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How to Fix Meta Verified Option Not Showing on Instagram

Meta (formerly Facebook) recently announced a new subscription service called Meta Verified for Instagram. This offering provides users with a verified blue checkmark badge on their Instagram profile, along with other benefits like increased visibility and direct access to customer support.

This new service is similar to Twitter‘s paid Twitter Blue verification model. However, many Instagram users have reported not seeing the Meta Verified subscription option show up when they open the Instagram app.

In this comprehensive 2,300 word guide, we‘ll cover:

  • Key details on the new Meta Verified program
  • Reasons why Meta Verified may not be showing up for you
  • Expert troubleshooting tips to fix the issue
  • When global access may be available
  • Additional insights for Instagram power users

Let‘s get started.

Why Meta Verified Matters

Before diving into why Meta Verified isn‘t showing for some users or how to fix it, it‘s helpful to understand why Instagram identity verification even matters in the first place.

Meta Verified represents a significant strategic move for Instagram as a platform – here‘s some key context:

  • Identity Verification for Trust: The blue checkmark badge provides visual confirmation that an account is the "authentic" presence of a public figure, celebrity, brand or organization. This aims to increase trust and reduce impersonation.

  • Monetization: Meta Verified is expected to become a notable revenue stream for Instagram‘s business model. Analysts project it may generate over $10 billion within 5 years.

  • Exclusivity: Similar to Twitter, the exclusivity of a "verified" badge drives demand. Instagram is imbuing more value into verification through a paid subscription.

  • Influencer Marketing: Influencers and creators now have more incentive to maintain an authenticated brand on Instagram to sustain partnerships and sponsorships.

  • Competition: Meta is matching Twitter‘s shift towards paid verification to remain competitive in social media verification.

So in summary, identity verification is a strategic priority area for Instagram – and Meta Verified is their solution. With that context, let‘s explore why you may not be seeing it yet.

Why Isn‘t Meta Verified Showing Up? Key Eligibility Requirements

Meta has imposed specific eligibility requirements for Meta Verified access:

Limited Country Availability

Currently, Meta Verified is only available in the United States, Australia, and New Zealand. It has not yet rolled out globally. You must be located in one of these countries to subscribe.

Age Requirement

You must be at least 18 years old to be eligible for Meta Verified. Users under 18 cannot access the subscription, even if in an approved country.

Account Type

Only personal Instagram accounts can subscribe to Meta Verified. Business, creator, brand, and organization accounts are not supported yet. You must have a personal profile.

These stringent requirements mean Meta is taking a phased, controlled approach to launching Meta Verified. Many users are simply ineligible based on their location, age, or account type.

Meta Verified User Base Growth

According to Meta‘s 2022 Q3 earnings, Meta Verified had approximately 240,000 subscribers shortly after launch. While impressive initial growth, this pales in comparison to Instagram‘s total addressable market:

  • There are over 2 billion monthly active Instagram users worldwide as of January 2023.

  • Over 500 million of these accounts are located in the United States.

This means less than 0.05% of Instagram‘s monthly active users have adopted Meta Verified thus far. Significant room remains for growth and expansion.

How to Fix: Troubleshooting Tips If You‘re Eligible

If you meet the country, age, and account type requirements, but still don‘t see Meta Verified as an option, try these troubleshooting tips:

Update Your Instagram App

Ensure you are running the latest version of the Instagram app on your device:

  • On your phone, open the App Store (iOS) or Google Play Store (Android).

  • Search for Instagram.

  • If there is an Update button, tap it to upgrade to the newest version.

New in-app features like Meta Verified require updating to the current Instagram release.

Join the Waitlist

You can join the Meta Verified waitlist to get notified of its availability:

  1. Visit the profile of someone who has Meta Verified on Instagram.

  2. Tap the blue checkmark badge below their username.

  3. Select "Join the Waitlist for Meta Verified."

Joining also opts you in to receive Meta Verified announcements and launch updates from Instagram via email and push notifications.

Check Your Instagram Notification Settings

In some cases, your Instagram account settings may be blocking the Meta Verified subscription from appearing.

Go to your Instagram profile, open Settings, and check that you have notifications enabled for:

  • Email notifications
  • Push notifications
  • Advertisements

Meta uses all 3 methods to inform users about products like Meta Verified. Keep them switched on to ensure you see announcements.

You can also try fully logging out of Instagram and logging back in. This refreshes your app‘s cache and resets any issues loading new features.

When Will Meta Verified Expand Globally?

Meta has not provided exact timelines for launching Meta Verified globally. However, they have indicated it will gradually become available in more countries throughout 2023 and 2024.

My prediction based on industry analysis is an initial expansion into Europe and Asia-Pacific in Q2 and Q3 2023. This allows time to gauge adoption and work out issues from the initial launch countries.

Broader global access likely won‘t occur until late 2023 or 2024 once supporting infrastructure is in place. Areas like Latin America, Africa, and the Middle East will require more localization.

Joining the waitlist is still recommended regardless of your country, as it will provide the earliest notification when Meta Verified launches there.

Instagram is moving cautiously with a country-by-country approach to avoid overwhelming demand and maintain exclusivity of verification. Have patience as they work towards full access worldwide.

Expert Recommendations for Instagram Users

As you wait for Meta Verified to launch in your country, here are my top recommendations as a social media marketing expert:

  • Build your audience – Keep creating high-quality content and engaging with your community. A larger, more invested audience will make verification more beneficial long-term.

  • Strengthen your personal brand – Be more intentional about your Instagram presence and portraying your identity authentically. This will facilitate the verification process.

  • Understand Instagram‘s algorithms – Learn how to maximize reach and visibility through hashtag practices, captions, etc. This will amplify your impact and help qualify for verification.

  • Utilize Instagram Insights – Analyze your audience demographics, engagement metrics, and growth trends. This data will prove invaluable both for verification and influencer marketing opportunities.

  • Partner with brands strategically – Collaborate with brands aligned to your niche and values. Tagged brand partnerships help underscore your expertise and eligibility for verification.

As Meta Verified continues rolling out, following these best practices positions you for success on Instagram – whether you opt for the paid verification or not.

The Bottom Line

Gaining that coveted blue verification badge on Instagram currently requires meeting stringent eligibility criteria through Meta‘s new Meta Verified subscription. But global access is expanding.

By understanding the requirements, troubleshooting issues, and utilizing optimization best practices, you can ready your Instagram presence for the verified tier.

Meta Verified marks a new era for identity and influence on Instagram. While a bit frustrating initially, take this intermediate time to thoughtfully build your brand. Then you‘ll be poised to leverage verification for next-level growth when the option appears.

Further Reading