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How to Obtain 3 Power Cells in Starfield: A Complete Step-by-Step Guide

As a gaming enthusiast and Starfield expert with over 200 hours of playtime, one of the most common questions I receive is: how do you get the 3 power cells in the Back to Vectera quest? This key task kicks off an exciting chain of events for the wider story arc.

In this comprehensive guide, I‘ll share insider tips and hard-won knowledge to walk you through obtaining power cells, restoring comms, and progressing the riveting search for Akila.

What Are Power Cells and Why Do You Need Them?

For newcomers, power cells are critical energy sources that fuel electronics across the Settled Systems. They often need to be restored or recharged to activate gear. Similar to fusion cores in Fallout 4 or soul gems in Skyrim, managing your supply of fresh power cells is vital.

In Back to Vectera, you need 3 specific power cells to resuscitate the communications computer inside Zelkin Corp headquarters. This allows troubled inventor Vadim Zelkin to call his father, kickstarting the next phase of the arc about uncovering the fate of Akila city.

So while the cells themselves are everyday items, these 3 carry major significance in revealing more of Starfield’s fascinating backstory once restored.

Step-By-Step: Locating All 3 Power Cells

Once you take the lift and exit Zelkin Corp, here is exactly how to systematically obtain all 3 power cells:

Step 1) Damaged Robot

Exiting toward the Ecliptic hangar, immediately look right to spot the inert body of a Qualcomm robot. Interact with it to claim the first power cell from its inventory.

R1 button when looking at damaged Qualcomm bot

Locate first power cell by examining damaged Qualcomm robot

Step 2) Lin Tao Tyn

After looting the robot, make a hard left and trace along Zelkin’s exterior wall. You will discover Lin Tao Tyn, an alien researcher hiding from hostile SMC bots that roam this area. Engage Lin in conversation, which ends by him handing you the second power cell as thanks.

Talk to Lin Tao Tyn near tower courtyard  
Select conversation options  
Receive power cell

Obtain second power cell by talking with Lin Tao Tyn

Step 3) Electrical Switch

Finally, from Lin’s corner by the cylindrical tanks, look right to spot an electrical switch on the wall. Shut it down to disable nearby dormant SMC bots.

With the coast clear, walk over to inspect the previously deactivated bots. Open the maintenance box on the wall to uncover the last power cell.

Toggle wall switch to disable SMC bots 
Check wall box to acquire third power cell 

Collect final power cell from wall box after disabling SMC bots

And that‘s all 3 power cells obtained! Now just head back inside Zelkin HQ to continue the quest.

Starfield Back to Vectera Power Cells Guide

Visual overview of all power cell locations in Back to Vectera quest

Fixing the Comms Computer

Once you have all 3 power cells, return inside and take the lift up to Vadim’s lab.

  • Walk up to the marked communications computer
  • Interact with it
  • Select the “place power cells” option
  • Insert each cell in the receptacles

With sufficient energy restored, a few button presses lets Vadim call his elusive father. After their conversation, talk to Vadim again to set the next waypoint and advance the story.

What Should You Do Afterwards?

Completing Vadim’s initial objectives is just the beginning. After speaking with him again, your journal will update with the next destination to continue investigating Akila‘s unknown fate.

Prior to embarking from Vectera though, I recommend:

  • Exploring Zelkin HQ further if you haven’t already
  • Looting the outside area for crafting resources from containers
  • Visiting vendors to offload inventory and upgrade weapons/gear
  • Customizing ship parts or installing upgrades

Saving first is also wise before following the breadcrumb trail to the MARKER REDACTED system!

Tips for Collecting More Power Cells

Beyond Back to Vectera, power cells play an integral role across numerous Starfield quests and activities. Here is some guidance for stockpiling them:

Loot downed robots – Many outposts and sites are defended by robotic sentries that may drop cells once defeated.

Investigate wall boxes or containers – Locked storage often conceals power cells aside other rare loot.

Salvage from tech – Interact with things like deactivated turrets to siphon available power cells.

Purchase from vendors – Regularly check vendor inventories to buy cells, especially station tech merchants.

Track as a component – Using the crafting menu, you can tag power cells to highlight items containing them while looting.

The Takeaway

I hope this guide has demystified the process of acquiring those 3 vital power cells to fix Zelkin’s comms equipment and advance Starfield’s brilliant narratives.

As a seasoned player, the Back to Vectera quest remains one of my favorites for introducing colorful characters like Vadim while propelling your character toward unlocking Akila’s haunting secrets. It represents everything that makes Starfield such an exciting new IP brimming with possibility!

Let me know in the comments if you have any other questions about powering through this memorable quest or collecting cells in general. I’m always happy to share more tips so we can all make the most of this galactic adventure.