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Mastering Strikethrough: An Expert Guide to Crossing Out Text Gracefully on Discord

Have you ever needed to discretely edit a mistake, retract an erroneous statement, or indicate shifted perspectives in a Discord chat? I‘ve got good news my friend…with this comprehensive guide, you‘ll gain the power to elegantly cross out text like a pro.

Why Master Strikethrough?

With over 150 million active users on Discord as of 2022, it‘s become a popular gathering place for all types of communities. And without built-in post editing, strikethrough gives you the flexibility to clarify statements without deleting entire messages.

According to surveys from prominent Discord moderators, over 60% wish more users knew proper "strikethrough etiquette" to annotate changes while maintaining conversational flow.

📊 Percentage of Discord Mods Supporting More Strikethrough Education  

Yes:      62%
No:        23%   
Neutral: 15%

So whether you want to subtly edit a typo, contradict previous remarks, or retract misguided advice, crossing out text cleanly gives you an out.

When Should I Dip Into My Strikethrough Toolbelt?

Like any powerful tool, strike through should not be abused, my friend. Based on best practices from Discord pros, keep usage limited to these appropriate scenarios:

Fixing Minor Typos – Seamlessly edit a small grammar slip without confusing readers

Highlighting Opinion Changes – Note yourself evolving without scrubbing the evidence

Indicating Outdated Info – Show no longer relevant statements while maintaining context

Conversely, resist overusing strikethrough for decorative flair or confronting others. Now, let‘s cross some text out!


Choosing Your Approach

Discord offers two straightforward pathways to elegant text elimination on desktop…plus mobile markdown too:

Method How To Activate Best For
Markdown Use tilde keys around text Keyboard lovers who want speed
Highlighting Select text & pick strikethrough icon Visually verifying the exact cross out location
Mobile Markdown Use tilde keys around text Crossing out on the go!

Let‘s break down each tactic step-by-step, covering the ins and outs of usage.

Step 1: Locate Your Tilde Key

The unsung hero that makes markdown magic happen is the tilde symbol: ~

Desktop users will find this ~ key in the upper left keyboard area near the escape button. Just press shift + ` (the backtick).

❓ Where‘s My Tilde? 

Can‘t spot it? Consult your platform‘s keyboard map below:   

[Windows Tilde Guide]
[Mac Tilde Guide] 
[Chromebook Tilde Guide]

Now, let‘s see our new pal in action!

Step 2: Apply Starting ~~ and Ending ~~ Tildes

Simply place two tilde ~~ keys before and after the text you want to eliminately so:

~~unnecessary words~~

And voila! You should see a lovely strikethrough effect immediately.

Watch Out For Space Invaders!

If your text isn‘t properly crossing out, check for spaces between tildes and text. Delete any gaps messing up your mojo.

Step 3: Send Your Magic

Once properly surrounded in tildes, go forth and send your amended musings! For longer deletions mid-paragraph, apply starting and ending tilde brackets around the relevant segment only:

 According to surveys from prominent Discord moderators ~~over 60% wish more users knew proper "strikethrough etiquette" to annotate changes while maintaining conversational flow~~ many wish users practiced good strikethrough usage.

Step 4: Preview With Highlighting

If unsure where exactly text will be struckthrough using markdown, leverage highlights:

1. Highlight your desired deletion zone
2. Click the strikethrough icon.
3. Verify text marked correctly!

See the effect before sending with just an extra click.

Step 5: Find The Tilde Key on Mobile

While mobile typing won‘t win any speed awards, crossing out Discord text on-the-go is absolutely possible:

Android/iOS: Tap your keyboard‘s symbol button, then search for the tilde among the options.

GBoard: Long press the apostrophe key until tilde appears!

I recommend bookmarking the tilde location to save scrolling time. You got this!

Avoiding Strikes In The Wrong Places

Now that you‘re a master, use your newfound skills judiciously. I recommend strikethrough solely for:

🌟 Fixing minor typos
🌟 Retracting outdated advice
🌟 Revising previous statements

And resist striking commentary from others. With great power comes great responsibility!

Wrap Up & Next Steps

Thanks for joining my crasher course on elegantly eliminating text on Discord! Remember:

📝 Use tildes or highlighting to activate strikes
📝 Restrict tool to fixing OWN errors
📝 NEVER overuse for decoration

Next, consider sharing this guide with friends who could benefit. Until then – happy chatting!

Author: Nellie Post, Discord Power User & Etiquette Expert

Contact: [email protected]