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Maximizing Efficiency as a TH12: The 2023 Upgrade Guide for Crushing Bases

As any passionate Clash of Clans player knows, maximizing offense is absolutely essential for victory at the higher town hall levels. The difference between a mediocre village and an unstoppable war machine comes down to relentlessly upgrading your most potent attacking tools before all else.

As a new TH12, you have an exciting journey ahead in transforming your camp into an unrivaled army powerhouse in 2023. But to truly crush opposing bases with devastating three star attacks, you’ll need to meticulously upgrade your offenses in the optimal order while avoiding resource pits on flashy yet wasteful defenses.

In this comprehensive TH12 upgrade guide directly from a competitive warrior, we’ll walk through the exact steps to maximize your attacking firepower as a new TH12 while efficiently amassing the resources needed to grow your village into an unstoppable force over the next months. Consider this your roadmap to waging glorious war with maxed out heroes and troops in 2023!

Step 1: Max Out Your Laboratory, the Beating Heart of Your Army

The first building you should invest in is the laboratory, the true engine of your village’s increasing strength. As any experienced player knows, maxed out high level troops are the key determinants of victory in Clash of Clans multiplayer battles. Upgrading your lab allows you to power up those troops at an accelerated rate.

Make sure you’ve completed all critical dark elixir research projects like witches, bowlers and miners before heading to TH12, then immediately use a valuable hammer of fighting or gems to finish the most expensive elixir upgrade currently researching. Trust me, the boost to your army will pay dividends quickly.

Step 2: Unlock New Siege Machines for Dungeon Raids

Building a siege workshop should be your top priority as a new TH12, as unlocking these hulking behemoths greatly amplifies your army’s destructive power during attacks. Construct a siege workshop immediately and start cooking max level wall wreckers for your clan castle donations.

Having CC access to these mobile bunkers makes shredding through upgraded TH12 bases much more attainable. I cannot stress enough how much of a game changer having max siege machines is for securing consistent three star attacks through the later town hall levels.

Step 3: Set traps to shred Foes

While more flashy defensive buildings like infernos and eagle artilleries intimidate, upgraded traps provide immense utility for their relatively low upgrade costs. As Sun Tzu said, when weak, appear strong; when strong, feign weakness.

Get all your sneaky teslas to level 9 early on, and make sure intimidating giant bombs, air bombs and seeking air mines are waiting to shred careless enemies. Pairing these with simple yet deadly traps will annihilate overconfident raiders while you pour most of your elixir into your unstoppable army.

Heroes Win Wars: Archer Queen Prioritized

Legendary warriors fuel victories in Clash of Clans multiplayer battles. Make sure your Archer Queen, Grand Warden and Barbarian King are always upgrading. Quickly get them all to at least level 60, with the unstoppable Archer Queen taking top priority for combat upgrades.

Trust me, having her devastating ability ready often obliterates key defensive buildings like inferno towers, clearing a path for your remaining forces. Funnel her correctly and the Archer Queen alone can take down 30%+ of an enemy base!

Below is a table detailing hero upgrade requirements and times at TH12:

Hero Levels Upgrade Cost Time/Level
Archer Queen 65 225k DE 7d
Grand Warden 40 100k DE 3d
Barbarian King 65 175k DE 7d

As you can see, the Archer Queen provides the most potency per day of upgrade time by far. I always have her and the Grand Warden churning simultaneously when possible.

Craft a Competitive War Army Early

Choosing one well-rounded ground army and one air raid composition to focus all your elixir upgrades on in the lab is key. I recommend heavy zap quake dragon riders and ice golem smash attacks as top priorities.

Funneling max dragon riders and other high DPS flying units is absolutely lethal, quickly overwhelming anti air defenses. Smash armies with ice golems soaking up wizard tower blasts complement raging aerial forces nicely as well.

In between long upgrade times, pour excess dark elixir into boosting support troops like sneaky goblins, headhunters and minions for faster farming. This lean and mean army build order will shred max TH12 bases and collect insane loot with proper technique!

Offense Fuels Growth

You may be wondering – why relentlessly upgrade offense over flashy defenses early on? Put simply, the stronger your army, the more loot you can farm from multiplayer battles every day. This quickly compounds into more and more resource accumulation to power subsequent upgrades.

Additionally, good offense is the best defense in Clash of Clans. Overpowering opponent armies means they have less opportunities to score stars against your base. Going full offense early allows you to play extremely aggressively without worrying about defenders.

Let’s analyze some numbers:

  • Upgrading all barracks to max costs 16 million gold and takes 14 days
  • Upgrading an inferno tower to max costs 18 million gold and takes 20+ days

Offensive upgrades like army camps and barracks enable you to farm way more loot using boosted super troops than defenses of equivalent cost. This efficiency fuels further growth. The stats don’t lie – go offense early and often!

Step 6: Max Out Resource Storage

There’s nothing more painful than finally upgrading your town hall, only to instantly max out on gold and be unable to spend it on key buildings. Make sure all gold and elixir storages are fully upgraded early on to minimize wasted loot from the juicy multiplayer battles you’ll soon be crushing.

Dump any excess resources into walls, as overflowing resources are wasted potential. Just don’t prioritize walls over offense. I’ve found around 200 level 13 walls is sufficient for early TH12 – focus on more impactful upgrades before finishing all of them.

Boost Barracks, Destroy Bases

Once your offense is churning, make sure you’re boosting barracks production as much as feasible around hero upgrade downtime. Keeping a queue of max level Bowlers or Dragon Riders always training speeds up army reloads between battles substantially.

Using war league medals on research potions is another easy way to accelerate lab upgrades. I love popping an 8 hour boost on the lab to immediately finish a Dragon upgrade and get another rolling. Resource potions are similarly useful for offense boosts when you need just a bit more dark elixir.

If gem counts permit, boosting heroes can be highly effective when grinding lots of multiplayer battles for loot. Just make sure to check for good trophy offers beforehand!

By embracing these fundamental truths of upgrade order in Clash of Clans, you’ll transform your village from scrappy upstart to three star machine in no time. Stick to the guide, study other top players’ attack strategies, and the loot shall flow freely. Now get out there are start your journey to TH13 domination!