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How to Mantle Objects While Under the Effects of Slap in Fortnite

Fortnite‘s wacky and wild world contains an ever-growing list of powerups, buffs, debuffs, and altered states. These can range from speed boosts to strange visual filters. One of the silliest effects is definitely “slap” – which makes your character repeatedly slap their own face in a frenzy. While this fervent face slapping might seem annoying or distracting, savvy players have uncovered ways to use it strategically. Specifically, you can complete an Infamy quest by mantling objects while affected by the slap debuff. This guide will walk you through exactly how to mantle under slap 10 times to unlock 750 Infamy.

Fortnite‘s Burgeoning Collection of Buffs and Debuffs

Fortnite Battle Royale contains many items and areas that impact your character in positive and negative ways. Some examples include:

  • Speed boosts from events like the Glow outfit causing 25% faster movement.
  • Health buffs from consumables like the Pepper providing continuous health regeneration.
  • Visual debuffs like becoming a prop when you enter Corny Crops.
  • Gravity distortion fields that change jump height in set locations.

The "slap" effect joins this menagerie of altered states. When slap is active, your character will vigorously slap their own face and head repetitively with both hands. This causes no damage but does distract and obstruct your field of view partially. Slap lasts for 60 seconds once activated.

What Does Mantling Mean in Fortnite?

Now that we understand the slap debuff itself, what exactly does “mantling” mean? Mantling refers to quickly climbing up ledges, hoisting yourself over low walls and obstacles, or mounting surfaces horizontal to your character.

This is faster than regular climbing but comes with some limitations:

  • You cannot mantle surfaces higher than roughly 2 meters.
  • Corners and irregular edges may prevent mantling.
  • Usually requires a short run-up to build momentum.
  • Mantling speed can be impacted by other effects like reduced mobility.

However, as we’ll demonstrate below, the slap debuff has no detrimental impact on mantling speed or ability.

The Slap Mantling Quest – What You‘ll Unlock

This brings us to theInfamy quest that requires mantling 10 times while under the effects of slap. Completing quests like these earns you Infamy, one of Fortnite’s progression systems. The Infamy progression path unlocks cosmetics, furniture for your apartment, emotes, banners, and other rewards.

The slap mantling quest nets 750 Infamy – a significant chunk. This Infamy can unlock items like:

  • DJ Table backyard decoration (400 Infamy)
  • Neon Stars banner icon (500 Infamy)
  • Shaka Chair couch (600 Infamy)

Infamy also passively increases your Reputation level, unlocking further cosmetics. Let’s get into how to complete the quest.

Step 1: Make Your Way to Slappy Shores

Slappy Shores is the new slurp-themed island that was added in Chapter 4, Season 1. You’ll find it on the east edge of the Fortnite map:

Slappy Shores contains the Slappy Truck, which is vital for activating slap. The area also features a large pirate ship, beach houses to loot, and fishermen NPCs to buy items from.

The location sits between Anvil Square, Brutal Bastion, and Lonely Labs. Check your map and head east from Mainland to reach Slappy Shores.

Step 2: Locate the Slappy Truck and Destroy a Slap Juice Barrel

Once you’re in Slappy Shores, you need to find the Slappy Truck. It will be parked on the beach just south of the pirate ship wreckage. Look around the base of the truck until you locate a barrel of Slap Juice.

Interact with the Slap Juice barrel to destroy it. This will splash your character with juice and apply the slap debuff for 60 seconds.

Step 3: Mantle Up and Down the Truck 10 Times

With the slap debuff now active, quickly move to the Slappy Truck itself. Look for any ledges, tires, or truck parts you can mantle up and over.

You need to mantle 10 times total during the 60 second slap effect. So mantle up onto the truck, then jump down and mantle back up again. Repeat this 10 times.

The low ledges, protruding pipes, and truck tires provide plenty of options. If you need more mantling opportunities, build your own platforms and walls near the truck.

That’s all there is to it! Mantle up and down the Slappy Truck 10 times while under the effects of slap to complete the quest and unlock 750 Infamy.

Tips and Strategies for Completing the Quest Quickly

Here are some tips to complete the slap mantling quest smoothly:

  • Destroy multiple Slap Juice barrels at once to lengthen the slap effect duration.

  • Team up with a friend and take turns mantling to share progress.

  • Use builds like ramps and bounce pads to mantle faster.

  • Move between the truck, nearby RV, and pirate ship for more objects to mantle.

  • Use impulse grenades for quick platform repositioning.

With the right strategy, you‘ll be slapping your way to that sweet Infamy in no time. Now go get mantling!

Expand Your Fortnite Knowledge and Skills

Want to complete more quests and up your gameplay? Check out my other Fortnite guides:

  • Complete Guide to Fortnite Movement Techniques
  • Top 10 Landing Spots for High Kill Games
  • How to Build and Edit Faster on Controller and KBM

You can also find me streaming live on Twitch at I share advanced tactics and analyze gameplay.

Let me know what other Fortnite topics you want to see covered in the comments! This is FortniteProGuy signing off for now.