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Mastering Damage Over Time Mechanics in Diablo 4

The intoxicating visual and auditory spectacle of enemies dissolving in pools of acid, disintegrating in walls of holy fire, or withering away under swirling curses is what keeps me logging back into Diablo 4 night after night. As a endlessly curious theorycrafter possessing extensively tested knowledge, I live to push devastating damage over time (DoT) builds to their most devastating potential.

Come walk with me through the mechanical intricacies and strategic masteries required to wield these most visually satisfying DoT forces. For those willing to embrace the complexity, demon-melting power awaits…

What Are Damage Over Time Effects?

Damage over time skills apply effects that persistently eat away at enemies‘ health after the initial hit. The damage starts ticking immediately after landing and keeps recalculating every 1 second based on the state of the target and source. As opposed to direct damage that inflicts all its hurt at once, DoTs unrelentingly punish foes as long as they remain under the effect.

DoT effects include things like:

  • Ignite: Burns foes for fire damage over time
  • Poison: Inflicts escalating chaos damage
  • Bleed: Steadily saps life with physical damage

And direct damage counterparts would be Fireball or Poison Dart that inflict all their damage instantly.

The real power of DoTs emerges when you layer amplifying effects before and during the damage ticks…

Harnessing the Power of Snapshotting

Snapshotting tracks the target‘s debuffs/buffs at the moment of DoT application and locks that increased damage in for the full DoT duration. By cramming damage multipliers onto targets before a mighty DoT and letting things tick, you massively amplify the DoT damage.

For example, as a Necromancer I can…

  1. Cast Armor of Bones to increase my Skill Damage by 10%
  2. Curse an enemy with Frailty gaining 35% increased Damage Taken
  3. Fire Grim Scythe at the doomed enemy, beginning huge Bleed damage ticks

That Bleed DoT will now snapshot my 10% Skill Damage increase and 35% increased enemy damage intake for its full duration, absolutely ravaging health bars when combined with the Necro‘s natural Bleed bonuses.

As I began unlocking my first Multi-Shot legendary powers, seeing damage more than triple through careful snapshot setups made me fall forever in love with Diablo 4‘s DoTs. When you meticulously plan mutations of the snapshot, leveraging powers like the Sorceress‘ Ice Barrage to repeatedly reapply three stacks of Chilled before each Multi-shot, the exponential damage-stacking truly captivates the heart and leaves your enemies slain…
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