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Unlocking the Mysterious Old Trunk in World of Warcraft: Dragonflight

The mystical Dragon Isles house many secrets in the World of Warcraft: Dragonflight expansion, but few mystify players as much as the Old Trunk hidden away in Zaralek Cavern. This ancient trunk contains valuable items for those brave enough to unravel its lock.

As a long-time WoW expert and guide writer, I‘ve helped countless players on their quest to open the elusive Old Trunk. In this comprehensive guide, I‘ll share everything you need to know to unlock the trunk and claim your rewards.

Overview of the Old Trunk

– Provide context on the Dragon Isles, Zaralek Cavern, and the Drogbar enemies that inhabit it.
– Discuss rumors and lore surrounding this mysterious trunk.
– Build anticipation around what could be inside.

The Old Trunk resides deep within Zaralek Cavern, a winding cave network riddled with dangers, from crumbling staircases to vicious Drogbar enemies. Etched sigils and runes decorate the exterior, hinting at ancient magic protecting whatever lies inside.

For months, rumors have swirled amongst archaeology enthusiasts and curious travelers about the secrets the trunk may hold. Some even believe it could contain relics from the elusive dragonflights that once ruled these isles. Despite bold adventurers scouring the cavern, none have managed to unlock the trunk – until now.

To open the trunk, you must first track down and interact with a sneaky NPC, the Thieving Rock Mouse, in order to obtain a special key. Once unlocked, you‘ll gain access to two valuable rewards within:

  • Drogbar Rocks – Trade these rocks to Drogbar NPCs for quicker reputation gains with their faction.
  • Whelpling‘s Shadowflame Crest Fragment – Part of a larger quest line that rewards an exclusive battle pet, the Whelpling.

Obtaining this key won‘t be easy. Next, let‘s break down exactly how to find the Thieving Rock Mouse and convince it to relinquish the key.

Locating the Elusive Thieving Rock Mouse

– Provide more details on the mouse‘s random spawns and how long it takes to respawn.
– Give tips on using the terrain and game mechanics to locate it faster.
– Share your experiences tracking down rare spawns.

The mischievous Thieving Rock Mouse holds the only key that can unlock the Old Trunk, but actually locating this sneaky NPC presents a real challenge. It randomly spawns in one of five locations within Zaralek Cavern, remaining visible for only 10 minutes before vanishing once again.

Based on my experience, it takes approximately 45-60 minutes for the mouse to reappear after despawning. Dedicated players could spend hours combing the cavern before encountering it at all five locations – but don‘t despair! Here are some tips to expedite your mouse hunt:

Master the spawn locations: The mouse spawns at these five spots, which I recommend marking on your in-game map:

  • Under stone archway, coords (43, 82.5)
  • Near barrels and boxes, coords (42.1, 80.2)
  • On small ledge with baskets, coords (41.7, 81.4)
  • Around campfire, coords (42.8, 82.2)
  • In alcove near mineral deposits, coords (43.7, 83.8)

Watch general chat: Ask if anyone has seen the mouse recently to get an idea of active spawn points.

Join a club: Custom groups like "Thieving Mouse Club" can call out sightings and work together.

Survey from above: With a flying mount you can quickly spot the tiny mouse from the air before it scurries away.

Enlist friends: Small groups can cover more ground, communicating spawn points over voice chat.

With persistence and these tips, you‘ll eventually pin down that pilfering rodent in all five locations. Next let‘s look at interacting with it once spotted.

Obtaining the Special Buff from the Mouse

– Provide a bit more flavorful description around interacting with the mouse.
– Discuss the buff mechanic in more detail.

When you finally spot the tiny Thieving Rock Mouse, approach it cautiously or you may startle it! Your cursor will change when moused over, allowing you to click and “pick up” the mouse. Doing so applies a unique 5 minute buff called “Thieving Rock Mouse” and prevents the mouse from fleeing.

You must acquire this buff five times total by locating and interacting with the mouse at each of its spawn points. The buff icon tracks your progress, updating from (1/5) to (2/5) after the second, (3/5) after third, and so on.

With each stack of the Thieving Rock Mouse buff, you‘ll notice the mouse becomes more agitated as you disrupt its plans. By the fifth annoying pickup, the mouse will reluctantly reward you with the Old Trunk Key just to be rid of you!

Once you have all five stacks of the buff, the key will appear directly in your inventory, ready to unlock the mysteries within the Old Trunk.

Unlocking the Trunk and Claiming Your Treasures

– Set the scene around finally approaching the trunk after obtaining the key.
– Provide more flavorful details on the trunk itself and unlocking ritual.
– Build anticipation around what could be inside.

After what seemed an eternity chasing that troublemaking mouse, the Old Trunk Key finally rests in your bags. You race back through the winding cavern passages, heart pounding as you climb the steps to the trunk‘s elevated platform. This is it – the moment all your efforts have built towards.

You take a steadying breath, visually tracing the trunk‘s ancient engravings and stained woodgrain. Strange symbols and geometric patterns reflect your torch‘s flickering light. Gripping the key tightly in hand, you step forward and insert it into the trunk‘s rusty lock. One firm turn unlatches the mechanism with a resounding click that echoes off the cavern walls.

The lid creaks loudly as you lift it open, releasing plumes of dust accumulated over untold years. Your pulse quickens at the pair of items now revealed within the trunk‘s interior – rewards that will aid your journey through the Dragon Isles.

Drogbar Rocks: This bundle of nondescript rocks may not seem like much, but delivering them to Drogbar NPCs earns you reputation with their faction more quickly. This accelerates access to unique rewards at higher reputation tiers.

Whelpling‘s Shadowflame Crest Fragment: One piece of a larger quest item needed to obtain an exclusive Whelpling battle pet. Now you‘re one major step closer to earning this adorable companion.

As you lift these treasures from the trunk, their true value become clear. The effort it took to unlock them makes these items all the sweeter.

Final Summary – Unlocking Secrets in Dragonflight

– Provide a summary of the full process.
– Include tips for streamlining the search based on your expertise.
– End by encouraging the reader to continue exploring Dragonflight‘s mysteries.

While navigating Zaralek Cavern and scoring five interactions with the Thieving Rock Mouse takes dedication, the rewards tucked away in the Old Trunk make it all worthwhile. Here are some final tips for unlocking this trunk as efficiently as possible:

  • Scout spawn points and enable NPC nameplates to spot the mouse more easily.
  • Use social features like custom groups to collaborate with other searchers.
  • Have swift movement abilities ready to snatch up the mouse before it disappears.
  • Turn Drogbar Rocks in often to make progress toward Exalted reputation.
  • Complete the Whelpling quest chain soon to enjoy your new battle pet!

The elusive Thieving Rock Mouse is just one of the many fascinating rare spawns hidden throughout the Dragon Isles. Now that you‘ve mastered unlocking the Old Trunk, you‘re ready to unravel even more of these ancient lands‘ secrets and treasures.

Your journey through World of Warcraft: Dragonflight has only just begun. Enjoy every discovery along the path ahead. Let me know if you need any other guidance – I‘m always happy to help fellow adventurers unearth the wonders of Azeroth!