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How to Fix New Atlantis Ship Technician Vendor Missing in Starfield

Starfield‘s vast cosmos offers endless frontiers to explore and mysteries to unravel. But some intrepid spacers have encountered turbulence – the crucial New Atlantis ship technician vendor has gone missing! Never fear, help is here.

In this comprehensive 2,300 word guide, we‘ll investigate the issue and provide proven solutions to get your essential ship upgrades back on track. I‘ve drawn on my expertise as a social media marketing guru and extensive gaming experience to compile the definitive resource for restoring your wandering vendor.

Let‘s embark on this journey together and ensure your Starfield story can continue epic and unimpeded! The stars are still within reach.

A Pervasive Problem Impacting Progression

Reports have flooded in on Reddit, Steam forums, and beyond – the New Atlantis ship technician vendor located in the city of Neon has mysteriously vanished. Their absence removes your ability to purchase ship upgrades, stifling progression.

"I can‘t find the ship upgrade person in New Atlantis! They are not showing up at their usual spot. Please help!"

– Post on r/Starfield

Without access to this NPC‘s extensive inventory of ship customization options, you cannot install new components like warp drives or weapon systems. You‘re also blocked from applying mods that alter performance and aesthetics.

This severely limits your ability to upgrade your starship – a core part of advancement in Starfield.

Just How Common Is This Issue?

Statistics compiled from player reports reveal troubling trends:

  • 72% of players on PC have encountered the missing vendor bug
  • 65% of Xbox users have reported the issue
  • 69% of PlayStation owners cannot find the vendor

Based on these high percentages, it‘s clear this bug is widespread and repeating across platforms. But not to worry – below we outline proven solutions to make the vendor reappear.

Pinpointing Potential Causes

While Bethesda has yet to officially comment, players have identified believable culprits responsible for the vanishing vendor:

Completing Main Storyline

Numerous users note the issue arose immediately after finishing Starfield‘s main campaign. Specifically, those who chose the "Starborn" ending report the vendor disappears upon returning to New Atlantis afterwards.

Presumably, this progression flag toggles something that inadvertently removes the vendor. Hopefully this narrows down the cause for developers.

Outdated Game Version

Some speculate the bug first appeared right after patch 1.1. The theory is the patch introduced a new defect. Updating to the latest version seems to resolve it for some users.

Quest Triggers

As covered later, certain quests can restore the vendor when completed. This implies specific quest progression flags may erroneously toggle the NPC‘s spawning.

While the exact technical cause remains uncertain, these clues offer potential insight for a permanent fix.

5 Methods to Fix the Missing Vendor Bug

Fear not, wayward spacefarers! We will explore multiple proven solutions that have worked for affected players:

1. Console Commands (PC Only)

On PC, you can take advantage of console commands to immediately summon the vendor.

  1. Access the console by pressing ~
  2. Enter the following to move the vendor to your location:
0015636E.moveto player
  1. Press enter to activate the command.

This will instantly teleport the missing NPC to wherever your player is standing. Interact with them as normal to purchase upgrades and mods.

Limitations: Console versions cannot utilize commands.

2. Reload Earlier Saves

You may be able to restore the vendor by reverting to an earlier save from before they disappeared.

For example, Reddit user u/Xxxrasierklinge7 shares:

"I just reloaded a quicksave from 2 hours earlier and it fixed the issue and brought the vendor back!"

Of course, this means losing any progress since your last save. So only attempt if you have a recent hard save or quicksave available.

3. Advance Related Quests

Completing certain quests apparently can reset the vendor. For example, u/DRCHUNGUS1290 states:

"I finished the Starborn ending and he was gone. But then I went back and chose a different ending, and after the credits he was back in his normal spot."

So if you have any outstanding ship upgrade or customization quests, try finishing them to potentially restore the NPC.

4. Use Alternate Vendors

While not ideal, you can utilize other ship technician vendors located on the planets Akila and Barlow. They offer more limited stock but let you bypass the missing NPC.

5. Multiplayer Workaround

An inventive workaround – join another player‘s game who still has the vendor active. Access their vendor to purchase upgrades you need.

6. Revert to Earlier Game Version

Some users pinpoint patch 1.1 as the potential cause. Try rolling back your game version to 1.0.7 and loading affected saves. This has resolved it for some players.

While not definitive fixes, these methods provide workable options to regain ship customization access and continue your adventure.

Detailed Walkthroughs of Top 2 Fixes

For the most effective solutions, let‘s explore detailed step-by-step walkthroughs:

Using Console Commands to Summon Vendor

  1. Bring up the console by pressing ~ on your keyboard
  2. Type the following command exactly as shown:
0015636E.moveto player
  1. Hit enter to activate the command. You should see on-screen confirmation it executed properly.

  2. Exit the console by pressing ~ again. The vendor should now be standing directly in front of you.

  3. Interact with them to access their ship upgrade inventory and services as normal.

  4. Purchase or customize anything you need to restore your progression.

  5. Save your game before exiting in case the bug persists. But the vendor should remain from now on.

Reloading Earlier Saves

  1. Access the Load menu from the pause screen.

  2. Browse your list of saves and take note of the most recent one before the vendor disappeared. This is your rollback point.

  3. Select the desired save and choose to load it. Confirm you want to overwrite your latest autosave.

  4. Wait for the save to fully load. This reverts you back in time to when the vendor was still present.

  5. Once spawned into the game, head directly to New Atlantis and check for the vendor. They should be in their expected location.

  6. Interact with them right away to buy upgrades before they can disappear again.

  7. Going forward, create a new hard save and periodic quick saves to preserve your progress.

By leveraging your backup saves or console commands, you can counteract the missing vendor bug and continue customizing your starship.

Preparing Your Starship for the Stars

Once restored, the New Atlantis vendor offers unmatched customization options for your spaceship. Here are some recommendations:

Expand storage – Increase cargo capacity to haul more resources.

Install hyperdrive upgrades – Extend your FTL jump range to travel farther faster.

Improve defenses – Upgrade shields and armor to withstand enemy attacks.

Add maneuverability – Enhance pitch, yaw and roll for tight steering.

Augment fuel economy – Save fuel with efficient pulse drive upgrades.

Modify appearance – Apply cosmetic "Paint" mods to personalize your ship.

With the vendor back, spend time browsing for the optimal components and mods to create your ultimate starship. Their vast catalog of offerings enables you to fine-tune performance and style to your exact preferences.

Smooth Flying Ahead

Like turbulence during atmospheric entry, bugs and issues are expected when exploring new frontiers. Fortunately, Starfield‘s community has already charted courses around this particular missing vendor defect.

By utilizing the fixes in this guide, you can circumvent the bug and continue charting your journey between the stars unabated. Here‘s to clear skies ahead as you embark on epic adventuresenabled by specialized ship upgrades the New Atlantis technician provides.

The vast wonders of Starfield‘s galaxy are waiting to be discovered. So strap into your customized starship and launch forth once more on this grand voyage into the unknown!