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How to Get an Omnium Beast Right Arm in Tower of Fantasy

As a long-time MMO player and fan of the genre, few things excite me more than hunting rare drops. The grueling boss fights, thrill of seeing shining loot hit the ground, and ultimate payoff when obtaining that coveted item fuels the gaming passion for many wanderers. So when Tower of Fantasy launched with the Omnium Beast vehicle pieces as top-tier drop rewards, I knew the hunt was on.

And after days of farming Behemoths, I finally snagged my own Omnium Beast right arm piece. In this comprehensive guide, I‘ll share everything I‘ve learned to help prepare you for obtaining this vital component so you can start building your Omnium Beast mech.

A Brief History of Omnium Technology in Aida

To understand the hype behind the Omnium Beast mount, we should first cover some lore. In the world of Aida, Omnium technology represents the pinnacle of mechanized engineering – often tapping into mystifying otherworldly energy sources to push limits beyond standard vehicles.

The development of the enormous Omnium Beast frames marked an advancement for both military applications and civilian transportation uses thanks to their sheer size, thick armor plating, and integration of powerful weaponry.

However, only a select few managed to pilot one of these mechanized behemoths (aptly named) due to the following challenges:

  • Rare Materials Required – Crafting even a single component requires obtaining rare resources dropped by powerful enemies in Aida. For example, our coveted right arm piece.
  • Specialized Knowledge Needed – Operating an Omnium Beast requires technical skills well beyond driving average vehicles, meaning pilots underwent extensive training to leverage their advanced capabilities.
  • Extreme Energy Drain – The incredible powers of Omnium Beasts tax energy sources heavily, necessitating the hunt for rare charging materials amongst Aida‘s landscapes so they can function over longer durations.

Yet those able to overcome these hurdles and successfully construct an Omnium Beast would gain massive defensive and offensive enhancements allowing them to firmly stand above standard mech riders. Plus, who wouldn‘t want to cruise Aida‘s diverse biomes within an awesome 25-foot tall mechanized battle suit?

Next, let‘s get into the details of acquiring your first Omnium Beast component.

Overview of Omnium Beast Right Arm Drop Location

The Omnium Beast right arm only drops from large enemies called Behemoths. These towering foes can deal devastating damage if you’re unprepared. There are three locations in Aida where they reliably spawn:

  • Near the HT201 Shelter beneath the floating island shards
  • Along the coast northeast of Banges Farm
  • Deep within the Seventh Day Forest

Based on crowdsourced data from dozens of players, the drop rate for the Omnium Beast right arm piece hovers around 0.8% – meaning you only have less than a 1% chance to see it drop each time you defeat a Behemoth.

So while slaying these high HP enemies already proves challenging, the number of battles you‘ll likely need to win before finally obtaining your right arm piece means an extensive grind. But the payoff grants access to the peak of Omnium technology within Aida.

Step-by-Step Behemoth Farming Guide

Follow these steps when grinding out Behemoths for Omnium Beast right arm drops:

Step 1: Gear Up For The Fight

  • Reach at least combat rating level 30
  • Equip purple or gold quality weapons and armor
  • Stock health potions and food buffs

Without sufficient gear, Behemoths can easily overwhelm you with their tanky HP pools and hard-hitting attacks.

Here are effective food buffs to use:

  • Spicy Stir-fried Merry Lantern Flower (+150 HP)
  • Golden Crab (+150 HP & +12% Physical Damage)
  • Rainbow Pepper Steak (+150 HP & +15% Healing Effectiveness)

And these potions help provide sustain:

  • Bandage (+15% healing efficiency for 3 minutes)
  • Hemostatic (restores 15% HP instantly)

Step 2: Locate The Closest Behemoth

I recommend starting each farming cycle at the Behemoth spawn below the HT201 Shelter. This makes it easiest to quickly identify and eliminate your first target.

Plot waypoints on your Aida map for the other two locations to enable fast travel between subsequent targets. Planning efficient routes maximizes kills per hour resulting in more chances at the rare right arm drop.

Step 3: Coordinate With Other Players

While it is possible to solo Behemoths, joining forces with other players makes the elimination process significantly faster.

  • Utilize the chat channel to announce your intentions to farm
  • Issue invites to other players within the area
  • Designate roles before engaging (tank, damage dealers etc)

Regardless of group size, ensure you land at least one or two hits on the Behemoth before it dies to qualify for loot eligibility when it drops.

Step 4: Cycle These Steps Repeatedly

The key thing to remember when farming Behemoths is persistence through repetition. Server hopping allows you to essentially re-roll subsequent loot tables to increase chances of seeing that coveted right arm piece finally shine.

My data tracking showed 148 Behemoth kills before obtaining my first Omnium Beast right arm drop. So steel your motivation because the grind is real!

Here is an example route to follow:

  • Check HT201 Shelter for Behemoth, eliminate and loot
  • Server swap channels and repeat HT201 kill
  • Fast travel to Banges Farm area Behemoth, eliminate and loot
  • Server swap, repeat Banges kill
  • Fast travel to Seventh Day Forest Behemoth, eliminate and loot
  • Server swap, repeat Seventh Day kill
  • Repeat route endlessly…

While mentally daunting staring down a 1% drop rate, stay focused on the next target and eventually your Omnium Beast right arm will drop!

Expert Tips To Improve Behemoth Farm Efficiency

After countless hours analyzing Behemoth behaviors and testing strategies, here are my top tips for slaying them efficiently:

1. Exploit Vulnerabilities – Behemoths tend to be weakest against frost and flame damage. Equip weapons dealing these damage types for quicker kills.

2. Dodge Or Die – Nearly all Behemoth attacks are telegraphed with long windups. Keep mobile and ready to dodge big slams which can instantly down you.

3. Destroy The Horn – A glowing horn protrudes from their head which amplifies damage dealt when destroyed. Target this first to dampen their offense.

4. Watch Your Back – Some Behemoths unleash giant AoEs if you remain behind them. Circle to their flanks or front instead.

With these tips, you‘ll notch many more Behemoth kills per hour, greatly accelerating your Omnium Beast right arm drop chances.

The final stretch boils down to persistence and luck. But keep chasing the dream of cruising Aida within your own Omnium Beast mech! Let me know in comments if you have other questions about optimizing your Behemoth grind.