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Why You‘re Getting No Likes From Hashtags on Instagram (and How to Fix It)

Are you staring confused and frustrated at your latest Instagram posts wondering why your carefully researched hashtags are getting zero engagement? You‘re not alone.

Even brands and influencers with strong followings often see their hashtags completely fail to drive any likes or comments.

But why does this happen, and what can you do to fix it?

Based on my decade of experience as an Instagram marketing expert helping brands grow their audiences, I‘ll explain the main reasons you‘re getting no hashtag likes and provide actionable solutions.

By the end of this 2,300 word guide, you‘ll know:

  • The top three reasons your hashtags aren‘t working
  • Tactics to diagnose and resolve hashtag engagement issues
  • Best practices for researching and tracking top-performing tags
  • How to optimize your mix of niche and popular hashtags

Let‘s dive in!

Why You‘re Getting No Likes From Hashtags

While hashtags seem simple on the surface, a lot can go wrong causing them to fail completely.

The three most common issues strangling your Instagram hashtag performance are:

1. Using Ineffective Hashtags

If the hashtags you use are irrelevant to your niche, banned from Instagram, or extremely oversaturated, your posts will rarely get exposure in those tag feeds.

This happens most often when brands:

  • Apply hashtags randomly without checking relevance
  • Utilize banned hashtags by mistake, triggering shadowbanning
  • Only use gigantic tags like #instagood with billions of posts

Without careful hashtag research and selection, your content gets lost in the noise.

According to 2023 research by, 70% of the top-performing Instagram posts use a mix of both niche and more popular tags.

But most brands stick exclusively to huge general hashtags, severely limiting their potential reach.

2. Getting Shadowbanned

A shadowban essentially hides all of your posts from hashtag searches and the Instagram explore page where content is discovered. So you won‘t get any hashtag exposure or engagement.

You can trigger a shadowban by:

  • Using banned/policy-violating hashtags
  • Engaging too aggressively with automated likes/comments
  • Getting reported for spam by users

So even if you find great hashtags, a shadowban will prevent them from working until it clears in 14 days or less.

3. Declining Bot and Fake Engagement

In Instagram‘s early days, bot networks were responsible for a significant chunk of automated hashtag likes. But thanks to AI improvements for detecting inauthentic behavior, their impact has declined drastically.

In fact, a 2022 study published in the Stanford Internet Observatory found that fake accounts and inorganic activity on Instagram dropped by nearly 50% year-over-year.

So the hashtag likes brands relied on in the past were likely not real humans actually interested in their content and products. As authenticity becomes prioritized by Instagram‘s algorithm, gaming engagement through bots is far less effective.

The good news? When you optimize your hashtags using the right strategies, they can still drive incredible reach and engagement growth!

Fixing Your Instagram Hashtag Strategy

Now that you know why your hashtags are failing, let‘s explore solutions to fix them based on my proven methodology.

Follow this 6 step blueprint:

1. Research Relevant, Effective Hashtags

Generic washed-out hashtags like #food, #fashion or #beauty collect billions of posts making it impossible to get discovery.

Instead, research more targeted niche tags actually relevant to your specific brand and style using hashtag research tools:

Top Hashtag Research Tools

Tool Key Features
Ritetag Hashtag performance metrics and recommendations
Iconosquare Hashtag and competitor audits
Ingramer Hashtag growth tracking

Take inspiration from top posts in your industry as well. Identify both lower-volume niche tags and a few popular hashtags to use.

Pro Tip: Look for hashtags with between 95k to 500k posts for the best performance potential.

2. Check for Banned or Restricted Tags

Instagram actively restricts certain hashtags, especially around dangerous/illegal content. Using these can trigger shadowbanning so always double check.

The Ritetag hashtag checker lets you easily validate if tags are banned.

3. Confirm You Aren‘t Already Shadowbanned

If your posts are already hidden due to a shadowban, no hashtag will drive engagement until it lifts.

To test, add a unique hashtag like #shadowbantest123 to a post. Then check if you can find it by searching that tag logged out of your account.

If your post doesn‘t appear, your profile is likely shadowbanned. Simply avoid any spam behavior until the ban expires within 14 days maximum. Post consistently with good hashtags, and it will lift quickly.

4. Build Engagement Authentically

While you may have relied heavily on bots or fake engagement before for vanity metrics, continuing that dependence puts your account at risk as Instagram prioritizes authenticity.

Instead, focus your energy on actually building communities around your brand by:

  • Producing relatable, high quality content
  • Responding to all comments and questions to nurture relationships with real fans
  • Encouraging user-generated content and engagement through contests

Drive reach and discovery through influencer collaborations or experimenting thoughtfully with promoted posts rather than artificial vanity metrics.

5. Track Performance of Your Best Tags

Once you identify relevant hashtags to use for your niche, add them to your posts consistently and monitor the engagement driven from each over time.

Take note of which specific tags over-perform compared to others. The popularity and effectiveness of certain hashtags fluctuates regularly based on competition and banned tag shifts.

Remove underperforming tags from your master list, and regularly test and optimize new niche options. Maintain a running list of 50-100 well-researched hashtags with the top 10-20 performers clearly marked as priority tags for engagement.

6. Find The Optimal Mix of Niche & Popular Hashtags

Getting the balance right between giant general tags, mid-tier semi-popular variants, and targeted micro-niche long-tail hashtags optimized for engagement takes experimentation and data tracking.

But from my experience managing multi-million dollar brand Instagram campaigns, this hashtag formula works extremely well:

  • 2-4 mega popular tags (500 million+ posts)
  • 5-10 semi-popular tags (500k to 5 million posts)
  • 40-50 long-tail niche tags (under 200k posts)

That allows you to leverage discovery from those top-level tags while still standing out uniquely with micro-content personalized for your audience using more niche hashtags.

Wrapping Up

I hope this deep dive clarifies exactly why you may be getting no Instagram hashtag likes and provides actionable solutions to fix it.

To quickly recap:

  • Ineffective hashtags, shadowbanning restrictions, and decreasing bot networks are the core issues
  • Researching relevant niche and popular tags, tracking performance, and optimizing your mix over time leads to success

With a refined hashtag strategy personalized for your brand, you can absolutely drive significant Instagram growth and engagement.

But what matters most is connecting genuinely with real fans through compelling content and conversations. Hashtags simply enhance discovery of your posts.

Now get out there, find your perfect tags, and start growing your community!

I‘d love to hear about your experiences and top-performing hashtags in the comments. And if you have any other Instagram marketing questions, feel free to reach out!