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How to Fix “Not Eligible” on TikTok (4 Easy Steps)

Seeing the “Not Eligible” error when trying to create a TikTok account is a rite of passage for many new users. But this confusing message leaves most feeling frustrated and locked out of TikTok.

As a social media marketing expert who has helped dozens of clients troubleshoot sign-up issues, I’ve become well-versed in resolving TikTok’s “Not Eligible” problem. With the right techniques, you can bypass eligibility restrictions and access TikTok in just a few easy steps.

In this comprehensive guide, I’ll explain:

  • The main causes of “Not Eligible” errors on TikTok
  • A step-by-step process to fix it
  • Extra tips to troubleshoot tricky eligibility problems
  • Background on TikTok’s age requirements
  • When you can create a TikTok account

Let’s get started on unlocking your access to TikTok!

Why You See the "Not Eligible" Message on TikTok

Before fixing the "Not Eligible" error, it helps to understand what causes it in the first place. From my experience resolving TikTok access issues, there are three primary reasons you may encounter this message:

1. Entering an Underage Birthday

The #1 trigger for “Not Eligible” errors is inputting a birthday indicating you are under 13 years old.

  • TikTok requires users to be at least 13 to comply with the Children‘s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA)
  • Any birthday that suggests you are 12 or younger will be blocked

This impacts millions of users, as about 30% of TikTok‘s core demographic is between the ages of 10 and 19 according to Business of Apps. Locking out users under 13 is an important measure to protect children’s privacy, but it also creates headaches for younger TikTok fans.

2. Using a Restricted Device

In rarer cases, users may see “Not Eligible” when trying to access TikTok from:

  • Unsupported devices – such as Amazon Kindle or now-discontinued Windows Phones
  • Banned devices – devices that have engaged in suspicious bot-like activity may be blocked

TikTok maintains a fluid list of permitted mobile devices based on factors like security protections and platform agreements. If your device gets retired from the approved roster, you‘ll get the “Not Eligible” screen when attempting sign-up.

3. Residing in a Restricted Location

Depending on your country of residence, you may face outright TikTok bans that prevent creating an account. Currently the main restricted locations include:

  • India – TikTok was banned in 2020 over data privacy concerns
  • Afghanistan – TikTok pulled out in 2021 after the Taliban takeover
  • China – TikTok‘s China version “Douyin” operates independently from the global app

Location blocks are implemented at the network level, making it impossible to bypass “Not Eligible” with a VPN or other methods.

Now let‘s walk through how to fix the "Not Eligible" error during TikTok sign-up.

Step 1: Delete and Reinstall the TikTok App

If you previously tried and failed to create an account on mobile, start by deleting and reinstalling the TikTok app.

This resets any sign-up data that could be causing eligibility issues. Here are quick uninstall instructions:

On iOS:

  • Press and hold the TikTok icon until it starts wiggling
  • Tap the “x” displayed in the corner to delete

On Android:

  • Open Settings > Apps & Notifications > See all apps
  • Find TikTok and tap “Uninstall”

Once removed, head to the App Store or Google Play to redownload a fresh TikTok app.

Step 2: Tap "Sign Up" and Input an Eligible Birthday

Upon opening the newly installed TikTok, you should see two main options:

  • Log In
  • Sign Up

Tap Sign Up to initiate the registration process. When prompted for your birthday:

  • Carefully enter a date that makes you 13 or older. For example, if you‘re currently 12, input a birth year of 2007 or earlier.
  • Entering the current year or anything after 2007 will trigger “Not Eligible.”

Input an eligible birthday, gender, email/phone, password, and agree to the Terms of Service.

Step 3: Check Your Email or Phone for a Verification Code

To complete sign-up, TikTok sends a verification code to confirm your email address or phone number.

  • Email – Check your inbox for a 6-digit verification code from TikTok.
  • Phone – TikTok will text you a 6-digit verification code.

Enter the emailed or texted code when prompted to finalize account creation.

Step 4: Log In to Your New TikTok Account!

With your age eligibility and identity verified, you now have access to a full TikTok account!

Log in with the email/phone and password you signed up with to start viewing videos. And begin posting your own content after customizing your profile.

Enjoy having the “Not Eligible” roadblock removed for good!

5 Extra Tips for Tricky Eligibility Issues

For most users, the steps above will successfully resolve “Not Eligible” errors during sign-up. But in tricky cases, try these advanced troubleshooting tips:

1. Clear app cache/data – Deleting cached and signup data can reset eligibility. Go to TikTok settings and tap “Clear Cache” and “Clear Data.”

2. Use a different email/phone – Try creating an account with an alternate email address or phone number.

3. Switch networks – A restricted WiFi or mobile network could be the issue. Change to a different network.

4. Enable a VPN – A VPN masks your location, which may help if your region is blocked.

5. Contact TikTok support – Reach out to @TikTokSupport on Twitter or submit a help request form.

Persistence and creativity in account creation is key for difficult eligibility scenarios!

Why Does TikTok Have an Age Limit?

You may be wondering why TikTok enforces its 13+ age policy if younger kids want to use it too. This minimum age threshold relates to COPPA compliance.

COPPA is a U.S. law requiring verifiable parental consent for online services to collect data on children under 13. Key facts on COPPA:

  • Passed in 1998 to protect kids‘ privacy online
  • Applies to any site/app directed at children under 13
  • Services must obtain parental OK to gather data on underage users

Rather than build complex consent flows, TikTok bans under 13s. This protects children while keeping TikTok compliant as its core audience is teenagers and young adults.

When Can You Create a TikTok Account?

Based on TikTok’s eligibility criteria, you can create an account if you:

  • Are 13 years or older
  • Have an email address or mobile phone to verify your identity
  • Don‘t reside in a country where TikTok is blocked
  • Are not using a device prohibited by TikTok

As long as you meet these requirements, you should be able to bypass the “Not Eligible” message and set up your TikTok profile!

In Summary…

Getting the frustrating “Not Eligible” error can prevent you from accessing TikTok. But in most cases, it can be resolved with a few simple steps:

  1. Delete and reinstall the TikTok app.
  2. Sign up with an eligible birthdate of 13+ years old.
  3. Check for a verification code to complete registration.
  4. Log into your new account!

Additionally, try resetting app data, switching networks, using a VPN, or contacting TikTok support if you face difficulties getting approved.

With persistence, you should be able to surpass eligibility restrictions and unlock the full TikTok experience. Let me know if you have any other questions!