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How to Solve Narcissus The Mirror Praises Everyone in Storyteller

Storyteller is an innovative visual storytelling game that lets players craft interactive narratives using charming characters, props, and scenes. One of the most intriguing stories is “Narcissus – The Mirror Praises Everyone”, a unique take on the classic Greek myth. As a digital media expert and avid Storyteller player, I’m excited to provide this in-depth guide on solving Narcissus in Storyteller.

Understanding the Narcissus Tale in Storyteller

The original Ancient Greek myth of Narcissus tells the story of a hunter renowned for his beauty who falls in love with his own reflection in a pool of water. Unable to pull away from the vision of himself, he perishes and transforms into the narcissus flower.

Storyteller puts a spin on this classic by casting the self-obsessed Narcissus and lovelorn nymph Echo as Hatey and Peachy. The player must arrange scenes and characters to show how Hatey becomes enchanted by his own reflection and ignores Peachy‘s affections.

Solving this story requires insight into the myth and how to translate the emotional arc using Storyteller‘s metaphorical characters and props. As a professional digital storyteller, I‘ll share my expertise to help you master this challenge.

Step-by-Step Walkthrough to Solving Narcissus

Follow these steps precisely to unlock the "Narcissus – The Mirror Praises Everyone" story in Storyteller:

Scene 1: Establish the Setting

Mirror > Peachy

Begin by placing Peachy, our metaphor for the nymph Echo, near the reflective pool setting. This anchors the story world.

Scene 2: Introduce Narcissus

Mirror > Hatey

Now bring in Hatey, representing Narcissus, who approaches the pool and first glimpses his reflection. His self-admiration is sparked.

Scene 3: Obsession Grows

Cliff > Hatey > Peachy

Use the Cliff prop to show time progression as Hatey‘s obsession with himself escalates. He now ignores Peachy‘s affection.

Scene 4: Reflection Transfixes Narcissus

Mirror > Hatey

Hatey remains fixated on his own image in the pool, enraptured by his beauty. Peachy‘s desperation increases.

Scene 5: Unrequited Love

Cliff > Peachy > Hatey

Advance time again with another Cliff. Peachy futilely vies for Hatey‘s attention, but his eyes stay locked on his reflection.

Scene 6: Narcissus Transforms

Mirror > Froggy

With Peachy gone, Hatey has faded away, turning into Froggy – the narcissus flower. His obsession with himself led to demise.

And there you have it – follow these 6 scenes precisely to complete the "Narcissus" challenge. Let me know in the comments if you need any other Storyteller tips! I‘m happy to provide more of my professional insight.

The Takeaways of Narcissus in Storyteller

Reflecting on this story shows why it remains impactful centuries later. Here are key lessons Storyteller teaches through its distinctive spin on the classic Narcissus myth:

  • The dangers of vanity, obsession, and self-absorption
  • The pain of unrequited love and desire for someone unattainable
  • The transformative power of passion – for better or worse
  • The enduring appeal of Greek myths and applying their wisdom to modern life

Storyteller developer Foam Sword skilfully extracted these resonant themes from the Narcissus legend and brought them to life through emotive characters and metaphorical storytelling.

Expert Tips to Master Storyteller Challenges

As a digital media pro with years of narrative design expertise, here are my top tips for unlocking more stories in Storyteller:

  • Experiment relentlessly – creativity and iterating ideas are key in this game.
  • Think symbolically – look for metaphors and hidden meanings in each character.
  • Start simple – begin with establishing the setting and core characters.
  • Use time wisely – the Cliff prop can show progression and growth.
  • Remember the classics – many stories reference myths, fables, and archetypes.

Let me know in the comments if you need any other advice for mastering Storyteller‘s creative challenges! I‘m always happy to share more tips and insights from my professional experience.