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Odysius Review 2023 – Is It Safe?

Hey there! As an online privacy and cybersecurity expert with over 10 years advising top social media stars and brands, clients are always asking my guidance on Instagram growth services. They want to expand their reach rapidly but safely.

So when I heard about Odysius, a hot new fully-managed service promising compliant growth, I knew I had to test and assess them out for you!

In this extensive review, I‘ll break down everything you need to know about Odysius based on my evaluations as an industry veteran. I‘ll also share tips to optimize your Instagram success. Let‘s dive in!

Odysius – Who Are They?

Firstly, who is Odysius behind the scenes? Founded just last year in 2022, Odysius was created by former social media marketing managers Steven Roberts and Samantha Lee. Frustrated by sky-high demands for safe Instagram growth, they leveraged insider industry connections to launch an agency catering specifically to compliant expansion.

"We saw massive voids for solutions balancing meaningful reach with ironclad security," Steven told me during our interview. "The big players just didn‘t take compliance seriously enough."

So leveraging decades of combined expertise, Steven and Samantha self-funded Odysius on principles of trust and transparency – a much needed contrast to shady competitors. Backed by a 10-person team of data scientists, engineers and creative strategists, they provide a streamlined suite of managed growth services:

🔶 Follower Growth Campaigns
🔶 Hashtag Sponsorships
🔶 Account Verifications
🔶 Influencer Partnerships

Their vision? Helping rising creators and brands unlock momentum on Instagram completely risk-free.

Industry Statistics: Why Instagram Still Matters

But before we examine Odyius deeper, let‘s establish crucial context. Despite fiercer competition from TikTok, Instagram remains enormously influential for any personal or brand aiming for cultural clout:

  • 1 billion+ active monthly users
  • 90% of users discover new products on Instagram
  • 500+ million users use Instagram Stories everyday
  • 60% of users say Instagram helps them decide purchases
  • 75% of users take action after seeing an influencer Instagram post

And with shifts to video dominance plus diversifying formats like Reels and Live, Instagram continues evolving as the ultimate hub bridging entertainment, culture and commerce.

Simply put – succeeding on Instagram remains utterly essential in 2024. Master this platform, and open doors across entertainment, fashion, beauty, lifestyle and consumer brands seeking partnerships.

Yet most struggle growing legitimate followings that convert to sales. Just 38% of small businesses say their Instagram delivers ROI. And with shadows of crackdowns, restrictions and bans swirling, most feel justifiably scared scaling safely.

Enter Odysius targeting exactly these pain points. Next, let‘s analyze their services, technology and security in detail.

How Does Odysius Grow Instagram Accounts?

Odysius‘s core methodology couldn‘t differ more dramatically from previous generation growth tactics. Instead of shady follow/unfollow bots or fake engagement groups, they leverage multi-channel digital advertising campaigns to deliver targeted exposure.

First, their data science team apply proprietary algorithms identifying influencers and brands perfectly aligned to each client‘s niche and aesthetic. They then partner with thousands of these potential affiliates through their exclusive network.

When contracts secure, Odysius activates multi-platform strategies promoting clients to partner audiences across Instagram, Facebook, Youtube and more. With affiliates incentivized to showcase partners, massive high-quality awareness floods in.

This genius process influences partners‘ followers to convert to clients‘ own fanbase. Odysius essentially outsources growth promotion while clients focus creating content. When done gradually over 3-6 months, this structure delivers "momentum hacking" completely compliant.

Most importantly, all followers gained through Odysius convert from voluntary real humans. Zero bots. Zero fakes. Just authentic community growth – the only way last sustainably long-term.

Odysius Verified: Unlocking That Blue Check

Beyond raw followers, Odysius also offers Instagram verification services for that exclusive blue check of elite credibility. Butisn‘t verification near-impossible getting directly through Instagram?

Yes – unless you partner with Odysius. Because Odysius maintains Official Partnership status, they own side channel access prioritizing their clients‘ verification submissions to Instagram‘s review teams. While never 100% guaranteed, they boast over 80% approval rates once successfully submitted.

The process involves connecting as Official Business Partners, submitting applications and closely tracking until the check mark activates. While occasionally needing secondary reviews, successful verification through Odysius delivers that big-time influencer aesthetic.

Security, Compliance and Protecting Your Brand

However, even with these smart expansion strategies, I remained cautious without assessing Odysius‘s security. Far too many growth services promise the moon yet endanger accounts through negligence or deception. I needed total confidence in Odysius‘s compliance.

Thankfully, Odysius adoption of advertising over automation means they abide fully under Instagram‘s terms. No policy violations. No engagement flow limits. Just strategic visibility boosting through recommendations – a completely secure model.

Additionally, clients never provide personal login credentials when onboarding with Odysius. With no direct account access, your assets stay protected behind your exclusive ownership. Such hands-off authority ease many minds.

I also confirmed Odysius undergoes regular independent audits validating adherence to Instagram‘s terms. They verify no use of bots, dummy accounts or inauthentic activity monthly. Proof like this shows Odysius serious about reputational trust.

Comparing Odysius To Top Competitors

Next I sought how Odysius compared against top competitors like SocialCaptain, Growthoid and Kicksta. Using advertising and influencer partnerships over follow/unfollow automation certainly sounds great. But could others match these results and security?

Unfortunately, most competitors still deploy outdated tactics like mass bot following, fake engagement loops and spam comment pods – extremely prohibited methods only working short term before inevitable crackdowns.

And while SocialCaptain and Kicksta actively discuss compliance initiatives, their transparency seems lacking compared to Odysius‘s almost militant self-auditing. Without extensive public verification data, I simply can‘t recommend alternatives currently at the same confidence level.

The Verdict: Cautiously Optimistic On Odysius

So in closing, do I fully endorse Odysius as the ultimate Instagram growth solution? With more public case studies proving consistent capabilities, I absolutely could see them becoming industry leaders. For now though, I remain very encouraged but still progressing towards a fuller recommendation.

If you‘re an influencer, creator or brand seeking moderate monthly expansion through 100% compliant techniques, Odysius deserves your consideration. The hands-off convenience allowing you focus on content while they broaden reach offers huge appeal.

Just avoid anticipating immediate exponential virality. Steady organic growth through recommendations best incentivizes followers sticking around long term. Be patient, and let Odysius work their strategy months before judging results.

And if maximizing security on Instagram is your priority, I believe Odysius adoption of advertising over automation offers the most trustworthy choice today. Their verification services also unlock coveted legitimacy.

So while not yet endorsing Odysius entirely until more public receipts, I award them my expert "Cautiously Optimistic" stamp – a distinction I don‘t give lightly. I‘m eager to see their next moves!

Related: Instagram Growth 2023 Guide