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Uncovering the Secrets of Oldstones – A Complete Guide

Of all the shadowy dungeons that await brave adventurers in Diablo 4, few hold as much intrigue and mystery as Oldstones. Nestled away in the southeastern corner of Cerrigar, this brooding level 28 dungeon radiates an aura of long-buried secrets. For those bold enough to delve into its depths, Oldstones promises challenged and rewards to equal its enigmatic history.

In this comprehensive guide, we‘ll uncover everything you need to know about finding and conquering the Oldstones dungeon, from its mysterious origins to strategies for vanquishing its monstrous inhabitants.

Legends of the Oldstones

While details have faded with time, fragments of lore surround the history of these gloomy ruins. Some tales describe Oldstones as an ancient temple built to worship long-forgotten gods. Others suggest it was a vault to contain powerful relics too dangerous to leave unguarded. The prevalent legend claims a great civilization used Oldstones as the final resting place for its kings and queens.

Whatever the truth, one fact remains – Oldstones safeguards valuable treasures for those skillful enough to seize them. But proceed with caution; the sinister forces that now dwell here will defend their lair at all costs.

Locating the Dungeon Entrance

The first step is finding where the dungeon lies hidden. Oldstones sits nestled within a rocky outcropping in Cerrigar‘s southeastern reaches. Look for a foreboding stone facade carved into the hills, glowing with an eerie orange light. Interact with this portal to cross the threshold into Oldstones.

Based on travels across Cerrigar, I‘ve marked the Oldstones entrance at the coordinates (35, 78) on the map below:

Cerrigar Map with Oldstones Location

With the ominous entrance uncovered, it‘s time to steel your nerves and step inside.

Navigating the Treacherous Halls

The cavernous chambers and corridors of Oldstones have fallen into ruin, but they still hint at this place‘s former grandeur. Crumbling pillars, faded mosaics, and broken statuary line the halls, alongside thick cobwebs and shambling ghouls. Stay vigilant, as spiders, undead, and other foul beasts lurk around every corner.

Based on my expeditions into Oldstones‘ depths, I‘ve mapped out the basic layout as follows:

Oldstones Dungeon Map

The rewards of the inner sanctum lie ahead, but don‘t let your guard down. The farther you delve through these dilapidated halls, the greater the dangers that await.

Overcoming Oldstones‘ Challenges

While surviving Oldstones‘ monstrous inhabitants takes skill alone, fully conquering the dungeon requires completing three key objectives:

  • Return the Stone Carving to its Pedestal (1/1) – In the first large chamber just past the entrance, you‘ll find an intricately carved stone tablet. Return this relic to the empty pedestal nearby to unlock access to the rest of the dungeon.

  • Collect Animus from Animus Carriers – Slay enemies throughout Oldstones‘ depths to gather animus, spiritual essences stored in vessels these creatures drop. Collecting enough animus is key to dispelling barriers deeper inside.

  • Defeat the Khazra Abomination – This hulking mini-boss guards the inner sanctum. It wields deadly melee attacks and seismic charges. Beware its horns as you chip away at its health.

Only by completing all these tasks can you clear out Oldstones and claim your rewards.

Conquering the Khazra Abomination

The horned demon Khazra Abomination is a formidable foe. At level 28, it outmatches most heroes who travel this deep alone.

Based on my encounters with the Abomination, here are some tips for defeating this dungeon boss:

  • Keep Your Distance – Stay out of its melee range. Its horns and claws deal heavy damage up close.

  • Avoid Charges – It can charge unexpectedly, cratering anything caught in its path. Roll out of the way quickly.

  • Destroy Totems – The Abomination summons totems that buff its abilities – take them out immediately.

  • Utilize Crowd Control – Stuns, slows, and disorients help shut down its relentless offense.

  • Attack After Charges – Following a charge, it will pause briefly. Unload your strongest skills during this window.

With persistence and care, you can ultimately return the Abomination to the grave.

Rewards: Gear, Loot, and Offensive Aspects

Vanquishing the Abomination allows you to plunder Oldstones‘ treasures. The boss drops crafting materials, gear, and useful items when defeated. But the real prize is the dungeon‘s meta-reward:

Edgemaster‘s Offensive Aspect – This rare artifact unlocks access to powerful new skills. Slot it into your amulet to begin training long-lost battle techniques.

Gear found throughout Oldstones also empowers certain playstyles. For example, the Goat Skull Wand boosts necromancer abilities, while the Khazra Headdress improves primal attacks.

Through courage and perseverance, you can walk away from Oldstones laden with potent new weapons to aid you on your adventure.

Final Thoughts

The lure of long-buried riches calls to heroes and fools alike. For those daring enough to answer, Oldstones stands ready to test your skills against creatures from nightmares. While certainly dangerous, braving these ruins offers knowledge and power beyond imagining.

Will you be the one to finally unveil the secrets of Oldstones, or will its defenders cast you into oblivion? Gear up, gather allies if you can, and begin your descent into the darkness below. Glory awaits any champion capable of surviving the forgotten evils slumbering within Oldstones‘ haunted depths.