanism remains locked down until security is assured.

  • Locate hidden glyphs etched into stone around the perimeter. Scanning these four Jedi symbols using Cal‘s holocron opens the unlocking protocol.

  • Access the Gate Gyro Module item acquired earlier in the story. When activated, this artifact manipulation device shifts the gate‘s inner workings based on the glyphs.

  • Stand clear as age-old gears grind to life and the gate slowly opens! The path forward is open, but dangers await beyond.

The Legacy of the Forest Gate

This ancient stonework was forged centuries ago with help from Jedi sages to guard the way to the Forest Array‘s knowledge. The Gate Gyro Module once allowed trusted Jedi to open the path, but fell into darkness during the Empire‘s slaughter.

Now Cal is one of the few left in the galaxy able to harness the gate‘s power. By honoring Jedi history and using his skills, he can walk where his forebears once did. The Forest Gate stands as a monument to the Order‘s lingering influence.

But Cal is only beginning to tap into its potential. The road ahead still holds many trials.

Final Tips for Unlocking the Gate

Opening the Forest Gate is a major accomplishment, but don‘t be overconfident! Here are some final tips for overcoming this challenge:

  • Fully explore every nook of Swindler‘s Wash early on to recover Stim Canisters for healing and other collectibles to aid your quest.

  • Save your progress before big fights like the Bilemaw for quick retries. Learning attack patterns is key.

  • Equip versatile Force abilities like Sentry Shield to defend against blaster users while crossing cliffs, complemented by Fixed Blast‘s ranged damage.

  • Double check glyph solutions – one small scanning misalignment can block the unlocking sequence.

  • Exercise patience with the gate‘s hidden puzzles. Rushing leads to mistakes. Move thoughtfully.

The secrets of the Forest Gate still hold plenty of mystery, but you now grasp the skills needed to reveal them. May the Force be with you, as you take the next steps into the darkened forest!