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Mastering Mileena: An Expert‘s Guide to Killer Combos in Mortal Kombat 1

As an icon of the Mortal Kombat franchisesince her debut in MK2, Mileena has always possessed blistering offense thanks to her sai and biting attacks. However, Mileena‘s latest iteration in the reimagined Mortal Kombat 1 takes her pressure potential to thrilling new heights.

With revamped mobility on her teleports, projectile capabilities enabling new juggle routes, and some of the most damaging corner combos in the game, Mileena has firmly established herself as MK1‘s most lethal fighter.

In this comprehensive guide, we‘ll be breaking down everything you need to unleash Mileena‘s full potential with breakdowns of her most devastating kombos, examining what makes her damage output so extreme compared to other top tiers.


  • Overview of Mileena‘s Enhanced Abilities
  • Key Combat Statistics and Frame Data
  • Notation Guide for Combo Breakdowns
  • Essential BnB Combos
  • Advanced Juggle and Kustom Kombos
  • Extreme Corner and Komeback Kombos
  • Matchup Analysis Against Other Fighters
  • Tips for Practicing and Applying Mileena‘s Kombos

So whether you‘re struggling to maximize Mileena‘s damage, or want to fully understand her strengths as a kompetitive pick, this guide will teach you everything you need to truly master MK1‘s deadliest femme fatale. Let‘s dig in!

Mileena Rewind: Recapping Her Lethal Abilities

While Mileena retains her signature sais and biting specials in MK1, her base moveset and combo potential have some key upgrades that set her apart from prior iterations…

Enhanced Air Mobility – Mileena‘s floaty jump arch enables new aerial rave extensions

Low Sai Slides – Special cancels let Mileena link slides into juggle combos

Air Dive Kick – New diagonal air dive kick opens new combo routes

Meter Burn Enhancements – Nearly all specials can be enhanced for extra hits/damage

Teleport Cancels – Mileena can now cancel her teleports into combo starters

X-Ray Brutalities – MAX Krushing Blows infuse combos with shocking crunch

We‘ll be utilizing all these upgrades to maximize Mileena‘s damage output. First let‘s analyze her key combat statistics.

Mileena MK1 Frame Data and Attributes

Knowing Mileena‘s speed, range and vital combat traits is crucial before executing her combos:

Move Speed Startup Block Adv On Hit On Block
Far F4 11F 9F -4 +7 +3
B1 14F 9F -9 KD -16
F24 13F 11F -4 KD -18
SAISLIDE AMP 30F 16F -21 KD -33
ROLL CANCEL Varies 8F Varies Varies Varies

Key takeaways:

  • Fast mid pokes and lengthy strike throw strings
  • Special cancels offer combos from low slides and teleports
  • High damage on knockdown starters enables big combo payoffs
  • Risky on block, so don‘t overextend unsafe strings!

Now that we understand Mileena‘s core combat traits let‘s get into her most damaging sequences!

Mortal Kombat Combo Notation Guide

Before listing Mileena‘s most lethal kombos, we need to quickly explain the notation used:

1 – Square, 2 – Triangle, 3 – X, 4 – Circle
B – Back, F – Forward, U – Up, D – Down
EX – Enhanced special move with meter
J# – Jump Attack, JK – Jump Kick
~ – Cancel one move into next

So when you see F24~SAISLIDE, that means quickly cancel F24 into her Low Saislide for a surprise hit confirm into a full juggle combo!

Got it? Great, now let‘s start breaking down Mileena‘s go-to kombos across all matchups and scenarios!

Essential Mileena BnB Combos

Here are fundamental Mileena combos that all players should commit to muscle memory first before trying more complex sequences:

1,2~ROLL~F24 – 9% Damage

F144~DB2 – 13% Damage

B1,2~BD4 – 12% Damage

F34~BD4, J22~DB4, Dash F4 – 18% Damage

Simple yet effective. These "Bread and Butter" (BnB) combos work on the entire roster and rack up quick unbreakable damage.

They‘re easy to confirm into from Mileena‘s fastest starters like F1, B1, and F4 giving you solid punishes. But her advanced combos take juggling to the next level.

Advanced Juggle Combos and Setups

Intermediate Mileena players looking to maximize damage from every touch should learn these combos:

F34~BD4, J122~K, J12~DB4, BD4 EX – 38% Damage

12~DF2~U+K, J22~DB4, BD4, J122~DB2 – 36% Damage

DF2~U+K, J22~DB4, BD4, J122~DB2 EX – 42% Damage

BF1EX, BD4, J22~DB4, Dash F4 – 32% Damage

These lengthy sequences incorporate specialty cancels, assists from Scorpion and Sonya, and meter burn addons to let Mileena convert any touch into over 35% damage!

But setting up combos is only half the battle – you need to open opponents up first. This is where understanding Mileena‘s mixup potential comes into play…

Opening Up Opponents For Max Damage Combos

Against savvy opponents, recklessly attacking into blocks will get you punished all day. You need to mix up your offense to keep them guessing.

Here are Mileena‘s best strategies to score counter hit launchers and start combo juggle routes:

  • After knockdowns, use meaty SAISLIDE to catch people trying to reversal

  • Use teleport cancels to cross up opponents blocking the wrong way

  • Throw out delayed JUMP KICKS to catch anti airs

  • Cancel specials from low pokes for surprise slides

Apply this mixup knowledge properly, and you‘ll have ample chances to unleash Mileena‘s extreme 45%+ damage corner combos…

Unblockable Mileena Corner Kombos

When Mileena manages to corner opponents, her damage potential rivals any fighter in the game thanks to unblockable setups and copious meter burn cancels.

D2, UF+Block~Tele Cancel, 12~BD4, JK~DB4, F42 – 49% Damage

This nasty corner combo utilizes an unblockable teleport glitch to tack over 45% damage onto Mileena‘s next combo!

By chaining together environment bounces, air resets, armor breaks, Krushing Blow MAX hits and meters burn enhancers, skilled Mileena‘s can reliably touch 60-70% damage off a single knock down trap in the corner!


No fighter can survive this degree of corner pressure for long. But exactly how strong is Mileena compared to MK1‘s other top tiers? Let‘s compare.

Mileena Matchup Analysis Against Other Fighters

While Mileena has downright oppressive corner combos, how does she fare against others at range or up close? Let‘s examine briefly:

Vs Zoning: Mileena still struggles against dedicated zoners like Raiden who outrange her sais. Use meter for teleports.

Vs Rushdown: Her quicker startup and special cancels give her juicy counters to rushdown fighters.

Vs Grapplers: Grapplers counter Mileena‘s low health, but well timed teleports enable big punishes.

In general, no one can truly stop Mileena‘s damage once she gets in. But playing patient and working around zoning is key until she gets close for big Kombos.

Now for players struggling to execute all these lengthy juggle sequences, here are some tips…

Mastering Mileena‘s Combos – Execution Tips

For new Mileena players, her lengthy juggle combos with precise cancels and links can definitely be intimidating at first. Here are some tips to help practice them:

  • Chunk combos – Break them into smaller strings of 3-4 moves first
  • Use Practice Mode – Set the AI to block without attacking to cleanly input combos
  • Watch demonstrations – Seeing complex combos helps internalize the visual rhythms
  • Alternate STARTERS – Drill combos from different launchers like B1, F24, DF2, etc
  • Review frame data – Knowing move speeds, cancels windows etc prevents drops

With diligent work, Mileena‘s combo execution will become second nature allowing you to focus on opening up opponents.

Conclusion: Mileena Reigns Supreme as MK1‘s Deadliest

While Scorpion and Sonya have always contended for top tier status in past MK games, I believe the upgrades made to Mileena‘s mobility, projectile control, and combo potential firmly establish her as MK1‘s most lethal fighter.

Backed up the extreme corner damage, midscreen juggle creativity, and oppressive knockdown pressure she can exert with the right setups, no one can withstand Mileena‘s offense for long.

Whether you main Mileena and want new combo routes, or struggle against her smothering pressure, studying this guide should provide everything you need to either maximize or counter her overwhelming damage potential.

I hope you‘ve enjoyed this deep dive analysis into what makes Mileena such an overwhelming force in MK1. Let me know your thoughts and any other insights into MK1‘s meta down below!