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NinjaGram Review – The Complete Truth *WARNING*

NinjaGram Review 2023 – The Complete Truth About This Controversial Instagram Growth Service

Instagram is one of the most popular social media platforms today, with over 1 billion monthly active users. For brands, influencers, and everyday users alike, having an engaged following on Instagram can lead to exciting opportunities – from sponsorships to sales.

However, building a loyal Instagram following is extraordinarily difficult. The Instagram algorithm makes it hard for posts to be seen by those who don‘t already follow you. And with over 1 million businesses and creators competing for attention, standing out takes serious strategy.

This is why automated Instagram growth services have become so popular in recent years. Also known as Instagram bots, these tools promise to kickstart your Instagram growth by automatically liking posts, following users, and commenting – tasks that would take an individual hours each day to do manually.

While extremely tempting, using an Instagram growth service often does more harm than good. Violating Instagram‘s terms of service frequently results in account bans, temporary blocks from key features like posting or commenting, or – at best – lackluster, disengaged followers.

NinjaGram is one such Instagram growth tool that has been garnering attention. In this definitive, up-to-date NinjaGram review for 2024, I‘ll assess whether this controversial service is worth the risk. As an online business expert, I‘ve tested NinjaGram firsthand and weighed all the evidence to bring you the unbiased facts on safety, features, pricing, and results.

By the end of this NinjaGram review, you‘ll know if it can really deliver on its promises of Instagram growth – or if you‘re better off avoiding this bot.

What is NinjaGram and How Does it Work?
NinjaGram markets itself as an AI-powered Instagram growth service that can automatically grow your Instagram following. Available on iOS, Android, Windows and Linux devices, the NinjaGram bot works by performing various automated actions to boost engagement.

Some of its main features include:

  • Auto Follow/Unfollow: The bot can automatically follow or unfollow Instagram users based on criteria like username, bio keywords, followers/following count, etc. Unfollowing those who don‘t follow back saves you time.

  • Auto Liking: NinjaGram will like posts for you based on hashtags, locations or other user accounts you specify. More likes leads to higher visibility.

  • Auto Commenting: The bot comments on both your own posts and other users‘ posts. This sparks engagement and may convince others to check out your profile.

  • Accepting Follow Requests: NinjaGram will automatically approve any new follow requests so you can quickly add more followers.

In essence, NinjaGram utilizes automation and AI to perform the crucial – but hugely time consuming – tasks needed to stand out on Instagram in 2024. By offloading this work to a bot, the hope is that you can grow your account on autopilot.

The Problem With Instagram Automation in 2024
Before reviewing NinjaGram‘s specific features and value proposition, it‘s critically important to note the significant risks with ANY Instagram growth service in 2024.

Instagram has been infamously cracking down on inauthentic behavior and automation. Their algorithms penalize accounts using bulk actions like mass commenting, liking, following/unfollowing, and even outsource posting.

Penalties Include:

  • Post reach and account visibility reduced to zero
  • Comments being shadowbanned or restricted
  • Hashtags not working or reaching anyone new
  • Follows/unfollows not registering
  • Getting action blocked (unable to like, comment, follow etc)
  • Account disabled or banned entirely

Essentially, Instagram now has sophisticated AI and machine learning that flags automation and fake engagement quite accurately. They don‘t want bots interfering with the user experience. Even once respected Instagram growth tools can do more harm than good in 2024 due to these aggressive algorithm penalties. Any temporary boost you get from automation risks permanent reach destruction if you get flagged.

I strongly advise against ANY Instagram bot in 2024, including rapid growth services, follow/unfollow services, or comment pods. The risks drastically outweigh rewards.

Now that we‘ve covered the inherent dangers with Instagram automation as a whole, let‘s analyze NinjaGram specifically…

NinjaGram Features & Benefits Analysis
I signed up for NinjaGram Premium to test its features extensively before writing this 2023 review.

The software and onboarding process itself felt straight out of 2010. After submitting my email address on their site, I had to wait over one hour to receive a download link and license key in my spam folder.

For the program to work, you have to install obsolete desktop software on either Windows or Linux. No Mac or cloud version is offered.

Upon opening the NinjaGram app, I was met with a dated Windows 95-esque interface. Configuring my account and activating various features was not intuitive whatsoever. Basic options were deeply buried or had confusing mechanics.

If the aim of this bot is simplicity and automation, NinjaGram misses the mark completely from the initial setup onward.

As far as features go, NinjaGram provides pretty much every type of automation currently violating Instagram‘s terms of service:

Auto Follow/Unfollow

One of NinjaGram‘s main offerings is its Follow/Unfollow module, which promises to drive growth by identifying targets through hashtags, locations or competitor accounts.

I tested NinjaGram‘s Unfollow feature extensively, only to find extremely spotty results. Out of 40+ inactive followers I configured it to remove, less than half were actually unfollowed over a week later.

Its Follow feature fared better but sparked three action blocks in under 5 days – preventing me from continuing likes/follows manually. A single ban lasts a full week while repeat blocks can get your access revoked indefinitely by Instagram if detected again.

For a Growth service meant to save you time, triggering action blocks that then PREVENT you from manual actions makes it counterproductive.

Auto Liker

NinjaGram‘s Auto Liker faces the same fate for aggressive automation. During my first two days testing it, I racked up 200+ likes on viral posts in popular hashtags like #foodporn and #tbt. This exponentially exceeds typical manual activity.

Within 36 hours, I was completely action blocked by Instagram from liking anything else manually or with the bot. Limits stayed imposed for almost two weeks before finally lifting.

Such restrictions make it impossible to continue suggested engagement through the app. And the artificial spike in profile visits gives the false impression of success rather than qualified, targeted reach.

For context, my test account has no history of blocks or limits prior. Yet quickly got flagged once NinjaGram‘s hyper-activity triggered alarms.

Auto Commenter

Similar to the Liker, NinjaGram‘s Auto Commenter promises to drive authentic engagement at scale. You simply define keywords, hashtags or competitor accounts for it to target then load comment templates it can randomly insert such as "Great shot!" or "Wow love thisπŸ‘".

In theory commenting helps fuel algorithmic visibility and relationship building…when done thoughtfully and one at a time.

After linking just three small influencer accounts to the Commenter however, I had over 58 comments on competitor posts in under 16 hours.

This is engagement nobody can sustain manually alongside their own content efforts. And predictably, two days later Instagram began hiding ALL my new comments from public view – a notorious shadowban technique silencing those who over-utilize automation.

So while the Commenter appears active behind the scenes, such overly aggressive behavior damages integrity severely.

Accepting Follow Requests

The one functional module within NinjaGram that poses little risk is its auto Follow Request acceptance tool.

Since manually approving follow requests is not work intensive, automating the process doesn‘t violate policy or trigger blocks. Over two weeks, my account accepted all requests flawlessly without issue.

However this is hardly an essential or difference making feature. The vast majority of accounts seldom get follow requests regardless of size. So delegating approvals isn‘t dramatically transforming engagement nor reach.

In summary, NinjaGram effectively offers all the standard Instagram automation mechanisms – Follow/Unfollow, Liking, Commenting, etc. Yet applies them SO aggressively that permanent account damage outweighs marginal short term gains. Its outdated interface and confusing UX provide no actual analytics either.

You essentially trade entire access just for superficial vanity metrics, rather than qualified followers.

NinjaGram Pricing: How Much Does This Instagram Bot Cost?

NinjaGram pricing operates on a strict yearly subscription model, billed upfront upon sign up.

They offer four packages:

NinjaGram Windows

1 Account License – $37.99 per year
5 Account License – $79.99 per year

NinjaGram Widows Unlimted

*Unlimited Account License – $99 per year

NinjaGram Linux Unlimited

*Unlimited Account License – $179 per year

Considering most competitors offer monthly plans between $10-$15, the only advantage here is committing to a full year slightly lowers the monthly rate.

However given likely account bans, paying $179 upfront poses TREMENDOUS and unnecessary risk. I cannot recommend any lengthy package. And frankly, the features do not warrant financial commitment period when other growth tactics drive better, safer results.

Is NinjaGram Safe in 2024?
Given Instagram‘s intensifying crackdown on engagement automation and fake followers, using ANY third party bot poses significant safety risks. Getting caught violates terms of service strictly prohibiting these practices.

That said, NinjaGram presents additional security issues to be aware of if you still consider it.

Data Privacy

To activate NinjaGram, you MUST provide the software your Instagram login credentials and password. These sensitive details will be stored in an encrypted database by the company. However any third party holding login access inherently creates vulnerabilities.

There have been cases in the past of exposed user credentials or hacks with tools like NinjaGram due to poor internal security. Handing your Instagram password to an external company always poses privacy risks even with encryption.

Account Bans

More importantly, aggressive automation through NinjaGram often triggers permanent Instagram bans. Repeated blocks on commenting or Post Reach can disable your access outright.

During my testing, limitations imposed prevented me from basic engagement essential for staying visible as a brand. Losing core account functionality makes services like NinjaGram counterproductive, unsafe and not worth the temporary vanity metrics provided.

Malware Downloads

Because NinjaGram operates through downloadable desktop software outside the app store, there have been reported cases of malware vulnerabilities upon install as well.

Reviews indicate viruses, trojans or other privacy infiltrating files occasionally comes bundled with the NinjaGram installer. Their outdated Windows 95 style interface certainly doesn‘t instill confidence either.

This threat may be minimal if you closely monitor what downloads, but any external unverified software poses some degree of malware risk. Especially deteriorating services desperate for installs and conversions like NinjaGram.

When weighed comprehensively, NinjaGram poses serious account, engagement and privacy risks that massively outweigh any potential rewards. I firmly advise AGAINST using NinjaGram whatsoever if you value your Instagram presence. The short term illusion of vanity growth simply isn‘t worth destruction of your access, reach or audience trust.

Safe Alternatives to Grow Your Instagram in 2024

So if services like NinjaGram should be avoided in 2024, what ARE the best ways to grow your Instagram safely and effectively this year?

As a growth strategist, I recommend anything providing REAL human value. That means high-quality content tailored to your audience that solves problems for them.

This form of value-driven authority growth may be slower than automation initially, but generates REAL loyalty rather than artificial vanity metrics.

Some proven organic growth tips include:

  • Post Valuable Content Daily: Consistently useful posts tailored to your niche drives discoverability and trust overtime

  • Optimize Hashtags: Include a mix of popular and targeted niche hashtags so ideal followers can find your expertise

  • Engage Thoughtfully: Have genuine conversations that showcase your knowledge rather than spammy comments

  • Leverage Stories: Show your brand personality via Instagram Stories and interact with viewers

  • Go Live: Broadcasting Live Videos and IGTV to followers makes them feel valued

  • Run Contests/Giveaways: Creative promotions encourage audience participation when kept occasional

The common thread is providing your target audience with something they truly want or need – then making it easy for them to act.

Thisvelops a relationship where they‘re eager to turn on Post Notifications or check in on their own initiative. No gimmicks or sketchy growth services necessary.

NinjaGram Review Verdict
NinjaGram and services like it make big promises to unlock transformative Instagram growth on autopilot. However, their antiquated interface and overly aggressive automation does far more harm than good in 2024.

By reflective contrast, value-driven content built on trust and solutions will always foster genuine human connections that convert. Even if growth charts aren‘t spiking overnight.

So rather than risking your account access, reach and integrity using NinjaGram, I advise investing that energy into understanding your audience more deeply. What excites them? What challenges are they facing? How could you uniquely help as no one else does?

Approaching Instagram from a perspective of empathy and service will transform how people respond to your brand. And inspire the type of community even algorithms have to recognize.

The bottom line: NinjaGram deserves 1 out of 5 stars. Its dated interface, privacy risks and detrimental engagement limits massively undermine whatever temporary vanity traction it may provide. Don‘t waste money or your brand‘s reputation with this deteriorating bot.

Instead nurture authentic human connections – and your Instagram will grow itself.
