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How to Do "Memory of Stone" in Genshin Impact

Genshin Impact‘s vast open world is teeming with magical quests that provide exhilarating challenges. However, some of these mystical adventures leave players baffled due to vague instructions and cryptic puzzles. The "Memory of Stone" quest in the ethereal Vanarana realm epitomizes this enigmatic quest design. In this comprehensive guide, we will unravel the secrets to completing this tricky quest.

The Lore Behind the Quest

Before diving into the walkthrough, it is worthwhile understanding the history and context around the "Memory of Stone." Vanarana is an idyllic, tropical land populated by the child-like Aranara. This magical forest was created eons ago by their progenitor deity, the Greater Lord Rukkhadevata, to protect the Aranara.

At the heart of Vanarana lies an ancient Varuna Contraption which regulates the land‘s climate and vegetation through dream power harnessed from purified Irminsul ley lines. However, this contraption has fallen into disrepair causing the Varuna Forest to wither away.

During the "Memory of Stone" quest, you assist the Aranara in rebooting this ancient device by solving three mystical puzzles. Your goal is to restore Vanarana‘s dream so that the Varuna Forest may flourish again.

Optimal Party Setup and Combat Tips

Before starting the quest, ensure your party is well prepared to handle the challenges along the way:

  • Healer: Bring a healer like Barbara or Qiqi to keep your team healthy.

  • Ranged DPS: Yanfei or Yoimiya are ideal to take down enemies from afar without engaging directly.

  • Anemo characters: Use skills like Venti‘s wind current to swiftly bypass vines and fungi foes.

  • High ground:Activate mechanisms and attack from elevated positions to gain advantage.

  • Target weak points: Concentrate attacks on Fungi directly on their weak, purple cores to defeat them quicker.

Step-by-Step Walkthrough

Follow these steps carefully to complete the "Memory of Stone" quest:

1. Initiate the Quest at Yasna Monument

Travel to the Yasna Monument teleport waypoint and look for the Aranara NPC named Aranakula. Interact with them to begin the quest.

Aranakula will explain that the ancient Varuna Contraption regulating Vanarana has broken down. They need your help to reboot it by solving the puzzles of three Memory of Stones spread across the land.

2. Traverse to the First Memory of Stone

After the dialogue, purple navigation markers will appear, leading west towards the first Memory of Stone.

Stick to the left cliff‘s edge as you advance to avoid alerting dangerous Fungi enemies. Move stealthily through the vines until you reach the glowing cubic stone overgrown with blue tree branches and spores.

3. Clear the Memory of Stone

Use melee attacks or pyro elemental skills to burn away the spores completely and expose the Memory of Stone. Yanfei and Bennett are great options for this.

4. Locate the Branch in the Cave

Next, open your map and head southwest from the yellow quest marker. Move downhill and enter the cave below to find a branch inside near the back wall.

5. Align the Three Leaf Statues

At the cave entrance, you will notice three leaf-shaped statues. Rotate each statue to face the branch found inside the cave.

6. Return to Aranakula and Finish the Quest

Teleport back to Yasna Monument and re-enter the cave to speak with Aranakula again. This completes the "Memory of Stone" quest.

Common Mistakes

Here are some common mistakes to avoid:

  • Forgetting to clear all the spores on the Memory of Stone. Check carefully that its entire cube surface is visible.

  • Overlooking environmental clues and points of interest that provide hints. Scour your surroundings thoroughly.

  • Misaligning the statues away from the discovered branch or leaving one facing the wrong way. Double check their orientation.

  • Not speaking to Aranakula again at the very end to formally complete the quest.

Quest Rewards

Finishing this quest rewards you with:

  • Primogems x40 – Valuable for Wishes
  • Mora x30,000 – For leveling up characters
  • Hero‘s Wit x3 – Grants character EXP
  • Adventure EXP x300 – Improves Adventure Rank

It also permanently unlocks access to several Aranara quests and overworld mechanisms that allow you to manipulate the environment.

Further Analysis on Tricky Puzzles

The vague puzzle-solving in the "Memory of Stone" exemplifies a common trend in Genshin Impact‘s quest design. Let‘s examine key strategies to overcome tricky quests:

Careful Observation

Keep an eye out for subtle clues in the terrain, objects, and character dialogue. Notice patterns, shifts during different times of day, and environmental changes after completing steps.

Critical Thinking

Don‘t take instructions at face value. Analyze from different perspectives and reason out causal relationships between elements. Think unconventionally when deducing solutions.

Meticulous Exploration

Investigate every corner of the quest area before attempting puzzles. Discover as many hidden mechanisms and clues as possible to have sufficient context.

Patient Trial and Error

Don‘t rush. Test single variables at a time and undo steps systematically to identify the correct solutions.

Ultimately, unraveling Genshin Impact‘s cryptic puzzles tests our capacity for perception, critical analysis, creativity and patience. So pay close attention to details, keep an open mind, and have faith in your reasoning to conquer even the most abstract challenges in Teyvat.